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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I've only used the rental Skyscales but nothing about them would ever make me stop using my Griffon, Jackal and Bunny.. Those three mounts alone are all you'd ever need. I found skyscales to be downright terrible and decided i'd never get one due to how stupid and tedious the whole fetch quest fiasco is for them.
  2. Its never been added in 7 years i'm pretty sure that we will never get one.. My ping in Aus is about 300-330 but can go as bad as 700-900 on a bad day.. You then double that because ping in game only shows one way to the server.. so an accurate Aussie ping is about 600 daily.. Thats a large reason i never wvw or pvp anymore. It is physically impossible to get pings under 250ms to the USA from Australia because of the distance involved no matter how good your hardware, nodes or ISP is..
  3. What story content in the last 2 releases have been insanely hard? Honestly no idea i stopped doing content pretty much after Living Story 4.
  4. Yes it is.. This game no longer has any middle ground and goes straight into extremes.. Some content is incredibly easy and next its incredibly hard.. You never know what the hell its going to be until it does it.. Its so annoying that this game cannot just follow a standard that was determined at release.. Also a massive issue with this game is the classes and races are all over the place mechanics and difficulty wise.. Some classes make content a cake walk others make content unplayable partially because the devs cannot seem to balance anything and partially because modes like WvW and PvP are continually destroying them..
  5. Meta people are not worth listening too, play whatever you like as you like.. Ignore the meta wannabes.. but stay out of the meta content imo.
  6. I'd buy more gliders if the back items could be dyed.. And seeing the new capes they could be dyed easily.
  7. Two words: wasted developer resources. We are talking about 2+ year old content, Daybreak was released in November 2017. This isn't about encounters at the beginning of the game but encounters -after- the ending of the story. Unless of course what you are after is to make the Personal Story easier for some reason. Furthermore, with Path of Fire Arenanet made it literally impossible to fail encounters anymore. Its not really wasted developer resources if it gets new blood into the game, and revamping old content to give more options to new players is never a bad thing if it brings players into the game, or brings players who quit back. I'm still not sure why anyone would be against giving players more options but i mean, thats your feelings on the subject. "Our Easiest Content yet!""Ten Man instances that can be solo'ed!""Story missions without Mechanics!""Open world maps with ZERO ambient threat!" You really think these are good selling points for the franchise? Depends on the customer, some will enjoy it, others wont. I for one would enjoy it. You would not.
  8. I'd love to see Cantha added but the way its been so silent i'm thinking no more expacs.. I hope i'm wrong but this game isn't very transparent or updated often.. And when it is updated it seems less and less lately. Plus the fact they seem to make the content so insanely hard these days.
  9. Personally you are better to buy a new character slot, you get three builds and two gear slots.. three new characters (6 builds) on sale is far cheaper than all the template fiasco.
  10. I should probably clarify, that was the original intent behind the mantra, it somehow got changed between when they first thought of it and what it ended up being announced as...they should've never changed it and just left it as it was, which is the way I said it(I keep forgetting it was changed somewhere along the way),No developer quote backs up your interpretation. Not a single one. Have you watched the release Videos and early direction GW2 started in, it very much tells that. Watched them just today before responding to this thread. It does not say that at all. Then they've either been changed or removed since then because at release it very much said the above. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/ Somewhere along the lines this got forgotten, and i believe it was when Fractals was added.. Here is a very good source and as you can see very much a lot has been removed.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2okqd2/what_is_the_origin_of_play_how_i_want_in_gw2/ So yes their original direction has very much been deleted.. The game is a pale shadow of what it was at release. All these quotes back up the assertion that this was about rewards and activities. Not about bringing whatever build you wanted in whatever armor and being effective. Half of the links on that reddit have been conveniently removed by Anet...
  11. I should probably clarify, that was the original intent behind the mantra, it somehow got changed between when they first thought of it and what it ended up being announced as...they should've never changed it and just left it as it was, which is the way I said it(I keep forgetting it was changed somewhere along the way),No developer quote backs up your interpretation. Not a single one. Have you watched the release Videos and early direction GW2 started in, it very much tells that. Watched them just today before responding to this thread. It does not say that at all.Then they've either been changed or removed since then because at release it very much said the above. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/ Somewhere along the lines this got forgotten, and i believe it was when Fractals was added.. Here is a very good source and as you can see very much a lot has been removed.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2okqd2/what_is_the_origin_of_play_how_i_want_in_gw2/ So yes their original direction has very much been deleted.. The game is a pale shadow of what it was at release.
  12. I should probably clarify, that was the original intent behind the mantra, it somehow got changed between when they first thought of it and what it ended up being announced as...they should've never changed it and just left it as it was, which is the way I said it(I keep forgetting it was changed somewhere along the way),No developer quote backs up your interpretation. Not a single one. Have you watched the release Videos and early direction GW2 started in, it very much tells that.
  13. Very very much so, Core Tyria was exactly perfect.. Sadly that direction is long gone.@Dante.1763 said: Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice. Some people can't, as you get older you will understand unless you are very lucky.. Im going to laugh if Zaelex is older than you. But when it comes to age, ive noticed that its not the inability to do so, at least with me, its because i dont enjoy getting frustrated with content that even at my best i cant do, at least this games not like DS3.I honestly don't really care, i'm only 46 and i'm already getting hand shakes and osteo arthritis my dad got both even early than i did, its probably hereditary. That said it makes twitch combat unplayable.. Which is a high amount of this game.. I play GW2 for the stories and the casual social element, but as the game has progressed its getting more and more out of my league, and i'm considering moving back to steam games where its a lot easier to play my gaming.. And in my opinion this game is very much becoming Dark Souls garbage. Also the $200AU a week i spend on gems could be used on a lot better things i guess.
  14. Usually you make up for the lack of talent with practice.Some people can't, as you get older you will understand unless you are very lucky..
  15. WvW has good drops? Lolwut People are always telling me they get hundreds of ascended gear boxes in WvW that probably the best loot you can get, next to gold.
  16. Look, I'm not trying to be mean here, but… from all your posts and comments you make almost everyday, it seems like you just don't know how the game works. I'm genuinely wondering what you have been doing for 7 years in this game and having only 100k karma.Then again, you also think legendary armor gives better stats than ascended, and you need either of those to do raids/fractals/anything but open world, so .. I know how the game works.. You buy Gems to exchange for Gold to buy things with.. That how this game works, That said i avoid WvW, PvP, Fractals, Raiding and Meta, even Dungeons because i detest running in groups for many reasons.. I like to play solo only.. Yes i know its an mmo. And i know how all those content work.. I just don't like doing them at all.. I never once said legendary has higher stats than Ascended, i may have asked if they did because i've never owned one till not long ago, never really wanted one until i bought one a week ago. Apparently the one of the best ways is dragonfall.. you buy the three karma upgrades and just do the events.. More meta though. I was told that in LA map chat.
  17. SAB Armor? ;/ like lord vanquish? Or holographic/cubic/pixel armor pieces? Holo armor pieces would be awesome imo.
  18. Traditional Ninja used Katana as much as Samurai as the weapons were everywhere, also many ninja use Katana because Ninjato were poorly made and many were ex Samurai anyway. Useless Facts but true.
  19. How do you get the yellow SAB weapons? And when do we get SAB Armor.
  20. Drops are horrendous everywhere outside of PvP and WvW.. Honestly on purpose they want you to buy gems for a reason.. In the last 4 years the drops are so bad now its pointless chasing anything.. outside of gold and materials.
  21. This game is nothing like Guildwars, Honestly i wish it was.. But no this is a pale comparison to that excellent game.. I'd kill for GW1 update to Gw2 graphics, i'd be gone from GW2 overnight.
  22. Exactly my experience as well.. Also if you thought Season 3 was tedious you should try season 4.. It blows 3 out of the water in annoying inane mechanics.. I was exactly at your point then decided to do 4... wow, just horrible gameplay. I finished it on one character never again.. what amazing content when customers do it once then never want to go back. I thought story was 1 and done for most people.Only if you want ap and the reward that bring you go in more times.We altoholics are a minority.I've done the core tyria story about 30 times now.. Hot about 5, Pof once and the living stories 2 or 3 times uncompleted, living story 3 and 4 i've finished once completely. Honestly this modern stuff just isn't fun to be redone.
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