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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. I would do more Path of Fire events if I had a portal. I would also support arena.net store by buying the portal. I believe it would help the Path of Fire meta as well.
  2. This is simply not true. There are 4 professions with a spec above 38K right now. Necro does fit the under 32k you mentioned.
  3. I have recently been playing with it. I know it competes with Death Perception, but having Life Force running from mob to mob is always nice. The little bit of protection is nice as well. I am finding it a nice alternative to Minion Masters for open world PVE. I do not believe it's viable for endgame Fractals/Raids. It could be sufficient for Strike missions if you need more... I do not see anyone else using it in open world PVE, which makes me question my own experience.
  4. On the flip side, as a raider your not going to get me to repeat Stike Missions. Mission accomplished or a stike?
  5. You might be waiting a while. It was just available during the last Black Lions Chest Set for 60 statues. It will never be available to the Gem Store since it was a Black Lions Chest exclusive.
  6. It simply is not fun to know your not competitive in Strike Missions, Raids, or Fractals. Since they are creating more Fractals and Strike Missions. This content needs to be balanced.
  7. End game content should be kept with the players that do the content. There needs to be at least one spec viable in an organized group of players who play the profession properly.
  8. Please either nerf the top performing professions (this would include Guardians even if they are not the top offender) or buff the lower end. The DPS spread between professions keeps getting bigger. Every profession should be viable for end game content. When certain professions are only doing 3/4's of the damage in their top DPS spec...they are not viable.
  9. I believe they will want to keep there gem passes relevant. If they add everything to this, the gem passes lose value. Honestly, without a portal... I will keep using Myst or Bastion. Note: As a reminder, we have anvils in the strike missions. This might be an oversight, but I hardly see it as a problem. Add the portal scroll and I would be happy.
  10. We are way overdue for new Skyscale mounts. We now have Starlight everything including outfits and backpacks. Please include the Starlight Skyscale in the next patch to complete the set. It's a glaring omission currently. I also want to quote my previous idea. Note that a lot of us are wanting dye-able scaled dragon wings. Please see my Dye-able Backpack Upgrade idea. This would allow you to profit on the work required for the update. Please upgrade shared inventory spaces to 32 slots. This is a quick way to make money. Right now I find it visually unpleasant to have mix-matched rows of inventory slots.
  11. Meanwhile in the Necro thread... Where did the Reapers go?Summary: They are bad, play something else.
  12. I hate to be that guy; however, if that's the case you might be terrible at the other classes. We have two classes doing 9k more damage then the Reaper is capable of doing in fractals/raids after the last "balance patch". I (a necro loyalist) was finally forced to switch classes for raiding. The difference is just to big at the moment, this difference was enough for me to change. The said thing is when I switched, I realized both of these classes have better survive-ability in raids to. Well in theory necro (reaper) is able to reach higher number due to the dread trait.However, in practice it's nowhere near possible to have perma fear on a boss even if you drop soulbarbs for fear of death which makes you drop a 10% modifier, to get better access to a 33% modifier.It's comparable to the danger time trait of chronos. With the difference, that Chrono actually has a way to get good slow uptime. Reaper doesnt have a lot of fear uptime.We have:Reaper shroud 3: maximum of 2 seconds of fear and with alacrity 19 seconds cooldown (I know it gets reduced by autoattacking in shroud)Staff 5: maximum of 2 seconds of fear, with alacrity 24 seconds cooldownSpectral ring: maximum of 2 seconds of fear, with alac it's 30 seconds cooldown. But also has a downside. The enemy/boss needs to walk through it to trigger the fear. So basically it's just reaper shroud 3 and staff 5.In order to have a near permanent uptime: To make this easier I'll not use actual numbers but make both 20 seconds cd.So:In one minute, you are able to use both of them ~3 times. That's 3times x 2 skills x 2seconds fear = 12 seconds of fear. So you'd have to use 5 reapers to reach an almost permanent uptime of fear. But that's calculated too favourable. So theoretically it is possible. Now find a rotation that lets you use both skills on cooldown. Which might be possible. But you loose another dmg source in form of axe 2. So in order to make this work, we'd loose:10% dmg from soulbarbsaxe 2 as damage sourcepower from might (awaken the pain) So overall this won't be a 33% dmg buff, just a 10-15% if you keep in mind what we're loosing, which would make reaper a 35k dps spec, max. Which sounds fine first, but if you look at the condition to reach that number (no pun intended) that's not really worth it and way too low compared to other classes with similar conditions.My problem is currently I reach 31k some fights in raids. On mesmer I almost reach 40k while beneffiting the group more and surprisingly having better survivability in raids. I think anything withing a 3.5k difference is acceptable. Sigh... I appreciate the theory crafting. I believe we need a greatsword out of shroud damage buff.
  13. I am sick of instantly dying when going out of reaper form. So much for our defense cooldown.
  14. We keep running into situations where you can't see the NPC's we are defending or the enemies we are fighting. I have had world bosses go invisible so I can see more players... Please make sure necessary NPCs and enemies show over other players at all times. Especially for escorting, enemies, and defending. Thanks you! PS: It's the only setting I can change to keep a high frame rate. sad panda CPU: I9-9000k 5.2 GHZGPU: GTX 2080 (never goes above 40)RAM: 32 GB (3600MHZ)HD: NVME (fastest in the market) I don't mind resorting to lowest, but something needs to be done to prevent it from breaking things. Nothing is more irritating then what you are attacking become invisible so you can see other players... This seems to be getting worse.
  15. I hate to be that guy; however, if that's the case you might be terrible at the other classes. We have two classes doing 9k more damage then the Reaper is capable of doing in fractals/raids after the last "balance patch". I (a necro loyalist) was finally forced to switch classes for raiding. The difference is just to big at the moment, this difference was enough for me to change. The said thing is when I switched, I realized both of these classes have better survive-ability in raids to.
  16. Please stop releasing sub par gem items. The glacial tool set was terrible. Not only were the glyphs terrible, the animations made them inferior to other tools. If your going to release new tools, please make sure the animations and the amount they collect per click is on par with current tools (Unbound, Volatile, Skyscale). You lost a 6000 gem purchase from my fiance and I alone. We can swap a bad glyph, we can not replace the bad default speed/collection. Without a set we would use (quality of life issues), we just avoided all items in the set. I like to buy at least one new thing a week... Please increase the quality of the gem items.
  17. It's nice to see positive feedback. I'm almost done with my achievements, and am about to exclude this map from my rotation. 1.) It is not as fun to me as older maps2.) Buggier than older maps (Khodas events)3.) The rewards/time ratio is to low to justify it. LS3 content is still my favorite, so I might be the minority.
  18. I was hoping someone could explain the use of finishers from a PVE players perspective? 1.) If I kill an NPC, will my finisher show?2.) What PVE mobs finishers be used on?3.) Are finisher animations automatic on death?4.) Do other people see my finishers, or is it just me? I assume they are personal since I have not seen other peoples finishers. I really like the finishers in the gem store; however, as a PVE player, the wiki has me worried that I will never use/see them. Thanks!
  19. Will we be able to user our characters skills while playing as an NPC? I personally dislike being forced to play a class I do not enjoy.
  20. Help the Kodan gather fish for the village. Primer and Arctic Tuna stuck on full. Nothing people do counts as contribution.
  21. SKRITT all the way. Had that been an option, things would be different.
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