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Everything posted by Lyssia.4637

  1. Low level materials are fairly cheap on the trading post, and you really don't need tons of them to push your crafting up to the next level mats. If you really don't want to go back and mine them, than your best bet is probably just to buy around 250 of whatever you need. That way, even if you do have to farm, it'll be gold and can be done in your level-appropriate zones. Edit: Khisanth beat me by a minute. 😊
  2. How come we can't give orphans those one-time use choir bells? "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach him to fish and he can go to EoD" or something like that. The orphans could make a lot of money annoying people until they're paid to go away caroling for tips. I mean, it's better than just giving them lots of sweets and play toys to whack each other with. 🤔
  3. I've been known to take off my weapons, when I'm level 60+ and trying to help my daughter's 9- in starter areas. That way, I KNOW I won't steal her kills, and have to really learn how to use utility skills for support. I agree, and could see using it in the above situation, where I want to help someone who needs it and REALLY want to be sure I'm not being intrusive/carrying. Though, like Funky, I'm not so sure about the OP's actual intentions.
  4. My daughter does something similar, (and will strongly encourage those playing with her to do the same), depending on where she is in the story. I'm not sure either what Pact Commander armor would be, though I suppose by then, whatever you wear is probably considered Pact Commander armor by those NPC fashionistas who want to look as cool as you! I've been known to rip off NPCs armor mixes and matches, though, for characters I envision as priest/priestess of the various Six, or for humans with the noble/poor background, etc or even as festival officials. There're some neat ones around, I always kind of wondered if Anet was giving us a wink with them, especially as they seem mostly to be newer NPC additions.
  5. It's also one of the few "townsfolk" armor styles you see around, so it makes more sense for you to be wearing that, just starting out on your adventure, with the story idea of "stepped out from your normal life one day to see the world" than the apprentice, which afaik isn't used by NPCs much or at all. Now, to be really immersive, they'd have "townsfolk" style armor for each race that is appropriate for each race and adjusted for the story path you chose... but nine years in, I'm betting, codewise, that boat has sailed.
  6. I can't answer that question, I'm afraid, but I just had to come here to say, I truly thought you meant there was a food item turkey in the game, and the price was different depending on where you bought it. I was about to get all excited about new Wintersday/Thanksgiving content. 😆🤣
  7. You lost me, there... "it"? Leader of the Pack?
  8. Indeed I did I mean the bug, although I didn't realize it was a bug; there have been a couple of capes they've left free to apply for a while (and I think one of them still is). To be clearer still, I thought it was quite generous of them to let us apply any of the three variations for free, even if only for a limited time, since it allowed a free quiver skin. And I stand by what I said; if it wasn't a bug, it was a generous gesture and a good way to build good will, and the fact that it was "only"... what, four weeks or so? doesn't change that. And if it was a bug, it was nice of them to take a leisurely amount of time to fix it. 😉 Edit: Though, come to think of it, I do also mean that they packaged all three skins together without raising the price. That also was generous and I really appreciate that, too! 😊
  9. Lots of things in this topic I want, but here's something new: Each festival adds a festival-themed WvW map, only open for that festival, EB style (ie, not belonging to any server). Alternatively, EB could be replaced with a festival version, but that might cause too much hate for a Wintersday request.
  10. Well, it's cool they brought back the backpack for those that didn't get it way back when. I have the old one and never realized it was now unobtainable, actually. I'll have to look more at the hat, the preview didn't impress me, but I didn't think about the dye channels.
  11. So many great ideas, thank you! I do have Leader of the Pack, but that alone hasn't been enough for me. I'm betting the core ele build is what I used before - I seem to remember the air/fire/earth combo - but the mirage just sounds like fun. Looking forward to testing them!
  12. What's the best class for that achievement? I remember that I need class skills to make it, not just speed buffs, but every year, I forget which is the most effective and drive myself mad for a couple of days trying to find the right character class and build.
  13. Did I miss it or did we get neither boots nor mittens nor any new holiday armor skin? I see the hat can now be gotten for diamonds, but tbh, that one is too ugly even for me, and is a pass.
  14. I was hoping we'd see something like this too. For that matter, I'd be interested to see if it was a success from Anet's end, and why/why not.
  15. Got the same thing with my daughter; we picked the same guild in the beta tab long ago, but the same guild showed up as linked to different servers (Moogooloo for her, Phoenix Dawn for me); although I played in Phoenix Dawn the whole time, the guild would occasionally show up with different servers for a couple of hours (Seven Pines, Dragon Claw); and my daughter and I were actually playing on opposing sides (Seven Pines, for her). Very bizarre. Luckily, she loves hunting me down in WvW wherever I might be and slaying me at inopportune moments, so we had a ton of fun anyway.
  16. Just want to clarify on that first question: I knew there was going to be a beta test, but I didn't realize that it was going to be that particular week. Since I'm fairly frequent here and am daily in WvW, not sure how I missed the specific dates, but there it is. Didn't bother me any - I had fun, but I was on Phoenix Dawn, and, as Danikat mentioned elsewhere, it gave me a chance to think about what I consider community and what I want to do when alliances are actually working - but it's worth a mention. It could just be me, but I rather doubt it was.
  17. Ultimate Crafter. Hmm, sounds like the title you give someone you'd just as soon NOT go hunting that dragon with you. Sounds right! 😁
  18. Of the poll options, you forgot: "It was so buggy I mostly didn't know what I was seeing." and "It was cool for a week, but let's not do this every day." I mean, as pointed out before, we weren't actually seeing alliances being tested, but regardless of what the beta WAS testing, it was so clearly buggy in so many places, it's safe to guess what we actually get won't really look much like this week. In that sense, I kind of felt like I was playing some kind of April Fool's joke event gone terribly wrong, and - for a single week - kind of had fun. Bugs caused a number of humorous moments (though I feel for the people who take their battles more seriously than I), and there were some interesting fights that probably wouldn't have happened if things had been working right. But let's not do this every day.
  19. Somehow, a Norn wearing fake fur seems to be asking for a punchline. That said, I am all for casual furry boots in game no matter what they are made of. I bet that's what the orphans make in the off-season.
  20. Could this please be the year we get a Cozy Wintersday Warclaw, finally, to (mostly) complete the set? Or at least a Wintersday-themed warclaw?
  21. Just a reminder, too, for those who asked for things like gold for T3 armor or something, don't forget to post how much you need/have. It's hard to gift when you aren't sure if someone needs 200 gold or 2. 😄
  22. Edit: Yes! Once you have the chair up, someone can come up and click "sit", just like on a regular chair placed around the world.
  23. I appreciate it might possibly not be a popular opinion, but as far as I am concerned, Anet, that tea chair and tea pot focus are AWESOME. If I am going to be a magical girl, I absolutely want to have my tea. Also, after doing dailies first thing in the morning. And after a hard day getting kicked out of our own garrison in EB. And hitting people over the head with teapots, in the week leading up to Thanksgiving, makes my heart happy. Truly, it's a cute set, and it looks really good in game. Nice work, Anet! 🍵 (How come there's no tea pot emoji?!)
  24. Um... no. At least in my situation, this was an issue with some abusive people in my husband's family, and with some people we knew in real life who belonged to a guild in game who weren't dealing with his death well. And I kind of resent your immediate reaction is to blame me and the others dealing with this. You have NO evidence people were being "too free with their personal information." The answer is, (and to some other suggestions here, which I do think are good) is that, it's a 9 year old game, and there are a lot of people who play it who don't haunt the forums. Totally taking away the followers system, assuming it even can be done without game-breaking bugs and issues, also totally removes it's functionality from people who appreciate it and use it well. If nothing else, it will take a lot longer to implement, and require a great deal of advertising, so people know to reach out to people so as not to lose contacts. And since you don't know who is following YOU, you might suddenly lose people you wanted to stay in contact with (and who might happily accept a friend invitation, but aren't playing right now or some such). That's just going to create a lot of anger and requests to change it back. Whereas, addressing the specific ways it's been abused, with small, local fixes - a toggle to hide your name plate, the option to kick someone off your followers list, the option not to show your character name or location - is not only much more doable with an old game, it doesn't upend (and break) established structures.
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