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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. Hey, maybe you should try it on Core Ranger, Change slb With wilderness survival and you gain mostly the same but in a was tankier shape http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAMxflVwoYesL2JW2Ppr6BEB-zZIPlMFB9KEKYCUyCQhDA i Made There a Few Changes Elite cleanse now 2 condis and lightning Reflex is a stunbreak on a lower cd, that also removes imob and removes 2 aditional conditions and Brings your a Bit out of the Trouble. Only a Suggestion Not a "your build is Trash use this comment". I Like your Idea and i was Testing, Different stuff but With the same Idea behind
  2. Hey Mister Ranger man, i am Not that big pve man, but quite successfull in PvP With Ranger, wilderness survival, beasmastery and marksmanship are a great Combo of 3 traitlines, that Makes you Tanky but still bursty. This is the build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAMFlFw8YdsQGKOePpr1Sk+HA-zZIPlGFB9KEKYBUyEQDDA You gain a lot of boons With the pet Swap and you can Clean condis With it. Its played With greatsword and longbow or Axe dagger (i recommend changing the traitlines for daggers than). It should Work in the Open world flawlessly and even in Low fractals and doungens it shouldnt bei a Problem at all.
  3. I don't want to be rude in the First place, sorry for now already. Buuut, it was quite logical that they don't let the PvP Amulett bei the only legy Amulett, Same With the Backpack, it was obvius that it will arrive. And its Not Like that you Not decided to do the Others Amulett too, yes its a Lot of gold but you so in this Game nothing else than Farming gold, in every Gamemode. Don't want to be rude again But getting ascended shards in a Few Month is Not hard, it requiers to Play ranked and this doesnt Take that long
  4. Champions Rest ist the VIP area above the arena, do you even know what the ffa is?
  5. Yes i enjoy it to Fight deadeyes, its an Fight where reaction counts and the better Player wins.
  6. Laggs are Not nice but Not an excuse, thhee is an oceania Community playing With that Ping all das Long (or even worse If they Go eu) you Just Need to get good, Players Like zark or Sim Souls are running Rev and Warrior and are competing in high Tier stuff
  7. The Game is Close to 10 years Out and people still can't See when a Skill is comming Out of invisibilty. There are visual and audio tells that Something is Happening, especially deadeyes Mark their target, BE PREPARED TO DODGE GUYS. Btw you can even See shadowsteps when the Thief is stealthed No
  8. No its Not finde, this pet is destroying the purpose of the arena
  9. if you can't fix the Mount bug in ffa, than just nerf the turtle in pvp only to 0.01-0.000001 idk. you can meme here a bit but the turtle needs to leave ffa
  10. How about, put tdm in unranked like stronghold, but don't let a button to choose, rather instead of choosing a map You choose the gamemode
  11. Guys, I tell you know Untamed is super strong, play it as a roamer, hammer might need some updates but the spec itself is rly rly strong, at least in pvp
  12. Hi jebro! I think autosurrendor seems to overkill, I rather take an vote option, with a 3>1 winning voting system. If people want to try the 4vs5 they should be able to do at least.
  13. Of course this will happen, but I rather take 1, 1vs1 season Mini season than a 2vs2 or 3vs3 mini season. Like 3 scourges where no fun at all but it holded 2 years. And I swear it can't be worse than that
  14. I am on eu and I wouldn't say top players are all paying gold. But I want a 1vs1 season for sure
  15. this is exactly what i mean, reach arborstone rank 3 and there will be a scroll with 2 swords arrive on your map, this is an npc that brings you to the arena
  16. I mostly full agree with you, especially the second part. They should stop the npc spawn when at least 2 players are in the arena Bonus suggestion, take the pvp npc's they would fit perfectly in there too
  17. Hello dear Gamers and Anet. Since a while I wished a place where you can play pvp but with pve stats (not like wvw). And we finally got it, the little Arena in arborstone is pretty cool, but these little changes, would make out of a cool arena, a great arena. Listen... - let us changes the builds while we are in the watching mode (would be super nice) - a group "mode" that you and your group mates are not dealing "friendly fire" - the probably biggest thing, advertise it a bit, I was yesterday playing the whole day in the arena and was advertising it in the map chat, half of the playerbase didn't even know that there is an Arena. Give the players an information or make there a little event to show the people that therr is something.
  18. I think anet did a fine job since release, I would expect something announce to pvp, when the tournament of legends is coming, or with the steam release.
  19. 75% people 25% games fault, people that are chill will stay chill, people that are toxic are going rage mode. The 25% comes from the game that nothing is happening or bad metals stay for a while. In gw2 its both combined since years
  20. EU has a higher population so the matches are better balanced, but you should not worry, na is a wild land with many undiscovered builds
  21. You should show the bug where you can run holo with mech, ty
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