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Everything posted by Vilin.8056

  1. I don't see what's the point debating the obvious just for the purpose of debating. You clearly missed the point on the definition of Exploit in the previous 2 threads and is now changing the subject. As an intended design, the term "WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets" makes the message clear enough to everyone. You can kept justifying that AFK farming is as developer intended, and see if developers will spend further resources to contribute that aspect to other game modes.
  2. Only in an assumption that the majority of PvP players don't play the open world, story, and WvW, which is entirely false. In fact, like all competitive modes, a PvP player's build set ups that they could bring to other modes are constantly under under threat by ongoing and upcoming balance patches and there was a demand that they could have a solution without farming extensively in PvE. On the other hand, players who exclusively restrict themselves to OW are not.
  3. And you're choosing words without reading its definition: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/exploit Exploit (in a video game) the use of a bug or flaw in game design to a player’s advantage or to the disadvantage of other players.
  4. Then you clearly don't know the difference between an exploit and a cheat. Abusing a fault within the game's participation check so they can be rewarded without playing as developer intended makes it an exploit. You can find tons of exploits in GW2 and in fact, many MMOs available on Google, none require 3rd party programs. The obvious is still there, AFK players are getting rewards from WvW by not playing WvW, but that doesn't make a legitimate reason to call WvW easy.
  5. Like many other similar threads, this is just asking low investment effort for one of the most premium items available in this game. This has been debated dry since 2016, but never adopted for the last 7 years for obvious reasons. Out of all 3 sets of my legendary armor collections, I made 2 full sets also by playing 1 hour each day after work. Instanced contents usually last 15 minutes per boss level, it's not a time issue, only a skill gap issue.
  6. That's exactly what exploiting a loophole means. AFK players are getting WvW rewards by not playing WvW.
  7. It's easy only by exploiting a loop hole within WvW's broken reward system. These afk farming method is another proof that so many players are behind the skill gap for WvW that they cannot survive outside the starting zone. And let's not forget the 500 WvW level requirements that is pretty out of reach with said methods.
  8. When OW players kept coming here insisting that they are playing for fun and not playing like work. Well, a 900 world bosses grind, how ironic.
  9. https://dps.report/AK8t-20220906-023019_vg https://dps.report/Iyfx-20220906-024438_gors https://dps.report/GCOK-20220906-030637_sab FYR Frankly, I do get the impression that you are mindlessly key spamming throughout the whole raid instead of playing the class. The Quickbrand has no weapon swap and the Daredevil is generally underperforming. Also you have never participated mechanics such as VG green circle, spirit run shadow portal and sab cannons, which may be the cause of your boredom. As for gliding in Xera, long press the spacebar instead of double press will prevent the gliding failure.
  10. Then let's revert back to the old way, like how it was done in the past years: The commander will ask every player to ping gears, then instant kick anyone who does not meet the meta requirement. The community will always find ways to filter out bad players, even without DPS meters. With ArcDPS, least now you have one chance to prove yourself.
  11. Blame it to 1. American PC politics. 2. An increasingly aging yet sensitive MMO playerbase. The point is, we're complaining to the wrong people here.
  12. Again, these are very subjective views and is irrelevant to the point I previously made. Obviously, by allowing these silent players, even you have noticed that these LFG requirements cannot be maintained in order to stay respectful. The feeling is mutual, support and heal roles are more demanding to upkeep yet generally boring to play in PvE, many who fill these roles do want to feel respected. Consequently this resulted in mutually disrespecting each other. Again, it's just a strike mission in normal mode, the organizing efforts are minimal at best. I believe he probably feels that your LFG description looks entitled and lazy. Even when your intentions are genuine.
  13. It does not contradict. Again you were clearly saving effort at the cost of other players. More importantly, you turned the requirement from "join with what I need" to "join and figure out if I want you", in which players may find it disrespectful. LFG suppression is far more common in Raid due to additional roles of tank and kiters with multiple bosses per wing. But even that is a minimal issue which can be easily resolved with methods above, and have been by other commanders for years. (My method does not require leaving the instance) On the other hand, organising a single boss daily strike squad on normal mode is much simpler and I cannot imagine why suppression is such a big issue on your end. The strange part is that you're posting a thread asking was there something wrong with your LFG, but ends up stating how superior it is with unrelated points. Bad commanders can often make good runs, that is because the players who joins know what they're doing better than the commander. But often when a situation arise, bad commanders lack the ability to execute a solution.
  14. Neither is labeling the LFG requires much effort (especially strike missions dailys, I never got message locked like I did in raid), and I don't need to waste 9 other players' time for not doing so. People who join my instances without reading LFG also took me just 2 clicks to kick, but that doesn't mean they are not disrespectful.
  15. And I would add, you can also reverse phrases on your LFG posting on the fly, such as: Daily HT - LF 2 dps Alac, 1 HB <---> Need 2 dps Alac, 1 HB - HT Daily
  16. I do notice there is something wrong - it's lazy, it's disrespectful. You're forcing players to join your squad before even knowing either he has the class/role you need, simply because you don't bother listing them on the LFG. I have kicked many, many players for joining my squad/party for not reading the LFG requirement, because that's their fault. But if a joining player needs to be kicked or self-kicked because the LFG doesn't make the requirement clear, it's the commander's fault. List the requirement on the LFG, and list it clear.
  17. Yet unlike Bikes, the majority of these MMOs you mentioned are obsolete, for a good reason. As for those who still suffering enrage timer even with all these patch buffs, there's really not much of a valid point on whether it is a cheap or artificial difficulty, to be said from players who couldn't make 15k dps in PvE with full boons. Tediousity simply isn't a solution for skill gap. And what's the point of cheesing enrage with all healer comp?
  18. Yeah right, there's enrage timer in the new Phantasy Star Online. And here's a quote about classic WoW and FF11 raids: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Raid#:~:text=A typical World of Warcraft,of one's time as permitted. "Raiding guilds and time commitment There is some academic discussion about the concept of raids as they currently are designed in major graphical MMOs, primarily centered on how much of a player's time they consume. A typical World of Warcraft raid can take 3-4 hours once the group is able to complete it, and can take much more time over many sessions to get to that point. Basically, that it can take up as much of one's time as permitted. Generally, though, practical considerations (work/school schedules, fatigue, etc) will place limits on how much time a group spends raiding. One of the more extreme examples in the history of MMOs is a Final Fantasy XI raid that lasted 18 hours before the players decided to quit.[1]. Many boss fights in World of Warcraft contain an enrage timer to ensure that a single fight does not last too long." Basically, you're asking developers to bring back major flaws from very outdated MMOs (Ultima Online, seriously?).
  19. Yes, it can be done, some even recommend it over scourge and deadeye. Heal signet is sufficient enough for sustain, provided with life steal food. Though your rifle 5 only has 800 range, since your rifle 1 has 1200 range, that gives you the opportunity to sit closer to your target area.
  20. Or to ask the question the other way, why must he insist to go extreme cases on toughness in a training raid? My WvW Full-Minstrel Firebrand don't even have 3700 armor. A simple character swap will easily solve this.
  21. When was the last time you played CM? They no longer de-aggro at that spot for years. Anyone who has doubt can easily test the aggro by kiting a few elites at the basement in the beginning of CM P1. It's also common knowledge for any thief who knows how to stealth at the instance.
  22. You're still trapped in the thought on the necessity of the /gg command in dungeons. It isn't, just like it isn't a necessity in raid and fractals. Likewise we can just tell raiders to manually suicide their characters without the command like back in 2016. And people who think OOC in a dungeon is just as simple as OOC in open world don't know dungeons very well, many Elite enemies inside dungeons are designed with unique aggro behaviors, and in some even chase permanently unless target is dead or engaged in stealth. Caudecus' Manor is a prime example of such, and that dungeon is made for level 40-45 players. /GG is an disengagement command, it is simply a matter of convenience, implementing this command into dungeons wouldn't break the game nor require much development effort, and it could save a lot of annoyance in PvE squads when new players attempt their first strikes and raid by getting familiar with this command before hand.
  23. Exactly, therefore having a party reset with the /gg command helps in dungeons.
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