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Everything posted by Cristalyan.5728

  1. Strange I can use the warclaw without paying any cash for it.How come you cant do the achievments and get it mate? You can use it because you already paid for it. When you bought PoF. What about a player who also bought the vanilla (now called "free") and has no PoF? Or a player having HoT but not PoF? He has to pay to use the mount in WvW.So, you already paid. ANet is expecting you to pay more - for skins.
  2. If you can "assign" one of your mesmers to the Goemm's Lab JP in Metrica Province you will make a lot of players happy. Although I can do it (around 15 min after a long pause), I'm always happy to see a mesmer porting when this is on daily.
  3. I won't debate here the new map and not even the events. But a certain detail in the Metal Concert event makes me somehow discontent.It is about the amount of damage you should deal to a Crazed Fan to have it counting towards the "Professional Bouncer" achievement. In this moment, by doing the event everyday I only have 78 Crazed Fans. Today I observed much closer and I found that if you deal under 6,5 k damage the Fan does not count. The 6,5 seems to be the limit. My problem is that in an +40 players environment, stacking closely, I have no time to deal such a damage. So, if the things will stay as now, I will need around 7 weeks of daily Concert to complete the achievement. I think the concert is OK, but +40 days .... it seems to much. Is this real or it is only my illusion? Because I have some training in the Labyrinth and I think I know how to hit a mob in order to count as a kill. But the Labyrinth experience seems to not be effective here. My desire is to see the threshold lowered somewhere to 2,5-3 k damage. In this way more players could achieve the kill and not only the Crazed Fan Hunters, the players playing the event only for this achievement.
  4. That is correct. Jormag's involvement officially is merely "Bangar is planning to dominate and control it". Anything beyond that is player speculation. @"Khnemu.6029" said: Sorry for any misunderstanding. I didn't mean that Bangar himself is, at the moment anyway, under Jormag's control, but we can assume that somebody close to him is (the mole I mentioned). They are the one I'm talking about when I talk about someone leading the Commander (Aurene's Champion) to meet with Jormag. Bangar (and Rytlock's son if he's not the one being controlled) is just the lure to get the Commander there.In my opinion, Bangar is not seeking power. He is not even trying to kill Jormag. He knows that by killing another Elder Dragon without having a substitute will end the World. Bangar is seeking death. An heroic death, suited for an old school Blood Legion leader. By his death he wants to give to the Blood Legion the chance to transform into something having a goal even in peace times. Something he cannot find, but the next leader should. And he took the Renegades with him - they will dye also. And the survivors will understand that an Elder Dragon is not something a single legion can handle. And I think the Renegades will stop acting against the peace (something like the Nightmare Court after finding what Mordremoth truly wants). The "let's even the odds by killing our own ED" is only propaganda for the Separatist and for the hot headed Blood Legions following him. Because Blood Legion has the odds on its side. Rytlock is one of the only 3 living persons (the other are Caithe and the Commander) who participated in 3 full campaigns against 3 ED, personally taking part to the final battle every time. What odds to even? As a personal note, I don't want Rytlock as the new Imperator. Because an Imperator cannot leave his duties to join the Dragon Watch actions every times his guildmates will need him.
  5. I think the story is very interesting, leaving the door open for any continuation. From the story, I understood that: Malice Swordshadow, the Ash Legion imperator supports the treaty with the humans and apparently will work against any action to cancel it. It seems that Malice is not interested by the Khan-Ur position (not being interested or knowing that she has not enough power and influence to do this). She will be a neutral player in the Khan-Ur problem (if the Emperor position will be considered). Smodur the Unflinching, the Iron Legion leader is a good diplomat. He supported from the very beginning the treaty with the humans, acknowledging the Elder Dragons as a greater danger. He has greater goals, having an eye on the Khan-Ur position. He seems to have the potential to unite the charr. Bangar Ruinbringer, the head of the Blood Legion. The story presented him very well. Old, old fashioned, unable to openly accept the peace with the humans. Without a true danger to face, the Blood Legion under his command will have no goal. His problem is that he understand this. He knows that as long he will be the leader the Blood Legion cannot change/adapt to the new times. A ready for war Blood Legion in a peace time can make them share the fate of the Flame Legion (hated by all, battling with everyone). He is ready to die to save his Legion (the scene when he fights Rytlock, accepting the dead is relevant). He knows that he must die in order to let the Blood Legion to transform. But he wants a dead according to his image - a fighter, warrior. Dying in battle (either in a succession duel, or in a campaign against an Elder Dragon). By gathering the separatist he made a true master move. Instead of unleashing them against the other legions or against the humans, he will lead them to dead - in a fight against Jormag (something Braham considered to be " suicidal"). He knows that killing another ED will end the World, so, the bow he stole from Braham is only for show, for the followers, because he has no intention to kill Jormag. The Flame Legion has not an imperator yet. It started to admit the mistakes from the past and as much as I saw they are more interested to regain the thrust of the other legions than anything else. A possible interference in the internal affairs of the other legions is very improbable. In conclusion: We will pursue Bangar in the next episode(s). He will be always a step forward. He will battle Jormag (or his army) and he will die fighting as a Blood Legion member. Taking with him the Renegades too. I hope the ANet story team will leave the Commander-Jormag confrontation for the next LS.
  6. The difference here is that you can obtain your RNG loot from playing. With the lootboxes you obtain a RNG result by paying RL money. The regulation is about this kind of lootboxes. If ANet eliminates the BLKeys from Gem Store and keeps them only as drops in the game, then your logic is OK. But, again, the regulation is about the RNG content of something you buy with real money. Another detail: Regulation does not mean prohibition. If a regulation anti lootboxes will be adopted, then the Game Companies will have two possible way to continue: To eliminate the RNG element from the boxes - with other words you see what you buy, ORRaise the PEGI of the game and advertise the game as a something containing gambling elements. And (probably) to pay taxes as any gambling company. I don't think the regulation will try to change the RNG in game. Only the RNG on items you buy with real money. What you say about going into a Store and asking for a bottle of wine? The vendor takes your money and then throw some dices. And he says - well, you won this time a complete set of shawing blades+the foam as a bonus. You can try again if you want your wine. Hm? We all know that the BLChests are entirely optional and most of us can control the impulse to buy more than you can afford. But what about children? Without a strong self-control? They can be very easy manipulated. I don't take here into consideration the adults with self-control issues. But the children. Is the protection of the children a religious issue? Then, US and all the European countries are religious dictatures. Because all cares about children. The mount licence box where you can receive a random one by trying your luck has been debated and even ANet indirectly admitted the mistake by announcing that the following releases of mount licences will not follow the same model. On the other hand ONE licence for a certain mount is not RNG, so it is not gambling.All the other details excepting the loot boxes (and the first release of mounts adoption box) if you don't want to pay RL money are accessible with gold only. So, this is an ingame RNG element and I don't think it will be subject of (immediate) regulation.You cannot directly buy Ectos with RL money. Yes, you can buy gems. But with gems you buy gold - and this is the point where nobody will go further. You knew what you bought. Gold. What you will do with the gold ingame is not subject of regulation. Do you have any personal involvement into gaming industry? Because you react to the regulation idea as to a direct and personal attack.
  7. Why don't you just play FF14 endgame or become a mystic raider in WoW if GW2 is too easy for you?So let me get this straight:Since I want some challenge and speak out about it on the forums I should just go play a different game?You can have your challenge even in this game without making the game harder for the others. Let's say .... you can try to defeat a raid boss without weapons - only using the movement skills and the skills you can trigger without a weapon. Or you can run a raid in one of the non-meta (the famous sub-optimal) builds. Forcing yourself to perform a non-optimal rotation (you can ask advice from a casual if you have difficulties finding it). And so on.... You already have challenges. Your problem is that you want to make everybody's life harder. What was the question ..... Why you don't play FFIV or the mystic raids in WoW if you are too lazy to try new builds/rotations here in GW2? You are right here. The difficulty should scale with the progress you made. But here, in GW2 the progress is ZERO. I mean, the lack of vertical progression makes the idea of increased difficulty something funny. Don;t tell me that if you change the skin of your glider - for example - you suddenly made a progress and you need a harder content? Well, what you suggest will affect all of the players (in a positive or negative way, who knows?). And this is something different to the suggestion for one player to find a more suited game. This is - unless you consider yourself as the majority. These forums are utterly disconnected from in-game reality. Might not be a good idea to base any argument on things that are said here. LOL? Your suggestions are made on the Forum. That means that - according to your own statements - you are utterly disconnected from the in-game reality. And still, you made suggestions. I only hope no dev. will take you seriously. Because of how aware of the GW2 reality you are (according to your own statements). You can change your mind. You can keep your original opinion. No matter for me. Because, before you, ANet excluded me from their target audience for raids - by their statements that the Raids are " ... only for the ... " of the players. Well, I don't know how you react, but I see this as a tentative of bribery. I never considered myself different from the other players playing the same game. By accepting this offer I will place myself in a group/community considering themselves different. The theory of "the chosen" leads to excesses. We can feel the toxicity already. I will not change my opinion (even if Anet will release raids solo-able) unless I will see a statement regarding the raids and the difficulty of the raids without the words ...only for .... Something like ..." a very difficult content, where a lot of skill, dedication and patience is needed for success". Something where you cannot see the famos "only for".
  8. If you are in exploration mode, then don't forget to pay a visit to the Champion Ram in Timberline Falls. I was surprised when I found an aggressive ram (usually they are neutral) and a Champion moreover =)
  9. I think I made a mistake in wording. I have 3 full sets of first tier legendary WvW armor. One for each type: light/medium/heavy. That means at least 66 weeks of diamond tier. I had a period when I completed less than diamond per week. I think it took me around one and a half year. Now I started the other tier of Legendary armor - all the 3 weights. If this time I will not miss any week, I will need 75 weeks - another one and a half year. And YES, I choose this. Is this a guilt? ANet did not restrict you to have many toons (the cap is over 60 from what I read). Then, why do you think is something wrong to gear them? And why do you think ANet should put a gate in the process of gearing them? From what I know if I want to buy 50 new character slots in one day nobody will prevent me to do this. Then, why should I spend 20 years to give them the best armors? Not because I don't want to put some effort for this goal, but because I must stop my efforts every week. In my opinion (and this is why I agreed with the OP) the only thing counting for a legendary should be the amount of effort you put in it, not the amount of time you should wait.
  10. I read the OP's problem. I read the advises. Some of them are quoted. I find this amazing - the community is doing more to bring new players into WvW (and to help them) even than ANet! If even a small team of ANet developers (2 or 3) will ever reach this level of love and understanding for the WvW problems, then, I think this mode will became the true star of this game. Hat off for you, guys! All my respect.
  11. I have 3 sets of Triumphant Hero's armor (the first tier legendary). I still have around 2 k tickets. So, I think I play some WvW.But I need over 25 k more tickets for the second tier of legendary armors. In my case, the total time needed for the 6 sets of armors is around 3 years. If you count the backpacks I want to craft for all my toons, the total time needed raises to 5 years. Is this really a midterm goal? HM. And, after this amount of time, spent in WvW, with a diamond tier for tickets every week, I can finally think to other items to buy with tickets. Let's consider a full collection of weapons - another one year at least :# I don't know how much time the other players have, but for me, to wait (yes, to wait, because I can complete my skirmish ticket track in week-end) 6 years to get what I want from WvW is a little too much for a "midterm". So, even if I play WvW, I still consider the OP is right. Rising the tickets cap may be a good idea. To craft a full set of armor you need at least 22 weeks. That means around 900 (let's round to 1 000) provisioner tokens. Also, you gain around 175 Laurels. By converting the tokens into T6 materials and buying heavy chests with Laurels, you can get around 30% from the needed materials this way. For the rest (this is a personal choice) I prefer to upgrade T5 to T6 (although the gain in gold is insignificant, this way allows you to use your T5). And for the very last materials (mostly the T3, T4 mats), I use gold.
  12. Except for the:290 TributesBall of Dark Energy250 Fulgurite250 Crystalline IngotVision CrystalHaving the required crafting level to make many of these components and precursors But yeah, everything else you can buy from the TP.... If you do a Maguma completion (for the .... HoT exploration gift) you can have enough Bottle of Airship Oil / Auric Dust / Ley line sparks for the fulgurite.Then from DS you can have the Crystalline Ore. BUY the Amalgamated gemstone from TP and voila the 250 Crystalline Ingots. A vision Crystal cannot be a problem. But, in case you don't have any, you can salvage an ascendant weapon (dropped from raid / fractal - not crafted) and you can have the Vision Crystal + Ball of dark Energy. 290 tributes =) You can have them by mixing Elder Wood + Mithrill + shards. You can buy the shards from any LS3 map. It costs 2 900 Unbound magic (for an offhand weapon - a little more if you craft a two handed weapon). If you don't have 2 900 UM then you should not try a Legendary. But, from what I understand, this detail (2900 UM) represents the reason to not sell a gen2 legendary? It is such an impossible deed to have 2900 UM that it keeps prestige?
  13. YES! No mounts week ! And after this, repeat it several times per year. Let's say .... 52 times per year? And no players. And a lower value tick for reward tracks. And no skirmish reward track. And .... NO. Thank you.I want to ask you something: If Anet will introduce mounts and gliding in EoTM and keeps the actual reward status and in the same time Anet will remove the mounts from WvW, will you play EoTM exclusively?
  14. Indeed, but why they demanded this? Because they wanted a sign that you indeed crafted that weapon. And you did not buy them from TP using your credit card. This was valid for the first 4 gen2 Legendary. The next 12 ..... HM. You can buy all the needed materials. If you have the GoE (for Maguma - the 4 gifts you achieve for map completion there) and GoB you can craft such a "legendary" in 30 minutes by buying everything from TP. Exactly what the players wanted to NOT happen when they demanded to not sell these weapons. So, the reason for not selling them is not valid anymore. Then, why to not sell them?
  15. I voted: "I would like to see both Gifts changed." It is OK to do map completion for your main characters. If you start to use another character, the map completion is necessary. But, after 7-8 ... 10 map completions you see that you do this not because it is needed to play the game (to have all the WP unlocked / all the zones mapped) but only because you need ONE item. Repeat, after several map completion it is not fun anymore.My suggestion is to be able to buy this GoE after doing a full map completion. I understand, the Legendary weapons are not mandatory for any activity. But if a player opted for it (with all the waste of resources, gold etc) why to add the ... "challenge" of doing a map completion for the ...19-th time? For the GoB - it is enough in my opinion to make it again available at the vendors in WvW after completing once the reward track. If the currency is Badge of Honor, you will need WvW anyhow if you want several Legendary. If you want 1 or 2 or even 3, I don't think the fact that you can achieve the Badges from the achievement chests is a problem. The AP chests will stop at high level of AP - and the number of Badges you gain from them is not a calamity for the Legendary market.
  16. The most important flaw is that the raids were designed with the idea to be completed by very few. This is officially, please search for what Collin said. So, it was a niche content even from the design phase. I can say the raids now behave as expected from the very beginning. The difference now is that even the raiders started to admit how niche this content is. Indeed. But why the raids are not casual? Because of the difficulty? In my opinion NO. The difficulty is not the real reason. I consider myself a casual. Without any ambition to gain a place in the top 10% (let's say) players. But still, I can follow my objectives. I completed the Mad King Tower JP enough times to have all the AP from it. I solo-ed the last instance from HoT story. It was not easy for me, it took time, but I done it. I have 3 legendary armors from WvW (I forgot when I started and I don;t even know if I will be ever able to complete the other tier legendary armors). I have the precursors for all the legendary trinkets - I will turn them into legendary if we will have the possibility to craft them as many times as we want. I cleared 11 bosses from Queen gauntlet few days ago - in one session. I lost 3 times to Liadri and and I stopped. I wait another day with more than 2 hours of play to try to defeat her. Why all this presentation of "deeds"? To show that even a casual, non ambitious player can defeat hard content. So, not the hard content makes the raids non casual friendly. In my opinion what makes the raids so unfriendly for casuals is the 10 man composition. And the fact that ANet is still sticking to the idea that the raids should be completed by very few. I will explain: Even if the casuals can work to overcome difficult content, this particular case is different. Here I cannot try 2-3...10 times the content and to learn how to improve my performance. Because here is a 10 man content and another 9 players are condemned to failure if I fail. This is not something happily accepted by a PUG group. On the other hand, a casual is not the player to change his RL schedule according to the timer of an event in a game. So, this was the way Anet choose to make the raids harder. They knew the structure of the GW2 playerbase and opted for the hardest hurdle :# - the social component. This is what makes the difference between a casual and an hardcore player. Making a static group of 10 casuals for a long period of time is virtually impossible in my opinion. And ANet knew this and the number of 10 players was not the result of hazard. Because this was the best way to keep the raid into the niche it was designed for. The other way to help preserving the status of niche content for raids was to change the builds and classes in such a drastic way that to keep raiding you should spend a lot of gold. Something a casual is not happy to do many times. As an example, now, in this days, the Chronomancer, the only and single class in the game able to use Alacrity is the second best in generating Alacrity, and .... modest in sharing it. Why? Because at some point the PUG's learned the raids and with the help of Alacrity and Quiqnes they were able to complete the raids. They turned the niche content into something accessible to many. Intolerable. To speak here about build changes? In the very beginning of the raids I was interested because I wanted to maximize my Mastery Points. And I geared my Chrono for raids. Lots of gold for me. I raided few times and a change struck. Almost all my gear was useless. I kept it for Open World and I crafted Commander Gear. Other runes, other sigills. After 2 months this build was useless again due to a change :/. I think this was the moment I decided to craft my Legendary Armor. To be protected by these changes. And that was the moment I decided that the raids are not my content. So, in my opinion, these are the causes of the raid position now: ANet decision to make them niche content, adding for this a social component very hard to bypass for the casual players and changing the "rules" for raiding every time too many players started to complete them. Just my opinion.
  17. It unlocked a skin for you, so it's not "worthless." It's just inconvenient.You also seem to forget that not everyone participating in the festival is a veteran with drawers full of ascended trinkets, so it's certainly valuable to some people (especially core-only players). Would it be better if it also had a vendor value or be usable in the forge or have an additional use? Sure.Still no need to over-dramatize the situation. You cannot know what value a backpack skin has for someone. It can be very little, close to "worthless". But, let's suppose it is not worthless. Being "inconvenient" is even worst than "worthless". "Inconvenience" is even lower on the enjoyment scale than "nothing". Being unable to salvage it/sell it to a vendor turns this "inconvenience" into a frustration. This is not the only situation when the best use for a "reward" is to destroy it. But you spend some effort in this (click / confirm / maybe type the name) than in the situation you receive nothing. As I said before, "inconvenience" is even worst than "nothing". And now let's make a small imagination effort startig from the next statement: Let's substitute "the festival" with "the raids". I suppose the raiders enjoy the content. They get AP from raiding. And now, le't suppose that after clearing all the wings from the HoT raids they receive the LI for every boss AND, once they complete the raid A SINGLE extra reward consisting in an exotic backpack. Not salvageable, impossible to sell, having the option to destroy it - but only after clicking/confirming/typing the name. What do you say? It is the same reward in a different situation. I don't know how some players can find "wisdom" (to quote our Silvary race) in a reward giving you a sentiment of frustration (because the best use for that "reward" is to destroy it).
  18. I agree with the statement regarding the legendary. In this particular case (the runes) I cannot agree with the part "They also exist as a means to regulate economy".Because, if the crafting price is too high for the degree of convenience it (the rune) offers, then nobody - or in the best case very few players - will craft the runes. And in this case the impact on the economy will be small - close to zero in my opinion. So, to quote the OP, why this high cost?
  19. Are you joking? How many players you know will do 2 reward tracks per day every day to have enough clovers for a rune set? For more than 50 days in a row? That means around 10 hours of WvW daily if you play with all the boosters and 16 hours daily without boosters. Do you really think that playing 16 hours per day for 50 days a single game mode is the right way for these runes? HM - in some periods 16 hours is my entire play time for a week :-) Not for a day.
  20. From what I understood from the recipes, a single rune has the same cost in Gift of condensed might/magic and a double cost in Mystic Clovers than a piece of legendary armor. And, because this is not enough and ANet feared that all the players will rush to craft hundred of runes/sigils, they added a time gate too - the provisioner tokens :#. Well, this is another item we have in game only because ANet wanted it to be ingame. Not to be crafted, but only to be there, just for protection - in case someone will ask for them. The same situation as in the 32 slots bag. I wonder who decides the quantity of each material on each recipe. Now GW2 has no official economist. So, who decides this? Is this a team effort? Is the recipe of a rune the result of a single person calculations? Is that person (or the team) playing the game? If you look back, before the change to the rune acquisition (and salvage) you will see that the request for legendary runes/sigils was not a very strong/repeated often one. Instead you will see numerous requests for raising the Jewelry crafting to 500. And the possibility to craft our own ascendant trinkets. We have now the ANet promise that they work to raise the Cooking crafting to 500. And the legendary trinkets. But not for all the characters. Only one different piece for the entire account. You will see a lot of requests for build templates. Instead we have now the Legendary Runes aberration. I wonder if these ... changes are made indeed with the intention to improve the game and to keep the players. Because more and more "improvements" are not very demanded by players / not very high in the players priority / not implemented as the players demanded. Some of the improvements are even against the QoL (see the UnID bags replacing the direct drop - now it takes a lot of time to identify and then salvage the bags after a 2 complete Dragonfall metaevent for example. You need the bank to store the UNID bags if you don't want to salvage them directly). Is this a mockery? Because if it is not, I start to think that ANet has a way of thinking totally different of mine. And because this is their game and I cannot change it, I think in the near future I will find a game with developers being normal persons, having a way of thinking closer to my understanding.
  21. Whooooow!! This is what is needed to upgrade runes to Legendary status? One gift is used for ONE rune or for a set of 7? Because if this is what is needed for ONE rune, then, for a set you will need 1750 from each charm. Total 5250 charms for a set of rune. HM? I wonder how many players have even 250 of each charm by salvaging (not by buying, but simply by salvaging). This remembers of the 32 bags story. Something demanded, something ANet annouonced it will be in game, and, finaly something being ingame and very few using it. Because of the price. I'm afraid this will be the case here also. The price will be so high that no QoL improvement will cover the fact that you may be able to buy any exotic set of runes for 10 years with the price of a set of legendary. The person (or the team) who designed the runes is ever playing this game? They know the name for the game where the runes will be used? They know the drop ratio for the charms?
  22. You are right. Well, you are also right. In my opinion, although the design of the maps is OK, the degree of population is low. You can find always 2-3-5 players on every map, and in certain moments even a squad doing a certain event, but if you just enter a map hopping to do a non very known event, you can have the surprise to not find someone else doing it. Yes, now with the mounts you can navigate the maps easily. The problem is if you want to gather something or if you want to walk. This is the moment the aggro range and the number of the mobs starts to remind you that you are not welcome there. =) As a suggestion - try Sparkly Fen (the map of Tequatl). If you start from the North East and if you do a tour of the map you can get a LOT of rugged leather. To not turn this into a chore I used the fact that you should be in the map with around 30 min before the Tequatl event starts and I used this time for gathering. In 30 min you can cover around 75-80% of the map. The mobs are not so ..... PoF-ish. =)
  23. Istan was not a map generating liquid gold (as the dungeons for example). Istan was a map generating materials mostly. And if a player sold materials for 7k in one week, that means other players spent these 7k gold. And, by using the TP, 15% of this gold was removed from the game under the form of taxes. From what you say, the Istan was a map following the favorite ANet philosophy (Vivat TP !!) and it was a good thing for the game.
  24. Agree. The ressurection of the Istan map is not desired by ANet. Because we now should farm the Dragonfall map. Although the Istan farm hurts the economy (according to ANet), the Dragonfall should be beneficial for the same economy because it is encouraged by the map design. This will last until a new map will be released and then, suddenly, the Dragonfarm map will become bad for economy and the new map farm will be the new beneficial factor for the same economy. I can see this in reverse light: I hope that the limiter applied now to SW to apply to all the farmable maps, in order to make them viable.I don't think you can have the players happy if you decrease the rewards overall. Bleah! It is as with the balance patches - take a look on this: HM :# It is in the dirrection of what ANet is doing. Undo a change in order to let the players to have something (good) back. For this you make 2 changes. Everything is OK. Nothing (or almost nothing) changes in fact, but your dev team can proudly report they implemented 2 changes canceling each other. The only think I want to see back is the complete cancelation of the Unidentified bag of Gear. Let the items drop directly, as in the past. This will be a HUGE QoL improvement - after a Dragonfall session I end usually with around 250 blue and green UnID gear (more than 500 bags) . If you want to identify them, then ... this can last around 20 minutes.
  25. In this case I don't think too many persons will buy them. If you have 1 statuette + some extra chance of something good at the same price as 1 statuette .... Hm.By selling the statuette in this way in the countries where the laws don't allow the chests ANet will give a clear signal that it is only interested to make profit with any price, disregarding any ethic principle. I won't buy anymore any Gemstore product. In fact, I think I will uninstall the game at that moment. The only thing ANet can do (and close to be very correct) is to offer the statuettes only in the countries where BLTC are not allowed at a lower price than the price for a key.
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