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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. lol. Did you even play pre-nerf spear ? SA was more than enough to keep stealthing over and over and over and over. Combined with daredevils other 50000000000 tools to avoid damage it was impossible to actually damage a staff thief.
  2. Boonball. That's it. They have way too much sustain, I'm fine with the damage a boonball can pump out, it should be a lot of damage with a lot of players. But to have infinite access to stab, prot, resolution and aegis every 5 seconds is just not okay.
  3. Oh no, I can no longer abuse spear 3 to stealth infinitely with like 0 initiative cost.
  4. Oh it's great as celestial, seems its the only thing Anet wants roamers to play. Charr forbid you get useful power builds...
  5. I mean if they want us to play Cele there are builds that rangers can run that gives no one fun, even worse than cele harb, but if anets wants us to play that, then fine.
  6. In WvW, its overperforming and disgusting there.
  7. Bladesworn untouched. Mirage dagger untouched Harb untouched. Untamed nerfed. What ?
  8. Not only that but power bladesworn is STILL not nerfed ?
  9. WHY Anet, why are you nerfing this trait so badly ? Untamed was already bad for roaming, with let loose barely making it playable, and now you remove fury from Let Loose ? What the actual kitten ? This entirely removes it giving us opening strike, which cuts a huge deal of our damage. NOT ONLY THAT, but you nerf OWP in THE SAME patch ?! Do you want us rangers to only play cele or something ? Absolutely so let down by the changes.
  10. I said it, it had to be said, I'm sorry, but celestial gear is balanced, your stats doesn't reach as big as three or four stat sets, I think the issue no one wants to learn how to play and counter builds that uses celestial, if it wasn't balanced then no one would run anything but celestial. It's balanced, people just need to learn to play around it. I have died several times on celestial harbinger, and people say celestial is unkillable, people just need to stop overreacting.
  11. Eh, it was never really difficult, just took a bit o’ time, that’s all.
  12. I wanna say you're wrong out of copium but.. You're right. 😔
  13. No, neither does tbh, Have you ever tried power harb or power spectre ? Both are miserable compared to the condition versions.
  14. Good build for untamed ? Soulbeast builds !
  15. Please Arenanet do not remove this, make it a feature for the open world, this is 1 bug I do NOT want fixed.
  16. Catalyst is fine, just because it's not overperforming anymore doesn't mean it's bad.
  17. It was never a dead profession in PvE. Ele mains..
  18. Does Northern Shiverpeaks even have any players on it ?
  19. I hope not, nothing against ET players but I do not want to play with them for a 3rd time in a row.
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