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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. deadeye is inteded Like that, Not a bug
  2. i das what Jake saß, pls nuuu Ranger nerfs 😓😓
  3. I played arround with Dagger and Staff Ambush skills, sadly Staff is not existing yet the Dagger ambush shadowstep is a super cool skill
  4. untamed ist an absolut beast for PvP, but its Harder to pull of than vindi. IT IS Just easier to play
  5. moa 5 is a bigger dodge and moa 2 is a leap moa 3 is quite big dmg
  6. Double Moa, is kinda broke, i don't want that it gets deleted, but give the player something that got moaed, 50% endurence or so. you can't do anything if you get double moad (moaed?). single moa is fine and continuum split is fine, the combination is just to strong
  7. Cata Go bzzzzzz With perma Stab, Infinite blinds and the Same amount of recistence as Warrior has
  8. As far as i can Tell many Mini season Player, are only playing the Mini season, the addicts Just Play because thay have nothing Else to do, what is way more Splitting the Playerbase is ranked and Uranked. There are many tryhards that have nothing better to do than Farming New Players and casuals With a fullstack This is pure nonsense and let people quit Very fast PvP. Having a permanent deathmatch Mode can be more appealing and a better way to learn the Combat, than Letting them Play conquest and getting them confused with all the nodes and how to rotate. You could still Lock conquest ranked behind PvP lvl 20
  9. i mean ranked is solo/duo i would agree with bringing a permanent 2vs2/3vs3 season in a weekly changing cycle (with 1vs1 too) but it should be alongside conquest and conquest should be the priority for balancing remove unranked, hide rating, show only badge. 2vs2 and 3vs3 are a better start for most casual and new players than 5vs5
  10. Lower CA Cooldown: is done Higher healing range: Not done Druid has half the healing range of tempest und Guardian, thats a Bit reason why you Play These, ESP in ranked where you have one Guy you can coordinate at max. You don't have to Bring it to 600 but 450 would be a decent start, since the healing Spikes are Very good, Just super hard to Hit, even With 5 man coordination
  11. As far as i Like the Idea of Support Druid, one of the Major Problems for Druid is the small range, buffing Other stuff is pretty cool, but in ranked With uncoordinated Players its Very hard to heal someone and even With comms it still in super Close range. Tempest and guard has almost Double the healing range. But IT might be able to be some kinda Back Up support
  12. The rooter Roleplay will BE for immer gone
  13. That they removed Menders Amulett was my fault, i Made a Post and anet Made IT With the following Patch, it was the lazyiest way to Nerf scourge and they did, and it worked for 2 weeks but than they Changed Something and it was back
  14. Guys wtf, 1 second stealth for each trap, idk what your Problem ist, cant you remember that there was a Guy after 0,5 seconds? I rly don't get your Problems, its a Rune that makes Bad Trapper builds a Bit better by giving IT a Bit movement. If you Always get Hit by dhf1 than kittening Look where He stealthed, you still can See the skills flying Out of stealth. It doesnt make people invuln or let them dissapear into the void, they are still There and only 1 second stealthed Wtf
  15. Bonus pls: let some fixed rating points just not ever get matched togheter and don't allow duoq with to high rating gaps (200-300?)
  16. can we maybe change the way how softreset works, ranked pvp has not the biggest population and the skillgap is actually more widening in the playerbase. However every season we push all players closer togheter while drasticly increasing lower mmr players and decreasing higher mmr players in theoreticly rank. this creates a weird szenario of players beeing placed all over the place and making completly clownfiesta games, this happens every season and beeing like that for 2-3 weeks after season start. new players start with 1200 rating right in between, getting matched with boyce and drazeh and wonder how this ever can happen and leave ranked. veterans testing like every bigger balance patch the game, see "oh man ranked is a totaly mess" because they get matched with new players, silvers, and legends and immedietly leave the game again. this brings us to the next point that a 1200 baseline rating is just to high and "competitiv" for the avarage Guild Wars 2 Player, let new accounts start in bronze, this also kinda "solves" an afker problem, for all those that want to nightduoq can just create a new account and don't have to throw 30 matches in a row to ruin a lot of peoples fun. Let players start at 800-900 rating and change softreset in a way that this big skillgaps do not that often get mixed togheter.
  17. There is a Thing called stunbreak, every class has IT and you can Slot IT into your utility skills
  18. Probably Warrior it has enaugh sustain and DMG for basicly everything, Core Rev would Work probably pretty Well too
  19. You also See it in the Charakter Screen, but only Rank 20 is Something "important" Rest is Just getting stomps
  20. https://i.imgur.com/GTLdTKO.png is it over?
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