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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. None i hated Season 4 from start to finish.. I would never do it again because it was so difficult and tedious.
  2. Funnily that "roadmap" was the whole reason i'm going again.. Seriously that whole run down seemed like spin and miss direction. Really thats the epic Guildwars 2 2020 we all were hoping for haha.
  3. If they gave GW1 a graphic update i'd be there not here.
  4. I'm heading for another break the games stale for me.. Only been back 3-4 months and i'm out again, last "break" was four years i wonder how long this one will be.. I wonder if Gw2 will still exist in 4 more years.
  5. Totally agree all round with those websites.. Its been 7 years. And honestly they really let this game go to hell.. Totally destroyed their release visions and made this another reskinned WoW.. packed the game full of microtransactions and grind, untold amounts of useless currencies and hardcore mechanics that minorities want.. Is it such a shock that the communities are depressed and disillusioned, not in my opinion.. but hey listen to the forums, everything is fine, nothing to see here. Time for Another "break" from Guildwars 2 for me. Only in western tradition..
  6. :lol: You mean the "tough" story missions from the Icebrood Saga that even a 5-year old can do without trouble? Yeah, "insanely hard these days". :sweat_smile: Typical condescending personal attacks.. That said i have not attempted Icebrood yet.. I stopped after season 4 as it was very tough to play for me. woops my bad. I posted statistics from gw2efficiency earlier that show player reduction, or at least gw2efficiency player reduction:91.5% started Heart of Thorns, 66.2% killed Mordremoth67.2% started S3E1, 59.7% finished it62.4% started S3E2, 57.2% finished it63.3% started S3E3, 55.7% finished it59.6% started S3E4, 50.8% finished it56% started S3E5, 49.9% finished it52.7% started S3E6, 46.8% finished it79.9% started Path of Fire, 62% killed Balthazar57% started S4E1, 47.1% finished it47.9% started S4E2, 42.3% finished it48.7% started S4E3, 39.9% finished it40.6% started S4E4, 35.8% finished it36.3% started S4E5, 31.7% finished it32.8% started S4E6, 29.6% finished it It's as "official" as it can get (note they are from 5 months ago) Well that really explains what i said about difficulty 29.6% of the player base beat ls4 end and only 32% attempted it haha.. Seriously that right there is a huge red flag on the direction this game went in.. That said i slaved and hated every minute of it but i completed both season 3 and 4 on my one character.. Maybe i'm not as casual as i thought.. That said i would never go through that again.. Also explains why icebrood was a lot easier, they are trying to get customers back and do content. Dude.... these statistics arent saying anything about "difficulty". It's not that "people didnt start/finish, because content got ToO hArD". People just left/quit the game and never experienced that content in the first place. That exactly what its saying.. 29.6% of the current population finished it.. and only 32.8% bothered to even start it. Those statistics have zero to do with who left or joined GW2. Wrong. When you compare the numbers, 29.6% of 32.8% is still 90% of players who finished said content. That makes the people complaining about the difficulty being too high the clear minority. The same goes for all the other numbers. You have that completely backwards.. those percentages are of the customers that did the content on gw2efficiency.. 67% never even bothered to do the final content. Unless the game officially releases number of active players (and how the count them), websites like gw2efficency rely on benchmarks. Are they 100% accurate? No, but they tend to be close. Is the game currently having around a third of the population at HoT release remotely surprising? Is the fact that we are currently losing players unexpected?No its kinda sad.
  7. And servers.. but saying that after 4 years those populations have diminished a lot as i just returned, yes there are still populations here which is awesome but they are far smaller these days.. And new customers are slim and don't seem to stay long.
  8. :lol: You mean the "tough" story missions from the Icebrood Saga that even a 5-year old can do without trouble? Yeah, "insanely hard these days". :sweat_smile: Typical condescending personal attacks.. That said i have not attempted Icebrood yet.. I stopped after season 4 as it was very tough to play for me. woops my bad. I posted statistics from gw2efficiency earlier that show player reduction, or at least gw2efficiency player reduction:91.5% started Heart of Thorns, 66.2% killed Mordremoth67.2% started S3E1, 59.7% finished it62.4% started S3E2, 57.2% finished it63.3% started S3E3, 55.7% finished it59.6% started S3E4, 50.8% finished it56% started S3E5, 49.9% finished it52.7% started S3E6, 46.8% finished it79.9% started Path of Fire, 62% killed Balthazar57% started S4E1, 47.1% finished it47.9% started S4E2, 42.3% finished it48.7% started S4E3, 39.9% finished it40.6% started S4E4, 35.8% finished it36.3% started S4E5, 31.7% finished it32.8% started S4E6, 29.6% finished it It's as "official" as it can get (note they are from 5 months ago) Well that really explains what i said about difficulty 29.6% of the player base beat ls4 end and only 32% attempted it haha.. Seriously that right there is a huge red flag on the direction this game went in.. That said i slaved and hated every minute of it but i completed both season 3 and 4 on my one character.. Maybe i'm not as casual as i thought.. That said i would never go through that again.. Also explains why icebrood was a lot easier, they are trying to get customers back and do content. Dude.... these statistics arent saying anything about "difficulty". It's not that "people didnt start/finish, because content got ToO hArD". People just left/quit the game and never experienced that content in the first place. That exactly what its saying.. 29.6% of the current population finished it.. and only 32.8% bothered to even start it. Those statistics have zero to do with who left or joined GW2. Wrong. When you compare the numbers, 29.6% of 32.8% is still 90% of players who finished said content. That makes the people complaining about the difficulty being too high the clear minority. The same goes for all the other numbers. You have that completely backwards.. those percentages are of the customers that did the content on gw2efficiency.. 67% never even bothered to do the final content.
  9. People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed. Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name. this is true, the start of living world was in November 2012 (with the lost shores event), which was only months after the release (August 2012). even if you only counted the Flame & Frost part of living world as the official start, it would still only be January 2013. nowhere near a year and a half.Apologies i corrected my post.
  10. People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed. Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name. Guildwars 2 was released on 28 August 2012 Flame and Frost: Prelude is a release launched on 28 January, 2013.. sorry it was five months Hot released one and a half years after release i quit then.I forgot Southsun was part of the living story 1.. very loosely connected imo.
  11. I believe so.. yes. Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..
  12. Yeah i only used 15 keys and saw that they have drastically lowered the Black lion chest odds i'm done with keys till this is corrected. I also got zero black lion weapon skins.. I've also noticed each black lion chest we have had lately has had less and less chance at things above common. Word of advice to anet, you keep lowering odds customers give up gambling.. it takes time but it does happen, when you cannot win anything its no longer worth doing.
  13. The gods left to prepare a new place for the humans, why would they destroy Tyria in the process? Errors happen even gods make mistakes in Guildwars..
  14. What story content in the last 2 releases have been insanely hard? Honestly no idea i stopped doing content pretty much after Living Story 4. So maybe dont spread miss information if you havent played the latest stories then? No misinformation said living story 3 and 4 were hard as nails to complete solo and some of my classes would never even been able too.. Just because i haven't done the latest content doesn't change that fact. Aside from Bloodstone Caudecus, I don't remember any boss problem with the LS3 story.Some other bosses, like the Golem boss in LS4 Episode, felt quite tedious and boring, but not hard.Every season 3 and 4 boss was a mini raid boss.. Some whole areas like Doric lake are a nightmare to play in solo.. I don't care how much leather that map throws at me i will not play it as its too frustrating to play..The annoying end ice boss the starting minotaur ice boss.. The annoying Bloodstone bosses were not fun. every single boss was a tedious health sponge with mechanics designed to annoy.PoF is exactly the same.. stupid dodging of inaccurate AOE circles, get shield use weird skill number 9... while knocking me around like a pinball of cc.
  15. :lol: You mean the "tough" story missions from the Icebrood Saga that even a 5-year old can do without trouble? Yeah, "insanely hard these days". :sweat_smile: Typical condescending personal attacks.. That said i have not attempted Icebrood yet.. I stopped after season 4 as it was very tough to play for me. woops my bad. I posted statistics from gw2efficiency earlier that show player reduction, or at least gw2efficiency player reduction:91.5% started Heart of Thorns, 66.2% killed Mordremoth67.2% started S3E1, 59.7% finished it62.4% started S3E2, 57.2% finished it63.3% started S3E3, 55.7% finished it59.6% started S3E4, 50.8% finished it56% started S3E5, 49.9% finished it52.7% started S3E6, 46.8% finished it79.9% started Path of Fire, 62% killed Balthazar57% started S4E1, 47.1% finished it47.9% started S4E2, 42.3% finished it48.7% started S4E3, 39.9% finished it40.6% started S4E4, 35.8% finished it36.3% started S4E5, 31.7% finished it32.8% started S4E6, 29.6% finished it It's as "official" as it can get (note they are from 5 months ago) Well that really explains what i said about difficulty 29.6% of the player base beat ls4 end and only 32% attempted it haha.. Seriously that right there is a huge red flag on the direction this game went in.. That said i slaved and hated every minute of it but i completed both season 3 and 4 on my one character.. Maybe i'm not as casual as i thought.. That said i would never go through that again.. Also explains why icebrood was a lot easier, they are trying to get customers back and do content.
  16. ...and then come to the forum and keep complaining over and over again about how "insanely hard" the content has become. :+1: Meta should not be necessary in story and open world pve.. Meta and builds should be required for Fractals, Dungeons, raids, strikes, pvp and wvw.. I have no issues with that and thats where the selfish/toxic stuff should stay, if people want to do those content fine to them outside of that anything should be viable.
  17. Can we get something new and fresh for a change.. They have all these gods going awol... Where did they go? and what did they find when they went there.. Imagine if they unleashed another realm/planet on Tyria by error...
  18. I do one when i see one but i choose the keys bag. not the useless Amalgamated things i'll never use.. If i wanted a legendary i'd buy one or not have any.
  19. What story content in the last 2 releases have been insanely hard? Honestly no idea i stopped doing content pretty much after Living Story 4. So maybe dont spread miss information if you havent played the latest stories then?No misinformation said living story 3 and 4 were hard as nails to complete solo and some of my classes would never even been able too.. Just because i haven't done the latest content doesn't change that fact.
  20. I still strong recommmend you getting it though... it worth it Not in my opinion compared to the Griffon.. Also not into doing insane fetch crap for the sake of a virtual mount.
  21. Guildwars 2 Endgame.. Standing around in Lions Arch looking all shiny with legendaries and the most cash shop attire. Yes its the most packed server area
  22. Golums for Asura please, yes they aren't resurrected but they are built..
  23. Ahh...I see. It's a scheme to drain my resources. Got'cha! Nothing lets you unlock a skin and sell it. One item will only ever unlock its skin for one account.Actually quite a few unlock right away..
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