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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Because in the abstract sense, that player was attacking the tower. Your right in your reasoning, but that's why people want it removed from the dailies. The current setup for defense events is not intuitive, and it's not fun. I could stand at the gates to an objective all day killing players that try to attack it, the game does not register this as a defence event because as you quite rightly say, they haven't actually done anything to damage the guards or objective. Even if other players are inside fighting and the event is actively up, if I just block their reinforcements from getting in I will get no participation unless they kill guards. But as far as the concept of defending an objective goes, I am defending that objective. It is difficult to deliberately complete that WV task. Sometimes it might take you 5 minutes, sometimes you won't get it for hours.
  2. I think the point was, on Necro at least, you're using the Pistol from Harbinger and Torch from Scourge, on a Reaper with "Chilled to the Bone!". Hence why at least part of the issue could be argued to sit with weapon master training and the balancing that comes with it.
  3. That's what I'm hoping for. Even if it's bad news. It might just be some real life stuff taking time away from the project combined with the frequency of skill updates lately making it difficult. Anything is just speculation at this point though.
  4. Does anyone know how actively the site is still being maintained and updated? I know a lot of people probably use this tool for build crafting and sharing their builds, it is by far one of the best "build planners" for any game I have ever played. Good enough that I have donated to the upkeep in the past. Now I know that it usually does take a few days or even a couple of weeks to get an update to the latest data revision, especially after a large balance patch. However, I noticed recently that the latest version on the site suggests that it hasn't been updated since the 12th of December 2023 and the latest news was on the 22nd (announcing the update to the December 12th skill balance). We've not only had further relatively significant skill balancing since then, but also the full addition of the new weapons too. This means it has been almost three full months since there was any communication or update to the site, enough that it is actually out of date and is only about to get worse with the next skill balance just a few days away. I really hope the developer hasn't lost interest or run out of funding to keep it updated.
  5. If you want to rep your guild and still wear it, don't join a guild with an ugly emblem, fashion goes beyond just your wardrobe 👀
  6. I mostly use it for stomping tbf
  7. Relic of the Pack gives superspeed to allies, so does Relic of the Unseen Invasion Relic of the Cavalier also gives you Aegis I get what you're driving at though and the above are probably far too conditional for what you want, especially Cavalier. We can only hope that future releases expand upon the whole Relic concept a little more, and in more interesting ways.
  8. I thought this too but both types of skills already exist. The original post is admittedly sarcasm, but still, axes and LB don't function even remotely the same.
  9. I think some people may be conflating active accounts with concurrent logins.
  10. Short answer, yes there is plenty of population and more than enough for zergs. Long answer, depends which server you join. Some have more active/organised groups than others. I can't say anything of NA, but the EU scene is forever changing with some guilds migrating to other servers from time to time.
  11. Except it's called a Found Bandit Chest in the Home Instance, yet somehow we keep losing it 😅
  12. I'm not talking about sic'em soulbeast because you're right, rapid fire is easy to reaction dodge spam to evade half of it.
  13. Oh yeah changing instance will do that. It's just part of how the skills work, you get used to it. There is otherwise no penalty to staying merged as much as you like.
  14. Yes, it should already have a hotkey. I rebind all my keys because I'm a left-handed weirdo so I can't recall what the default key is, but it should be whatever is designated in the options as one of your profession skills.
  15. The merged skills are completely separate skills to the ones used by the actual pet. They may often have similar behaviour and names but they are technically different and use different numbers and coefficients. It would be more correct to say that you don't have access to the pet while merged, but gain access to merged skills and increased stats depending on which pet you are merged with. To answer the original question, no there is not. At least there is no mechanical penalty to remaining merged, although some builds do take advantage of traits like Fresh Reinforcement to use the pet as a sort of boon battery. There is even a trait you can use to swap pets while merged too (Eternal Bond), so you don't even need to unmerge to gain the benefits of being merged with a different pet and the effects of traits that trigger on swapping pets. When merged you get improved stats and also take advantage of various traits that normally only affect your pet too (Pack Alpha, Pet's Prowess, Natural Healing).
  16. What if I told you Ranger can 100-0 people, unblockable, from stealth?
  17. Egad you're right! I'm going to have to rethink this whole "horse" business. Is it what you put dead people in?
  18. The Demonic Seal one is particularly egregious, since they can close after you launched the fireball and you get to have the game patronise you about it for the thousandth time.
  19. It is specifically mentioned in the official statement on Macro use.
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