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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. There are people who will repeatedly reroll fresh characters just to farm the low level areas and black lion keys from the story. It looks to me like you already have the answers, it's really just a case of scale. Also you can get materials from Map Bonus Rewards too, just check what map is on what rotation before farming events there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward
  2. Just wondering will Bender need NERF in PvP?
  3. I feel this just leads to endlessly chasing your tail, certainly if it's not thought out and you just see a spec do well for a few weeks so you kill it. That way you're guaranteed to end up with salty players. Can't please everyone all the time I suppose.
  4. I do see what you're getting at with indirect buffs/nerfs, and I agree that playing whack'a'mole with whatever rises as the FotM spec is not the way to balance the game. Trends should come and go, and the meta should shift on its own. Whatever counters the current FotM should in theory rise to be the new FotM, and then whatever counters that etc. We only have a balance problem if that natural meta rotation doesn't happen. If one spec sits at the top, is overrepresented in the player population, and nothing comes along to counter it. If everyone playing scissors doesn't cause more players to pick up rock, that's when you might need to tweak balance, not just as a knee-jerk reaction to scissors doing well right now. The reality is of course a little more nuanced, since we have such a large pool of specs to balance against each other. But the point is you can't nerf whatever is on top just because it's on top.
  5. Because you can have a short top with short pants but a long top with butt cape/skirt pants would cause clipping issues. The problem they are addressing isn't with tops, it's with pants. The trade off is that you lose some short top options on the shared armour sets by having to attach the butt cape/skirt of the leg armour to the top instead.
  6. Great, after reading this thread I am now acutely aware of the way my meat and organs cling to my skeleton, and so are you.
  7. For anyone not aware, this is referring to Umbriel, Halberd of House Aurkus. Arguably the most difficult Convergence boss, public runs can fail fairly often if players ignore the mechanics, or die to the conditions causing them to lose their healing stacks.
  8. All the confused reacts from non-Charr mains, says it all really.
  9. I find this hilarious since you're obviously thinking of some of those cool gauntlet/claw looking foci (understandably many of them are), but I am thinking of the scrolls, books, even a ship in a bottle and a tea pot. Just the thought of doing arcane martial arts with them is too funny. 😂
  10. This exact ecosystem exists in EVE:Online - it works there but the game was designed that way all the way down to the isolated markets and most equipment being crafted and sold by players. The idea is you don't go out and fight in your best gear if you can't afford to lose it. I don't personally think it would be embraced by the GW2 community though, much less as an optional mode. It's one of those all or nothing features you build the whole game around, and that attracts a different demographic to the majority of current GW2 players.
  11. Hot take, reduce the respawn timer on fully dead players to as low as 30 seconds. One of the biggest issues in over-scaled meta evets is dead players lying on the floor waiting for someone to revive them, despite being told by commanders and other players in the map to respawn if fully dead. The event isn't going anywhere, you won't lose participation if it finishes before you get back, but it may well fail if you just sit there waiting for other players to waste valuable DPS time trying to revive you..
  12. Current supply on TP is around 50,000, in order to make the top tier +30 infusion you need a total of 1,048,576 +10 infusions. You'd have to empty the TP supply twenty times over to make one. Even without supply being the issue, and even if prices drop back to around 25s (at time of posting cheapest sell is 37s and you'd need even more to buy up the entire supply) you would need around 265k gold, more than you can even hold in your wallet (cap is 200k). If prices dropped as low as 10s it would cost you just over 100k gold. If they dropped all the way down to 1s it would still cost you 10k gold. And all this is IF you can get supply at that price, once you've bought a few thousand the prices start to go up, with the most expensive ones being listed at 1g+ up to as much as 80g each. Oh and then you still need 25,245g on top to craft them up. Yes you could skip out some crafting and get around some of the supply issues by buying the bigger infusions, but that's also likely to cost you more gold as well. So if we did see someone with a +30, it would be quite an impressive achievement.
  13. I was being sincere. Footage of your guildmate beating a dev, just like any other montage Zoom on the conversation where they ask them how they beat them and the guildmate sharing the build Cut to patch notes where the whole build is nerfed, curb your enthusiasm music plays How is this not peak funny? Maybe I have consumed too much brain rot content?
  14. They are actually a great currency to thank people for their bags. Nothing says "great job, I appreciate you" more than a siege blueprint blanket to cover their sleepy corpse.
  15. If this isn't satire I'd love to see the video evidence and patch notes in a "curb your..." meme format. 😂
  16. When stealth runs out by itself then you don't get revealed. If you have good timing you can use dagger 5 (Cloak and Dagger) to immediately go back into stealth when you come out of it.
  17. What part of the legendary starter kit specifically would lead a new player to believe that the process is particularly fast, cheap, or easy? How does this differ at all to simply dropping a precursor as loot, or just deciding independently to start the journey. Either way the player will need to investigate for themselves how to finish the process. Something you claim to have done in your initial post, yet seem to have failed to completely understand. Thus putting yourself in this position where you have invested significant sums of gold and materials without fully realising the requirements. Unfortunately, that is completely on you. Some constructive feedback, maybe the item description for the starter kit could give some warning that the process is long and not to be undertaken lightly, although given your claims that you "spent most of my gold getting everything I needed as stated in the wiki" I don't see that helping much, as someone rushing in their excitement is likely to forge ahead regardless. While I empathise with your predicament, I can't offer any sympathy as it is a situation entirely of your own creation. Not only is the information out there, you sought it out and went ahead anyway.
  18. The only reason WV leads to slight fluctuations around each release is that although the overall supply is approximately the same 60/~3Mo vs 20/Mo, with each WV refresh that 60 can potentially get dumped into the economy quicker than a more steady supply because you can just buy all 60 right away. It's great for people looking to make money by tactically playing the TP, knowing when a potential supply is going to enter the market, and then sell higher to impatient people a little before the WV refresh. I am surprised though that the effect isn't more pronounced. As demonstrated by the graphs, other seasonal changes (Wintersday) and independent events (that certain banning, or the introduction of a new chase item) have a much greater effect on the prices than the quarterly influx of additional coins.
  19. No. As mentioned already, boon balls and stacked zergs get far more kills than even the most prolific solo/small scale roamers simply down to the volume of engagements and how kill credit works. Besides, let's say we implement this. If you've ever played in a large group format, you'll know how easy it is to get downed and revived in the blink of an eye due to no fault of your own. Can you imagine the rage from people on 149/150 kills getting it all taken away in a split second because they went down for the briefest moment? All this will incentivise is the most cautious and defensive play to protect streaks and farm kills. That is huge blobs of boon stacked players rolling over much smaller groups with the least risk possible. So all you're going to do is compound what we already see all too often by rewarding that behaviour even more.
  20. When your first language brain throws all your second language knowledge out of the window for no reason.
  21. It's broadly the same in English, just meaning some sort of a floor covering, though usually preceded by a material qualifier, like a straw mat, rubber mat, plastic mat, etc. Or even a Doormat. It's also short for Matthew.
  22. The janky state was that through a bug with switching build templates and the way the skill interacted with clone generation meant you could have permanent distortion until you died. From what I understand this has been possible for some time now, but only came to public light recently, thus has been disabled until it is fixed.
  23. And let's not forget core engi for trolling zergs with commander pulling, yes it's a gimmick but it's a very effective one in capable hands.
  24. If you have the mini unlocked in your wardrobe it should count towards the collection when it becomes available.
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