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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Nope.https://www.pcgamer.com/au/for-mmo-diehards-theres-only-one-conversation-is-the-genre-dead-or-dying/https://massivelyop.com/2019/08/13/the-daily-grind-is-the-mmo-genre-dead-or-dying-or-something-else-entirely/ Read the comments if you don't believe me.
  2. "Hardcore"? :lol: It was a bit above average difficulty, not "hardcore." I suppose you've never done raids... that's "hardcore." If you don't want challenging fights, play a different game. GW has always been about challenging battles, since its GW1 days. The fact that GW2's early fights are so easy now compared to, let's say, the Balthazar story fight in PoF is because of the equipment, elite specs etc we have these days. Or maybe a lot of long-time players have just gotten used to the game's fight mechanics by now and have grown more experienced as the fights have grown more challenging over the years. Whatever the case, it is just not right to go from "challenging" back to "kindergarten" now. I did raids years ago in Runes of magic never again.. Raids do not interest me at all.
  3. Why are you playing games then and not interactive stories? I would say the majority wouldnt play a game that never challenges them. In another thread you said this game favours ranged combat a lot. You also said that vit is as important as power in pve. After all those years you still didn't understand the combat system. What armour are you using? Which traits?Struggling with story is more of a terrible build problem. The only somewhat difficult story bosses were the ones in ls2 and maybe hearts and minds. Everything after that just dies. You have multiple seconds to walk out of a red circle. Thats far from requiring fast reflexes. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_TrapperI use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemiesI also have this build on my second tabhttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Longbow_Beastmasterybut i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi.. Exotic versions i'm still building my Ascended.. Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you. No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult. @Ashantara.8731 said: Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you. No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult. GW1 i played for 4 years and never once had any of the issues this game labors me with.. It is far harder than GW1 ever was.. and its completely different.. this is more twitch white knuckle stuff, GW1 was nothing like that. Guildwars 1 was far far superior game in every way than this. This has become WoW lite.. Totally agree 100%.
  4. This happened to me as well then it spawned me to the beginning of the instance totally blocked off and had to relog.. Great work Anet... I did type /stuck it did exactly squat.
  5. Still totally bugged... completely broken quest wise, if you die near the dredge you are respawned in blocked off areas totally screwed, i tried stuck but it did nothing.. This mission and the flying Aurene mission are completely broken.. While flying on Aurene my wasd keys were totally not working even though the game continually said to use wasd... Seriously totally screwed both my last season 4 missions.. Does this company not fix anything? Zaitan is still completely busted to this day with companions not helping so i guess these are toast a well.
  6. I mean, angry as I am about the templates BS (and I am, very) this comment is simply not true.There is a tremendous amount of content for returning players to enjoy, and the monetisation is only bad if you get your wallet out, which I won't now. It cost me almost 400g to make four Ascended pieces of armor yesterday.. That in my opinion has lost the plot. Game was a lot more forgiving and fun at core tyria times. If you are not willing to create a lfg, then sure dungeons are dead. But if you create a lfg, it will pretty much always fill in minutes. I have finish Dungeoneer last month and had no trouble finding people for any of the dungeons. Be willing to explain to unexperienced people, and runs will mostly be smooth. So yeah, if you wait passively then the game is not worth it. But if you are being active, this game is excellent. Depends on the server and time of day, also timezone you live in..
  7. Why the hell do you care who leeches or not play the game your way, care about what others are doing less.
  8. Honestly if i could get past this hardcore season 4 drain of tedium, i think i'd rather enjoy season 5.. Although i really detest charr.
  9. All story is easy. Not just easy, VERY EASY. It is impossible to fail. If you fail in story, you are bad, VERY BAD. Yeah but until you can empathize with others you don't really get to judge, not everyone has your skill levels or even wants it.. I'm here to enjoy a story and play a game casually after my real life, i'm not here to do raid lite just to see the next installment of what ever silly mechanics the devs think up next.. Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested.. Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability. This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria. Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell? Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.It has zero to do with the build, any one can get marauders, vipers or berserker gears and a build from metabattle, not everyone can acquire the skills to dodge 15 cc and 8k hits... yeah a few people playing games are top tier, pat yourselves on the back you are great at virtual entertainment twitch skills.. Grats.. Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.
  10. No one wants to do it they've already done it years ago. Admit it you are just a troll. You can't be that bad :)Calling story bosses hard is the most hilarious joke I read today.I don't know how story bosses in this game can be easier. They need to die instantly when they see your character so you can watch your movie? This is a game btw, not a movie? Want to know the story? Go and watch it on youtube or twitch. If you can't kill story boss you don't deserve to learn the story from your playing, because you are not playing the game, you are watching a movie. Yeah because everyone has the exact same skill sets playing a game, you trying doing half these bosses with shaking hands and 600ms ping times then get back to me on how amazing you are.. You are the one who is trolling.
  11. Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability. This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.
  12. Now you're just being disingenuous. It's all about the challenge of the specific encounter. Let's take some other monsters for example:The Chak have goop that slows you down and makes you take more damage from them the longer you stand in it. Can be nullified by a mastery which removes it the goop and makes one immune to it for a short time after dodging. They also have reflect shields that pretty much a death sentence like Retaliation to any ranged attackers. Smokescales are literally invulnerable in their smoke fields and when you melee them, you get blinded for days. Ranged damage deals with them easy. Wyverns, Rolling Devils and their big daddy Bonebreakers are such a pain to both melee and ranged, unless you break their defiance bar. Once broken though, they're as easy to kill as ambient creatures.Awakened Canids are so much pain to deal with on melee, and will get boons when attack from ranged. To beat them, you just have to kite them and wait out their "spring from the ground" attack, then attack in melee or if you're ranged, just deal with the protection boon's 33% damage reduction of your attacks.Awakened Abomination counter attacks and reflects range damage. You just wait out that attack and deal as otherwise. Diplomat Tarban's neverending confusion stacks. He gets harder every time Anet decides to buff confusion in PVE. Best way to deal with him is to not attack at all when he stacks those up and always have reflects and condition clears equipped when fighting him. Look at these hard monsters before that champion murellow. They all pose a challenge that require at least a little bit of effort to succeed. Some classes are totally going to have a hard time with those encounters while some can breeze through them. Without that retaliation, what would be that Champion Murrelow Group Event (mind you!)'s challenge? Might as well replace it with a static hunk of meat. And FYI, everyone can boonstrip. Use Sigils. Too much effort you say? Unfair? Well, it's also unfair that other classes can pretty much have permament 25 stacks of might, fury and swiftness, or tank a whole lot of damage while on full Berserker gear, or block everything, or dodge everything. Got to have variety in roles and group up, people. At the end of the day, you're playing an MMORPG. What boon strip do rangers get? Did you read his last paragraph? Here let me highlight the relevant parts: Take a gander at where boon ranger falls.You sound very salty over rangers.. its ok. Most of us who play PVE alot do so because we dont like PVP and how it works, and the toxicity of it. id rather not have it be like PVP at all. So no, IMO its a terrible idea. Why would you want PvE to be just about dps on a punching bag ?Because it fun for some to feel strong.. But that said why do you people always make everything black or white in this forum, you know full well what people are asking but you and others continually shoebox everything said. That seems to be a running theme through this whole forums.. Its like this everywhere, its really tiresome to even type here and i believe a group here does it on purpose to attack anything they feel is outside of their little hardcore communities.. Funnily it in the long run is whats helping to end the games populations over time.
  13. Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things. Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind. Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources. We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping. Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game. I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it. I'm casual and sit on 7 million karma, what are you spending it on? I get it from almost anything I do.I buy the odd minipet or shrink potion, when i can afford it, mostly i can't afford anything karma wise.. like i said after about 3 years i have about 110k.. i think max i ever saw was 300k, but i don't do meta, fractals, raids, pvp or wvw at all..
  14. What? 25 -> 10.How much e.g. Difluorite Crystals can you get from gathering and events at one character? 60? 70?For Eternal Ice it's probably around 150-200, which makes 60-80 LS4 currency. So I think it's very fair trade + there is no other use for Eternal Ice outside recipes and skins. Why does everything have to be a grindy trickle feed and tedious to be considered acceptable mmo fair.. Isn't about time we moved away from WoW mmo tropes.. Honestly does it bug you that much that some randoms get their skyscale a few days earlier.. Honestly these generation of games have lost the plot.. Gaming is about fun not slave labor.
  15. Now you're just being disingenuous. It's all about the challenge of the specific encounter. Let's take some other monsters for example:The Chak have goop that slows you down and makes you take more damage from them the longer you stand in it. Can be nullified by a mastery which removes it the goop and makes one immune to it for a short time after dodging. They also have reflect shields that pretty much a death sentence like Retaliation to any ranged attackers. Smokescales are literally invulnerable in their smoke fields and when you melee them, you get blinded for days. Ranged damage deals with them easy. Wyverns, Rolling Devils and their big daddy Bonebreakers are such a pain to both melee and ranged, unless you break their defiance bar. Once broken though, they're as easy to kill as ambient creatures.Awakened Canids are so much pain to deal with on melee, and will get boons when attack from ranged. To beat them, you just have to kite them and wait out their "spring from the ground" attack, then attack in melee or if you're ranged, just deal with the protection boon's 33% damage reduction of your attacks.Awakened Abomination counter attacks and reflects range damage. You just wait out that attack and deal as otherwise. Diplomat Tarban's neverending confusion stacks. He gets harder every time Anet decides to buff confusion in PVE. Best way to deal with him is to not attack at all when he stacks those up and always have reflects and condition clears equipped when fighting him. Look at these hard monsters before that champion murellow. They all pose a challenge that require at least a little bit of effort to succeed. Some classes are totally going to have a hard time with those encounters while some can breeze through them. Without that retaliation, what would be that Champion Murrelow Group Event (mind you!)'s challenge? Might as well replace it with a static hunk of meat. And FYI, everyone can boonstrip. Use Sigils. Too much effort you say? Unfair? Well, it's also unfair that other classes can pretty much have permament 25 stacks of might, fury and swiftness, or tank a whole lot of damage while on full Berserker gear, or block everything, or dodge everything. Got to have variety in roles and group up, people. At the end of the day, you're playing an MMORPG. What boon strip do rangers get?
  16. Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things. Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind. Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources. We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping. Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game. I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it.
  17. This is why I find it confusing that Season 5 is so laughably easy. It is as if it's marketed only at returning players or those that are willing to skip Season 4 and start from Season 5 (with all the problems that has). Would you be willing to skip Season 4 entirely and start your playing experience from Season 5? Not really i wanted to follow the story.. but honestly i've not even played the game much today, i went back to Steam games.. I guess Steam gets my money instead.
  18. Season 4 had some challenging stuff, but by "recent" we are referring to Season 5, which has had super easy story missions so far that pose no challenge at all combat-wise. I can't even get past season 4 to enjoy season 5 tbh...
  19. :+1: Far from it i've been back two months and the game just continually frustrates me.. I actually just logged out after doing some more season 4 and i'm bored to tears and sick and tired of how much the power creep on content has become, its taken two months after a four year break to make me want out again.. Its just really bad all round.. I'm not sure how this game keeps customers.. I'm actually on the forums now when i should be in game enjoying but i just can't take the tedious slog anymore.. I need a new game. Seems the devs learnt nothing from Heart of Thorns.
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