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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. I wonder why they didn't add that feature to the size tonics. It forces me to undo them before I mount. This makes them extremely clunky to use. That change alone would be a huge improvement. Speaking of clunky, you can glide while big. You can't use the tonic while gliding. So there is now way to mount while gliding, if you started the glide under the effect of a size tonics. Seems like a super easy fix. Keep the duration, like a buff. Suppress all effects while mounted. I hope at minimum, they disable the effect like the others you have mentioned. That way you can mount without being forced to undo the size alteration first.
  2. I spent two hours with a group trying to get to it. The map kept saying it was inaccessible. People were constantly asking how to get to it. The group couldn't find it. People in map chat were saying it's an inaccessible oversight. I then jumped to another marp, same thing. If you can tell me how to get there it still up we did do it on one map bit we ignored drakkar to do it.
  3. I stopped here. Please tell me you meant none. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Indeed. Reflections can be an FPS-hog. I believe what the OP is saying is of you set the "***" ones at his recommendations then you can get away with the other settings as described, also would help to know what GPU and CPU he has. I personally have everything maxed out, and I don't mind when it dips down into the 10's as I honestly don't notice.I have a I9900K 5GHZ and a GTX 2080TI. Reflection is a serious CPU hit. Regardless if you see them or not, it still loads and causes the hit. Really bad for event frames.
  4. There is a Trial of Koda Primer that nobody can access. Because nobody can access it, we are stuck. Hours later it's still the same Trial. This Trial is now the same on multiple maps. The only time you can access it is during the Drakkar event...but people do Drakkar during the event. This creates a never ending Trial people can't access. Please remove this location from the Primer rotation.
  5. Focus and Warhorn were nerfed to the point of being irrelevant. The choice really comes down to: Do I need additional CC -> WarhornDo I need additional stripping -> FocusThey ruined the abilities.
  6. I miss the events. It allowed me as a newer player to experience content I missed; for, it got enough people doing the content.
  7. I am hoping an expert can help me out. I am hoping there is a way to do the following: 1.) Use Endless Embiggening Tonic (Events/Bosses)2.) Disable Endless Embiggening Tonic every time I try to mount.3.) Enable Novelties when dismounting. Long store short. I love Asura. I just have troubles seeing where I am standing in melee sometimes. My small character gets hidden in the mounds of bigger characters. Making myself larger, allows me to see where I am. This makes it much easier for me to stand out of the bad in boss fights. The only downside is that you can't use the Endless Embiggening Tonic while mounting. I am looking for a Arenanet approved method that will accomplish what I am trying to do. Ideally, there would be a way to disable novelties while mounting, and automatically re-enable them while mounting. Thanks in advanced. Note: Endless Friendship does not have this problem. It works while mounted.
  8. I think it was intentional. Still not too tier. Reaper was ruined in the process. You don't need necros to be a free kill.
  9. New IdeaExo-Suit Dragon Wings Backpack and Glider. (Think the hologram wings)_ They would be bigger than the current hologram wingsThe backpack and glider would be dye-ableThey would flap as a backpiece (like current hologram wings)Optional (Have a little trail while they flap)I bet a lot of people would buy this.___ Skyscale skins to complete the set.1.) Exo-Suit2.) Primeval3.) Starlight Dye-able Backpack Upgrade (250 gems). Upgrade dye-able backpack-glider combinations so the backpack is also dye-able. I would buy this for multiple Backpack-Glider combos including Skeleton Wings. Exo-Suit Tool Kit.Premium Way Point Pass: Free way-points for life. (1000 gems, character specific)Reusable Revive Orb: I am not sure why I want this.
  10. Guardian. It is top in every mode. Has not had a weakness in years.
  11. RIP Reaper. Seriously...against players that know how to play...you are just a sitting duck. Stunlock if old...
  12. Well, I like the idea of a glyph for karma. Speed might be valuable, but it's not the only glyph out there. 3 karma per strike, extremely insignificant vs the other resources due to karma costs.
  13. The new Glacial Harvesting Tool is a great example why revenue might be dropping. We simply can no longer trust the store for having quality items. 1.) Unbound Harvesting Tool (Multiple Hits One Press)2.) Volatile Tool Harvesting Tool (Multiple Hits One Press)3.) Skyscale Harvesting Tool (Mulitple Hits One Press)4.) Glacial Harvesting Tool (Have fun waiting and pressing over and over....) PSA: Do not use Bountiful with Glacial Harvesting Tool. When new items are all the sudden inferior to old items, smart consumers stop buying things blindly. A lot of times, I just forget to buy something because I haven't verified if something works the way I expect it to. I would never use the animation for the Glacial Harvesting Tool. Which is the prime reason for buying the tool. I would buy it for the look, if it was the same or better than the current tools I have to chose from; yet, for no apparent reason, it is worse than other tools that I own. So even on the characters wher eit would fit the theme, I would not use it. I won't even discuss how bad the glyph is... We can add numerous other recent debacles like the advertised "Charr" chair. The legionnaire chair looked epic with a Charr sitting in it in the advertised image on the store. When you bought it, it looked like an adult sitting in a child's play chair. The fix...the advertised image was changed to an Asura.... There have been quite a few other debacles recently... Loosing players trust is costly.
  14. Guild hall nodes are not the same as nodes throughout roughly 98% of the game, please do not try using a niche node type as the common denominator for all. Complaining of how the animation works is quite honestly literally pointless given the molten and consortium sickles are literally the fastest sickles in the game but that is due to a short animation this doesn't mean all sickles should farm at the same rate. Then advertise the difference! It does matter for WVW players as well. For casual users, the guild hall is a big protion of their gathering. I am request that you stop trying to minimize our complaints.
  15. Many tools of the later generation aren't often purchased exclusively for their animations anymore but rather the glyphs which afford a new mod for harvesting. Thanks to the wardrobe system any tool can be reskinned which changes it's animations to match so you are getting exactly what you payed for. A glyph that can be used on any tool for a specific effect and a tool that never breaks. This is false. All the newer tools only require one click at the guild hall. This goes backwards without warning people. People but tools more for the looks and convenience than the glyph. Especially one that provides 3 karma.
  16. I would add a PSA warning people on the general forum. I am use to my volatile, unbound, and skyscale gathering it all. I am lucky to see this before I bought it and regretted. I would never use the skin because of the issue.
  17. Still boring. Becoming unbearable. Shouldn't kill minions I can raid with.
  18. You pay a repair costs. It's part of the porting fee other games do not require when you die. No need to double dip.
  19. Let me explain. I know multiple people about to quit over making strike missions part of the area achievement. It is simply to hard for them. I have heard a lot of complaints about Drakka as well. My fiance hates it. I raid, but if my fiance quits because the things they use to enjoy are locked behind new harder content, I will go where my fiance goes and that will create a ripple affect.
  20. 'cause a lot of minionmancers are afk/passive people, and this boss requires a lot of dps This. MANY necros use their minions as a crutch instead of a tool, and Drakkar's constant AOE erases minions quickly, leaving the minion masters having to rely on their own relatively low DPS compared to non-minion builds. Every build has its strong and weak points; big AOE heavy bosses are the weak point for minion builds. As the Kodan would say, balance...Room for thought... The most powerful Power DPS Reaper build uses 3 minions... This shouldn't kill minions that live through raids.
  21. I honestly can't tell what loot we get form this boss. Does the chest in the middle auto lot. I think I got almost nothing for 2 days. The three chests don't seem to be enough... Where does this lot come from?
  22. Why does this boss destroy minion builds. We shouldn't have to change builds right in front of a world boss.... I just realized this when I did this on my Necromancer. :-1:
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