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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. There should be an alternative, but the Population is to Low to fill 1q already for balanced Matches. I would personaly Love a solo q and Team q seperated, but i am Hardly convinced that we don't have enaugh Players, why i prefer a Mixed 1-5q. Yes i know Solos are afraid of "getting stomped" by full Teams, but the Matches are onesided already in lower Rated matches, people Just try to find another excuse for Beeing defeated. Heroes of the storm merged their q's a while ago, and even after Blizzard didnt Patch a year and stopped the Support of the Game. You will find matches in every ELO in less than 30 Seconds. Why? Because people can Play With their Friends and stay at the game
  2. I want to know why people hate it, or not want to try it Out, this is Not posted into PvP, because i want to know the opinion from non PvP Players. I saw a Lot of Not liking, or Not even want to enter the PvP in this Game. For me personaly (a human that played a lot of esport titles), gw2 pvp is outstandingly good designed, even when the balance and the Meta is objectivly Bad it is still a well rounded Game Mode. So what annoys/borders/dislikes you Guys about it? Or haven't you Just Not checked it Out so far? Thanks for your honest answers 🙂
  3. Well actually yes, we don't have many at p3 but If they can't Duo anymore , night q's get terribly Harder, so they are forced to Play in Primetime, which translated into better Match quality Overall. On the Otherside, Jesus and dra qued in their Mains 4am, deleted everyone and got both R1 over 2 seasons
  4. Games are onsided, people get mad, call it kitten matchmaking (which is sometimes kinda true) and quit pvp. And this is a big barrier for many new players to enter. In my expierence there are few different factors besides the matchmaker: - Teamcomps! Some teamcomps have better teamfights, some are better for rotations and in ranked its often a mix in between, the problem? people don't know what their teamcomp favors and might feed every fight -Rotations! a Result of the teamcomp problem but there is even more! in lower ranks (and in p2+ too) people actually often don't know where to go, this ends up in some random rotations that can throw games (if the enemys can take the advantage and don't counter throw it with the same stupid rotation). wrong rotations are in Gold and below so common that correct rotations are so super rare that they randomly happen and wins games. -Roles! Guildwars doesn't have from the game defined roles, but they exist (Roamer, Bruiser, Supporter, Sidenoder, Bunker, teamfighter, decaper and Hybrids between all of them and idk what else). The Problem? well people often bring up their own builds, which i appriciate a lot, but either they don't bring any of the roles on the table OR they don't know their role and the role that the build fulfill. This ends up in even more weird rotations, sidenoders join the teamfights, supports try to sidenode on an enemy node and roamer try to bunker against 3 people. What is the Solution to this? well idk, players often don't like criticsm or advices(heck even in the forums), so anet should maybe bring up a real pvp Tutorial. - a big written Guide (INGAME), explaining what the Roles need to do, teamcomp suggestions(with the explained roles) and how simple conquest rotations work. - a 5vsBot mode with little popups related to the guide, new players could learn together some simple rules before they get released into the wildlands.
  5. Revs Just gonna oneshot you, thats the thing. The good Part is, the majority of the playerbase is pretty Bad and so it will Work Well until you Hit p2+
  6. It could be a Mouse Key that is toggled aß a macro for a+t But hell yeah i am hyped for that, druid May Finally Out of decap gulag
  7. The Problem of at's is, New Players that Play With their Friends, will get farmed every time With No clue how to improve and quit the Game. There is No way that at's are a real replacement for teamq, because people are facing Teams that they will never Beat, while in Team q a matchmaker does at least the Job and searches for teams/players With "similar" Rating. I Play Duo With my friends, the only way to Play with them atm, because they don't want to Play at for the reasons above. And unranked is lacking rewards, any competition and again a matchmaker. Yes
  8. Well 3 Main gamemodes With a big junk of subgamemodes. For example in PvP There are Players only playing Stronghold, or only 5vs5 ranked or only offseason ranked, and don't forgett the Tournament Players! than are There the FFA Players which are only chilling in the Arena fighting and talking With Others. I do all of that thats why i Said only PvP, but These are all subgroups of PvP. Idk much about WvW but i know There is Roaming and people that Run With their commanders. And pve idk where to begin so: Open world (Main Mode?), Rp, Beetle Racer, Griffon Racer, world Boss Farmer, DOUNGENS, musicians, ap Farmers, speedrunners that you can seperaten again into map completion Speed runners and raid and fractal Speed Runner, strikes fractals and raids normaly, idk what Else There is.
  9. Well all of this canbe solved be simply Not allowing people to que With Others that have 100-150 Rating difference. Desozialising the Game doesnt attract it for more Players.
  10. Just asking, There are a gazillion Game modes, i Play almost exclusivly PvP.
  11. Well, Thief, guard and Mesmer Had Them since ever soooo, nothing New?
  12. Maybe they remove and Change traits/skills that some stuff is Not broken anymore. I Bet they Said November 29 the next one because they still Need to Figure Out how to Balance mirage With 2 dodges
  13. Oh boi If you would now what shady pets Ranger still have left. Nerf a per and an other obnoxius will Rose, maybe even worse.
  14. To answer your question, yes druid is capable in PvP, but you will climb to the top 25 probably. There are a Few druid builds that have some Potential. But There are Just Not best in Slot (even in the Ranger Options is almost Always a different Ranger spec better suited) but they Work! And Not Bad. Power Druid (Not Bad in teamfights and 1vs1!) Marksmanship 3 3 2 Beastmastery 3 2 2 Druid 1 2 (2 or 3 i Like 3 more) You Run valkyrie Amulett and Rune of the Druid Greatsword & longbow/staff Heal glyph, protect me, stunbreak glyph, Signet of reneveal, and either strenght of a Pack or Elite glyph (depending on map and how much CC and condi aoe's (SCOURGE) the enemys have). With the makrsmanship procs you get the 100% krit after interupts to Hit hard Also do you tangle enemys If you Interrupt them (Druid 1-2-3) which often secures a kill. When you are in CA Always place the 2 in the ground and Hit It With the 3 Skill. 2 removes 2 conditions and the explofinisher removes Additional 3 conditions from you and your allys. Also If you Hit With your CA 3 your enemy gets cc'd so its your Chance to Hit hard With CA 5 while petswapping (extra quickness), so they get rooted again and get a Lot of DMG (14k If every Hit krits) . Than There is a Support Druid With Nature Magic and a condi Trapper Druid, but i am to sleepy to explain them now
  15. Either you Duo With a Guy that is way lower than you, or you are way to high and que of hours or na
  16. i think the era of bunkers is over, but i might be wrong, only one way to find out !
  17. Maybe one traitline gives Warrior the dmg on CC, Like more Versions of lightning rod for Other classes
  18. if you want to focus on balance on the october 4th, than you should consider a 1vs1 mini season, to gether a bit more informations abaout strongest 1vs1 classes (just a cool sideeffect).
  19. I would Like to have teamq but dedicated will end Up in half hour q time and Just kill PvP completly. Either one big 1-5q where solo Players gonna cry that they face fullteam and its Impossible to reach plat. Or they come Up With Something New. Not many Like my Idea, i am Not a big friend either of it, but i don't See how else the Population gonna increase
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