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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I agree 100% its a bad decision and very poor design, i wonder how many it drives away more than it keeps. I don't get any gems when i level up ap? does it stop at some point. Yes you can but it doesn't make any sense story wise..
  2. As an Aussie totally feel your pain, its not just this we (a handful of players) attempted Teq the other day and it ended in tears, yesterday i think about 20 players just barely succeeded in taking down Shatterer.. A heap died including me. luckily i had orbs.. These world bosses are becoming harder and harder off peak.
  3. I think i placed it a DE meta just to test how it worked then never again.
  4. I'm a casual and i press all my hotbar keys maybe not like a piano player more like smash them all asap and watch cool downs.. but i do not spam 11111... That said the dodging, CC and dots is usually what ends me.. in most metas.
  5. No it wasn't a fresh map and people were complaining all over map chat about trolling when i arrived.. hence the map popup.
  6. Possible people were talking about people trolling the Bounties, the bounty boards were empty and i suggested we switch maps when it popped up. That when the messages came at me.. I was under the impression people take all the bounties go and hit them then fail them on purpose. so it kicks in the timers.. But hey believe what you like.
  7. Modern gaming can do that but no i meant just changing all the keys to something else.
  8. I got 99% of my fish from Keys + Chests mostly by fluke but eh.
  9. I'm not lying when i play the maps are dead the metas do not get completed and no one is seen.. I didn't get caught at anything i was whispered by some dude irate when i said lets map change.. you don't believe me i don't care.
  10. I dunno he was the one whispering me angry. Its happening a lot.
  11. More for me its about not wasting hours on effectively nothing.. I kinda like to see something for my time on the game.
  12. Wait doesn't it work outside of EoD? I've never tried i just assumed it did.. as boats and fishing does.. Why was it even a mastery then.
  13. Same i got lucky on my first try.. After 5 fails i ignore it now.
  14. No its happening a lot.. trolls are taking all the bounties and just abusing the option. I had one irate troll going off in whisper when i said to map change.. He was so mad that the map change popped up after he had trolled all the bounties.. Crazy getting mad over trolling people..
  15. Well you see these modern fangled games actually allow you to set nearly any key to another key these days.. its called progress.
  16. I'm so glad i avoid that content..
  17. A well earned break op. Taimi becomes a god, Zojja returns as her prophet and the Asura get to delve back into their underground lore in which they all ascend to be the greatest race of Tyria. Plus the commander goes all dark like evil superman and destroys the charr and sylvari races.. /The End
  18. I have noticed the map changing is only really in the expansions and mostly in EoD, tyria maps even packed request less map changes.
  19. Some times you lucky and meet nice people willing to help but lately less so.. Tbh i meet so few players in HoT lately i'd be surprised if anyone is even there sometimes.
  20. Yes i did notice that, its a bad term to use on someone who has different views to you. It is accurate but rude. Should have been "beat up the purist" means the same thing. I didn't even know Yao was some weird gender, i've only completed the Kaineng meta once.. i never see it or it fails 99%.
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