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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. I know you Guys don't Care, maybe don't even Look at this forums (outside of the Moderators), but these people are angry. Most waited patiently that you gonna sit on pvp and so Something for the Game mode, you promised it Multiple Times. Now Not only na but also EU are pretty much dead, we all saw how the devs Talk about their decisions. Man grouch, CMC you Guys we're once PvP supporters, what happened? Doesnt ncsoft pay PvP devs, do they rly only want Story and gemshop skins? you Had easily the best PvP MMO in the market and since years you trample on it with 0 Care, this happened Not With the Feb patch, this was already Happening before. I was a Long Time a big coper but i rly believe PvP is done, you can't Recover from that Status. The Players are mad, every Match is a clownfiesta because the skillgaps are to big and the Rating doesnt Matter, you can be gold 3 or Plat 3 and still endup in the Same Matches With the Same players. I don't know If i ever saw such a Low participation in the monthly as it was in the Last one. also btw, lowering the Skillgap by dumb down builds and increase the healing will Bring US (since YOU Guys dont Play) Not only the Bunker meta Back but also boring to Play builds. Oh boi who can Not wait for the bladesworn that gets a 10 Second stunlock but It can heal With shouts against it, while the specter and harbinger applys to everyone weakness that we do even more less DMG. this Post went Long, but i am pissed to see that a conpany With 250 employs, let one Person Not even fulltime work on PvP while the Other devs Just do Things that doesnt even make Sense. Do you Guys don't have any time? Don't you have Guys that playing the Gamemodes or at least some classes at a somewhat decent Level that you can ask them If its okay to do Change x,y? Man anet get your stuff done or the stuff is done
  2. Isnt na completly dead and anet still decides to do nothing
  3. Man this Patch Looks in some ways Not great but its decent
  4. EU you can write me, If you are on na write me and i will come on na alt
  5. Idk its hitting for 10k on berserker
  6. Headbutt, a 18 sec CD stunbreak that fills your burst completly when Hit Unplayble
  7. idk i play mostly berserker on warrior but it felt weak against spb that know what they do
  8. Ranger main, second most played class is warrior i bet 500 gold that i beat you on Power Berserker if you play warrior
  9. Comments Like this Show how delusional Forum Warriors are I am Not disagreeing that Warrior is in a Bad Spot but acting that its Like playing without hands is Just stupid Git gud
  10. I rly cringe everytime when i see the Warrior Icon People act Like its unplayble but people still get top 25 on it on eu Its Not great but clearly Not Garbage
  11. If the Leaderboard is moved to at i would also Bring the rewards to at. Rating can stay to give people at least some Kind of Feedback where There atm Standing
  12. willbender and harbinger directly punish to death, other classes punish it to 50% of the ho bar
  13. i read the forums, and some requests are delusional high
  14. Hi Folks!, We all know PvP has diverse problems, harbinger willbender are a Bit Stronger than the Other classes, Always the same Teams Farming at's mat's (especially on NA), less PvP Players than ever before and the indluding ranked Fiesta that is resulting in. I am a Very big Fan of this Game and i Love it, even If it wants Sometimes that i hate it. It has the best Combat a fair Gear System for new and returning Players and New characters, creat Hop in. The Problem of at's as a replacement for 5 man Q about 5 years ago arenanet implemented a new solution for 5 man groups, to Stop dodging each Other and having a place to be competetiv. I don't know how at's we're Back than, but since i came Back to the Game in the end of 2019 every at Had a mostly 5-6 random lfg groups and 2 tryhard groups, the end result was Always the Same the tryhards went to the Finals and Rest got kicked Out. Now we have 2022 a New Swiss system and have a Bit less Teams than before mostly less than 8, 1 or 2 Sometimes even 3 are tryhard Teams the Rest is 500-0 for those Teams. I talked With many Players and Most of the are annoyed, at's feel Like a waste of time, you Play it for 1 hour to get a Chance for at least 1 decent Game, while Others get dissapointed for loosing 3 Times in a row because all Teams that are participating are way better than them so everyone has Bad matches, either boring or Not even in a 1000 years winnable. at this Point at has in my opinion failed as a replacement to 5 man q, There are at max 1-2 even matches in an at and the Rest is a stomp. New people that want to Play With their Friends the "5vs5 competetiv Environment" getting nuked and after the third at non of them wants to Play PvP anymore, 5 Potential Players lost for ranked. Leaderboards and PvP systems So bringing Back teamq and removing at is the call? No They should stay both, at's are the competetiv Part and Ranked ist the semi competetiv/teamfinding/trainigspart, Play With your Friends against Players that are about as equal good as you, No more Legends stomp New silver Players, rather a Casual friendly way to improve. You can keep the Rating (for matchmaking) but remove the leaderbords from ranked and implement them in at's. Which guild/Team has won the Most mat's (Always better than any amount of at) at's, maybe Weekly at's and yearly at's This would remove most Forms of Match manipulation and wintrading in Ranked, people Play With their Friends, getting better toghether and eventually increase the amount of competetiv Teams in the Szene. I am still a Fan from 1-5q + a Second fun Mode q(2vs2, 3vs3, King of the hill, 1vs1 or Others in a Weekly Rotation), rather than having solo and teamq but this is a different topic. Balance in PvP First of all, for a MMO the balance is quite good and its more specific stuff that you MOSTLY See at High lvl. Now we have willbender and harbinger beeing Very strong in the Meta and we See a Lot of Nerf requests. But why are they that strong? Because they are allowed to bust Player mistakes. So instead nerfing them, increase the kill Potential for the Other classes/specs that we can also punish mistakes from Other Players. Pls god No more nerfs. Forums (kinda meme) The PvP Forums went to a place of crying for nerfs about everything, yes harbinger and Willy Is strong and Warrior Mains want to be that too, but We Had to many nerfs If you want that Warrior is good ask for buffs and Not for nerfs Thx for your Patient to read all of that pls anet save pvp, you have an insane big gold Nugget
  15. Core strenght Arms Hammer warrior Marksman slb Air Water tempest Power herald Power Berserker
  16. The Game don't know who Runs supported and who Not, it trys to mirror the Teams in Terms of Rating and classes, in favor of closer Rating it rather gives you maybe 2 guards and enemys get 1 guard, If you have Bad luck both guards Run support
  17. Sounds Like you where a scourge enjoyer But First at all, no build intl the world should Work Like that. Second, you could try bladesworn, you Press your shouts for heal and cleanse ans Press F1 to stand and proc some CC at some Moment. There is No build that provides that, you can try scourge If you are gold or below
  18. Yes i am absolutely in, maybe even a tease aß Off-Season
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