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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. It is time to stop hiding behind unjustified overpowered unbalanced specs while trying to justify others being low. It's time to have a level playing field where you can't hide behind your OP profession. I myself am a mediocre Guardian and Mesmer easily doing 5k more dps than my main while still learning the rotation in raids. I can easily do 8k more on HP sponges that allow me to focus on DPS with my mesmer. So much easier to play in raids too without having to manage life force and having better survivability. I can even take more damage without sacrificing my dps. It's time for balance with end game content. End game PVE currently includes T4 fractals, Stike Missions, and Raida. If you really don't want to buff the weak, it's time for nerf hammers to really do some damage to the top dps specs. Especially the ones that have been consistantly top tier for years. Note: Shared buffs will always be more valuable thsn self buffs. I am not even asking to take that into consideration for DPS balance, but maybe we should.
  2. One of my least used mounts. For the most part, I only use 3 mounts.All around mount: SkyscaleLong distant travel: Roller BeetleWater Travel: Skimmer I rarely use the other mounts. I at least use Jackal when I need to access a portal.
  3. Wish this included the following options:I enjoy Meta Events but not World BossesI enjoy World Bosses but not Meta Events. I fall into the enjoying Meta Events way more than World Bosses category.Note: I consider Dakar a world boss and Storm of Winter an event. I also consider Dragon Stand and Dragon Watch events even thought they have bosses. Path of Fire events really need nerfed and the loot needs to be improved to be enjoyable again. Not enough people do them, so they aren't fun with the current balance. NOTE: Both would improve by simply working on GW2 performance issues, and giving players the ability to turn of others players special effects so bosses don't like like a disco ball light show.
  4. I don't believe Reaper is viable anymore. Core Necro seems to perform much better in most areas, and Scourge will always have a place. Reaper got the short end of the stick.
  5. @"Obtena.7952" I am lost. You are now justifying the imbalance based on "theme balance" . The reaper theme from Arenanet: Slow and hard-hitting, these deadly combatants call out the impending doom of their enemies with piercing shouts....the reaper wades into melee receiving and dealing blows knowing nothing can save its foes! — Reaper release notes Nothing about that says, does significantly less DPS than other DPS specs. All other successful MMO's balance to make sure every class has a competitive spec for endgame PVE. GW2 now has the widest spread I have seen in ages. Then again this is exactly why I switched to the OP Guardian and Mesmer, and am now calling nerfs in those threads. They are so boring. Guardian seems easier to master too.
  6. My first game as a Guardian and Thief on another account owned 3 people at once. First time I played them in PVP. Should I make a post about it?
  7. I would be perfectly content if the skin unlocked a Staff and Greatsword version. :-)
  8. At least, they could have announced it earlier instead of last minute. I kinda feel for the truly dedicated who book time off work for their favourite ingame events...If the delay was coronavirus related, the short notice would be understandable; however, if the delay is just to prevent an April 1st conflict, the extremely short notice is not fair to your fans. PS: Would anyone else find it amusing if this is part of an elaborate April 1st joke, and the content launches tomorrow?
  9. I agree with everyone else. I use the celestial infusion with my Starlight Outfit, because the helm is so awful on Asura. Being a necro teletubby just isn't for me. Alternative: Just add the upgraded infusion in the Gemstore. Keep the current one, and let us buy that. Hopefully we can get a dye-able infusion that way. drool
  10. Rant: We are in quarantine. More people are probably logging in than normal due to the quarantine...and the only new item this week to purchase is a weapon? Seems like a missed opportunity. Please consider a new Supply Drop Requisition. This is the time to keep people logging in every week.
  11. This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :) Copper fed would be considered my best gem store item for both my accounts :D I heard that from lots of people which is why I got it, but I think I don't salvage enough to make it worth it for me. I think it's because I don't really know what to use it on. What I do now is keep the 15 entry-level salvage kits I get from my weekly keyfarmer, and just use those on the salvage items I get during the week like ambrite from the bandit chest in my house. I don't salvage the green/blue gear I get, is that what you use it on? I just sell those when I get a full stack. (probably to people who salvage it all, come to think of it). What do you use it on?Basically for optimal gold:1.) Unidentified Blue: Open All -> Copper Salvage all.2.) Unidentified Green: Open All -> Rune Salvage all (Rings and Amulets being the exception, you use the copper salvage on those)3.) Unidentified Yellow: Open All -> Mystic Salvage Kits Now sell mats in Trade.
  12. I would love to use this skin on my Reaper! Is there any chance we get a Greatsword Scythe?It's even the Necro colors.
  13. I spend the majority of my time in LS3 and LS4 maps. I would recommend both, especially if you get them during a sale. I have no regrets in my purchase for either one. 1.) Both give advantages: (LS3 gives you something that makes it easier to get up if downed, LS4 gives 2 mounts)2.) Both are fun3.) I liked the LS3 story better.4.) Alt gearing (Bloodstone Fen and Bitterfrost is the best) Bloodstone Fen's ascended gear makes it super easy(cheap) to change stats. If your going to infuse/attune, these are a great option.5.) LS4 Dragon Fall is a really good none stop event. Really great place to farm mats and Karma.6.) Both offer a lot of Mastery PointsSeason 2 is a mixed bag:It's not nearly as polished. I didn't enjoy the story. If you need Tyria Mastery, then it has some of the easiest to get. That's the saving grace.
  14. I really wanted to like this outfit. I just never see myself using it. I mostly play Asura, and something is off about it to me.
  15. With quarantine, this would be the perfect time for a new Supply Drop Requisition. With so many people at home, having an item that gives players something every week would be a great way to engage the community and profit. We are overdue for a new Mount Licenses, so it is the perfect time. More importantly, do not forget the Starlight Skyscale to go with our Outfit, Glider, Backpack, Starscale, Starfall, Stardrift, Stardust, Starbound, Starshell, and Starclaw.
  16. I was looking forward to my first Super Adventure Box during quarantine. I hope they have a big unexpected patch on Tuesday. Now is the time to get people to play with cool new things and get some publicity when people are home.. This would also be the perfect time for a:_____ Supply Drop Requisition. We are overdue for a new version, and I think a lot of people would buy it while quarantined. Also overdue for new mount pack.
  17. Marketing missed the mark. They thought people would pay the current amount. They want to make the max profits, so they went for it. We know this failed. Gem to gold prices were not impacted. March sales have more impact. Which means, not many players were not converting gold to gems to buy these templates. It's safe to assume demand was lower than expected. The most wanted items have more of an impact on gold to gem prices. Even the unicorn??? had more of an impact. These should have been account bound instead of character bound. Then I could justify the price. Now they are in a conundrum. They have to keep the current purchasers happy, and do not want to be forced to refund them.
  18. 1.) Travel Pass: Combine Portals (Bastion, Home, World Boss, etc) and books (LS3/LS4) into one item you click on and chose what you want to access. While this takes less space, it's also more convenient then looking for the right icon. DX12 implementation to improve performance. I believe performance issues is an issue holding GW2 back. Fix Low/Lowest character setting.1.) Vital NPC's never go invisible. This includes: what you guard, enemies you are attaching, who you are following, and bosses no longer go invisible. This is happening to much. I saw 1 of 4 pack mules in SW the other day on low setting. I like to game on lowest for frame rate. Same with the rest of the group on Discord.2.) Show Party members before anyone else.3.) If they are not in a party, show players off mounts before showing players on mounts. Difficulty option for instanced content.LFG que for Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, Fractals. Join group and instantly ported.Increased loot/rewards for dungeons to make them more viable. Necro:Mounting and dismounting to fast no longer destroys all minions. Zoning into a new zone does not destroy minions. Cosmetic:Infusion option in Wardrobe. Let us select which infusion we want to apply. Unlocking the infusion graphic to wardrobe binds that infusion.Ability to preview using infusions.Ability to preview infusions affects in the Hair Stylist Salon.This would allow them to add gemstone only infusions too. Wardrobe -> Armor: Restrictions are removed. Seriously, we already have cloth users in heavy equipment outfits. This is an unnecessary restriction that doesn't accomplish anything with the current outfits people can chose from. Shared Inventory Slots:Increase maximum to 32 Party features:Party only Mentor Markers. I want to help guild mates sometimes, and I don't want the map to think I am doing events. Savage All: Customized Default Option.Example:All Blues -> Copper SalvageamaticGreen -> Rings and Amulates -> Copper SalvagematicsYellow ->Mystic Salvage Kit or Silver fed SalvagematicsDo not salavage anything that is unidentified. This would be a huge QoL improvement. Then I can just click salvage all, it remembers my rules, and I can focus on the game instead of inventory wars.
  19. Garden Plots. I purchased them to create ascended seeds and share them with the guild. Three weeks later, you can no longer share ascended seeds with the guild... I always go to my fiances home instance as we worked hard on filling that up, so mine is literally useless and unused now.
  20. I rarely see Scourge outside of WVW anymore. Even then it's a lot less than it use to be. Guardians are everywhere because they are Tier 1 in every game mode. I am seeing more variety now then before except for the high amount of Guardians in all modes...
  21. This thread just proves that one difficulty setting will not satisfy everyone. We need the ability to select the difficulty. My idea:Base achievements are shared with all difficulties.Same loot regardless of difficulty. Exclusive to the harder mode:Some exclusive non essential achievementsTitlesLeadership board (Top DPS, Top Heals, group with quickest kills, etc...time to balance this content) This will also be a great test for the company. It will allow them to track what content people do. What is replayed more. The hub is also an archaic design. Please implement a true LFG system.
  22. I doubt they would do that. They would really have to buff Great Sword damage to justify that... Honestly I believe Great Sword should do the damage, shroud should be used for defense. Would be easier to balance that way.
  23. It's nice to see someone else enjoying it. Things die so quick in the open world I do not notice much of a damage difference. I do notice a huge survive ability difference that lets me solo Champions using the talent.
  24. Necro is lowest for end game PVE content. There is no way it gets anything other than a buff. Reaper is also lacking in PVP as well. I think players are so use to Necro's being free kills in PVP (Scourage excluded) that it's becoming obvious they do not want balance. They want free kills. Good players adapt and are killing Necro's left and right.
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