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Everything posted by Shade.8971

  1. No new legendary? I feel like we were due for one.
  2. Guard is the best in fractals. DH brings strong burst. Quickbrand for a dps support hybrid. HB the best healer for pugs. Druid/chrono in 2020 lol. Rev is nice for alac. The extra utility their forms have can be extremely OP and are useful in pugs. Most revs have no idea what their other utility skills are, sadly. Most will sit in Kalla anf Shiro thinking the measly DPS gain is it worth it. Heal rev is lol. 9 out of 10 times heal rev pugs have no idea what they are doing. Banners are nice but again in t4 daily pugs they dont realize they need to pick them up for the CDR and move them. DPS I find any class fine so long as they know what they are doing. I have gone into the ooze boss as a scourge knowing their dps is on the low end for a quick burn but somehow managed to outdps a power weaver.
  3. Anet needs a "Is this an out of season April Fools joke?" wake up call. This isn't what the community wanted. I'll log on in September, play for 1 or 2 hours for story maybe stay on a week to grind the map for achievements and more new map currency then log off until the next update 2 or 3 months away. This isn't going to work.
  4. I can't think of a villain I like. Coming from FFXIV Shadowbringers, it saddens me when I compare the stories from GW2 and that game.
  5. Used 11 keys for mount and I got this. You can do some ridiculous dye combos with this XD.
  6. 2 - 3 hours of content masked by templates, tricking everyone this is ok for 2 to 3 month gaps of content.
  7. There are people who run healbrand with pure heals and little to no quickness uptime in fractals? You would have to be in seriously bad groups to do something silly like that. FB dosent even need a lot of boon duration to keep 100% quickness uptime unlike renegade alacrity. I run a mix of magi and harrier on my healbrand and very rarely run minstrel pieces. Quickness is never an issue except when I need the elite mantra for stab. But i swap more magi pieces over when i do that.
  8. Hybrid renegade and firebrand when in exp groups.Healbrand in pugs. I find most renegade healers have no idea how there healing works. Healbrand offers a much larger repetoire of utilities to fill the void chronos have left behind.Druid chrono in pugs is lol.
  9. Buff core first then nerf elite if neccasary. Buffing core also buffs elite.
  10. So when can we expect a venom and Shadow Arts rework?
  11. What did thief get in return? Useless traitline changes for troll builds and new utilities that can't compete with meta utilities.
  12. It's all a bunch of gimmicky nothing. SA changes dosen't change the fact stealth is overnerfed making the entire traitline a troll pick in PvP/Wvw and very niche pick in raids and fractals. No wvw commander is going to pick a boon or heal thief over scrapper or firebrand. No important boons means support thief will only find use on fights with detonate plasma. SA in fractals is just for skips which a dps thief can just quickly swap to for like 30 seconds and again without good boons healbrand/renegade chrono/druid will be better picks.The new preps are just like the traps. Maybe better maybe worst we can't know yet but just like traps and many other utilities of the thief the main issue is the reliance on certain utilities the thief needs because it's so squishy or for dps. In pvp shadowstep and sig of agility are required to survive, are you willing to give up roll for intiative/sig of infiltration for the new preps? In PvE, sig of agility has so much packed in it, its hard to give it up. Assassins sig is required because it has so much stat increase in it, I wish anet would gut the skill and redistribute numbers. That leaves one spot it MAY fill or at least in niche situations like better CC on samarog or skips in fractals maybe the ward skill on trash.
  13. Just get a healbrand focusing on reflects. Makes last fight on SR a snooze fest.
  14. Strictly PvE, 3 is seeing more use because anet decided the squishy espec that survives by having lots of dodges has to maximize DPS by having zero endurance. Before I always had a handy dodge now I have to swipe, which can put me in a worst position, use my signet to gain endurance then lose passive stats, or staff 3. Really wish they would cut down ini cost on staff 3 to 3 instead of 4. Staff 4 I cant think of a use. Maybe slowly walking towards something and having a range option?
  15. A few need nerfs for some outliers. Rock throw on Rampage would be enough nerfs for SpB and holo. Buffing counters to meta picks would be better, so long as its not overdone. SpB is the king of side node and revs are running rampant. Buffing Mirage portal duration, I dont trust anet balancing enough for them to fix other problems, would help keep many things in check.
  16. Agreed. Augury needs to stay open for any achievements but the doppleganger event should spawn soon after defeating the forgotten boss. I know for lore reasons augury rock closes after killing the doppleganger but I'm sure anet can find other excuses.
  17. No to greatsword. Everyone wants a friggin GS and staff. One hand weapon so we get more dual skills.
  18. Speaking of hard earned titles. Can the new armor get a title? Would make it worth getting those "great" tier 2 ones.
  19. I very much disagree, going to Cantha would just be more human kitten that makes story awkward when playing on anything that's not a human and it would stretch the world map even further down since it's across a body of water to the south of Elona. Give us something to the east first, i.e. Blood Legion homelands. We've had human centered kitten for 2 Living Worlds and an expansion, give us a break. And that's coming from someone who primarily plays a human for story. I don't hate the idea of Cantha but sweet lord focus on something other than humans for a bit. Edit: Also, would like to see something done with the Olmakhan now that they've been discovered.Nostalgia sells. Humans are far more interesting they had the most focus in lore because of GW1. Our personal stories catered to specific races in the beginning but blended together in a save the world from dragons theme. This is what bores me. Dragons, dragons and more dragons. Focusing on some flame legion, son of svanir, inquest junk is not going to sell well, there isnt enough to carry the game forward. Remember how ill received when sylvari became pivotal in HoT and living world season 1. I remember Trahearne and Scarlett. We can only hope anet can do the other races justice, but for business sake, an expansion focusing on charr or norn or asura would be a shot in the foot.
  20. Anyone know the recipe for the food? I know it requires one charged quartz.
  21. 70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna it before the price goes even higher. You need 12. Going for 8g a pop right now. You can feed the skyscale three times a day so 4 more days added for skyscale mount. Timegate within a timegate.
  22. So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.
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