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Everything posted by deffy.1320

  1. Since this wvw event i cant play wvw cause the major graphical issues 3/4 of textures are going black doesn't matter what setting i have graphics on, weird tree structures by wild creek in ebg that was just for starters, so i did a driver install, mind not happening in any other games, just seems to be gw2 wvw maps affected like this for me. AMD 6950xt RD win 11 just a new hamster, going to look for fixes and i don't do any sort of addons for gw2
  2. They obviously don't like us having fun, now i had a Charr warrior and he is a tiger pirate got the peg leg and everything and of course for the hilarity fun factor i had privateer runes on, because he gets to shout YAAArrrrhhh and has a loyal parrot that will come and help him, or he did have, now left sobbing in DR, we have had these runes for years in game how dare they destroy RP i wont be pre ordering ever again.
  3. its not funny on any level if ppl quit its bloody sad that its come to that, i have difficulty with change because i'm a high functioning autistic so i find it difficult anyway but do understand change is sometimes necessary as long as i understand that it makes logical sense, arh gw2 and currencies lets make another 1 to buy ur gold back now that is funny. That's so much fun. sarcasm. There's alot more issues to this than meets the eye and to me its very understandable.
  4. erm it is a bit late in the day to suddenly use that as an excuse for this abomination that is now dallies that is used to stop player greed with multiple accounts, i just don't like it and am confused now by something that was basic and simple and player friendly to this now over complicated unfriendly player system and to boot u get even less rewards, noice! As for the relics i'm really miffed what's the point of them. Just annoying. The new maps gorgeous of course, but. not happy customer. excuse me i have 1 account.
  5. Its dire i came back to play again because after the original changed i quit playing for months after playing since launch, its not fun to play any more, idk wat ur thinking but i suggest u don't, as the original FB was fine, it really is horrible to play now, its a real shame, its like a failed artist that has to keep touching and dabbling but in the long run destroying something that was originally a beautiful creation.
  6. i think i might look for a different game as well they've destroyed the support class FB in wvw, so they destroy wat i've loved playing all these years, the original design for FB was working as intended didn't need any changes, it wasn't broke so why fix it, instead they chose to break it, and cause this clumsy pathetic mess of tombs that feels awful to play, i can't say a single thing good about it, bloody totally depressing, i actually loathe the devs that have done this to a class i've had over 10k hrs playing. Certainly, won't be buying anything more from them after this.
  7. This is an absolute mess for support FB in wvw its guess ur tomb that's not on cool down cause they are hidden, u open them and they're down and dead bit like i would be if i was in a 3 way blob fight, they have over complicated it, they might of just as well left us with just the 1 tomb for wat its worth, i certainly won't be playing it anymore, the tombs now to me are as good as useless, were under enough pressure without wondering if and when our tombs might be relevant and up, its just awful that's my opinion after over 10k hours playing on support guardian i'm calling it day for my FB in wvw.
  8. Maybe they were 1 of those devs that occasionally go in wvw that i killed 1 time on my FB support guard, not that i have seen them in game for many years so idk, it was an official achievement if i remember rightly, but they don't seem to have a clue how wvw works, i am really angry at wat they are proposing to do FB support guard in wvw, it's just not viable and unfair its actually punishing as if were not punished enough in the loot/bags department and the xp, i do it because i like helping team mates, we have issues with broken stability and cc yes being pulled with stab up and hunters ward traps, we take huge amounts of focus, its full on gameplay all the time, honestly FB support in wvw is a dying breed and this is just a nail in the proverbial coffin to wvw. So not happy at all with this. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1649911918 i didnt watch this before not a fan of twitch not impressed.
  9. Presently stand ur ground is broken, this wat i'm finding in wvw as a support FB, so ye to me stability is now broken, ur already punished in game running a support FB wit less rewards, i don't believe anet understands the class, i don't suppose they have several hours to play wvw everyday to know wat i mean. Hunters ward strips stand ur ground so that needs a fix.
  10. And Gourmet title but i can't for the life of me remember where i get the cultivated cilantro leaf ascended seeds or others, no my seed merchant doesn't have them either, of course i want to grow my own, have i missed something? more than likely i know so sorry for asking, are they supposed to drop from gathering verdant herbs out in the open world, i'm just guessing πŸ™€πŸ˜Ώso any help please.
  11. i'm still getting the seeds but can't plant them in the fertile grounds any more 😿
  12. It could be gpu related (drivers maybe) were just guessing not knowing any of ur pc specs, it's a new pre built u should honestly get tech help from the ppl that built the system, better still start learning how ur pc works, u will be surprised its not to difficult and there's a huge amount of information out there, it could be a dx11 issue, but I've not had any issues with it. Pre built pc "shivers" depending where its pre built.
  13. I don't know where i am apart from reapers corridor, feels like it too πŸ˜πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ€πŸ˜Ώ
  14. If u want to see housing visit swords of legends online its absolutely gorgeous and seriously creative, if gw2 had housing in some way like this they'd be on to a substantial winner i believe, u can add more crafting for dΓ©cor and building to the game and of cause the sale of dΓ©cor, the home instance doesn't cut it and seriously the guild hall is meh its not ur own, its not housing and ppl that say it is obviously never played an mmo with proper housing. I would love proper housing and i think it would be good for the players/rpers/ ppl that are creative and seriously profitable for the game.
  15. The rng presently in game is horrendous, as for fishing i want to be able to change my skill key binds and that lil itty bitty tiny arrow icon to spawn ur skiff/boat not sure how u de spawn it either, the skills seem made for a controller not a keyboard, normally really like fishing in games, this not so much so far.
  16. That's nice is it not u wait for the "casuals" to leave the map, now this is the unfriendly elitist community attitude that's why this meta needs to be seriously changed to include those casual players, ur excluding them by hiding commander tags, that's wat we want in the community ppl that think we don't want those players they're not good enough who cares they may of been playing since 2006, those "casuals" as u so insulting put it are the majority of this games long term player base, those "casuals" are anet's bread n butter, ye they pay for that majority of the game so u can enjoy ur elite content and ur hidden squad so u can now exclude them from the game they've loved and played for decades, Anet "BIG MISTAKE. BIG. HUGE" Pretty Woman - Big Mistake. Big. Huge - YouTube As for the OP u know wat u can do wit ur dps meter, say no more.... πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰
  17. ye i dont have it and i checked all my toons inventory's and its not in my bank i actually do have a missing skin 😞 time to write a ticket. aww bless them i wrote a ticket and they sent me the skin straight away, thanks gw2 support.
  18. EU server maps are pretty dead during the day and evening, even searching lfg dead or sparse, every time i grothmar valley ye maybe a few ppl about but still feels dead.
  19. yes i would like this as an infusion i got loads of the exotic ones it's a really nice effect, i don't want it for land, i just want it so i can use it with my ascended aqua breathers.
  20. lel ur 1 of those ppl i have to keep rezzin all the time :) i say it and i'll say it again dead dps is no dps. yes i play zerk on some toons sb ranger has a lot of sustain but i could really say i use all depending wat it's for, my necro reaper is full vipers, my mirage mes is full trailblazers, engie marauders zerk trinkets weapons etc. My builds have to solo large mobs including hot maps easy mode.
  21. hmmm never suffered motion sickness in this game and i'm very susceptible to it and i've been playing 7 years and rolling ace :) I'm also high functioning aspie which has issues with visual details meaning i see everything yet i'm not gonna blame the game for that inconvenience, were talking visual clutter and ppls personal preferences and i'm certain anet does consider these issues you have, but visual effects are part of the game i mean where does it stop and it has to stop somewhere because you can't please all of the ppl all of the time. As for rollerbeetle u need to learn to drift :p :)
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