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Everything posted by roederich.2716

  1. Season is about to end, people cheating now their ranks up dont wanna know how many alts are currently used to make others matches get lost...
  2. Well you need to put an immense effort into the game if you want to be real competitive in the top. most players in the top are students who have time and lot players usually quit after they have finished exams cause then begins the reality of work life and that makes it hard to stay among the best cause you need to take care for other things than keeping up to date in guild wars. actually you need to take into account: - all classes, e-spec and their current playstyles and builds - all maps their mechanics and how to play on these maps - need to be able to read an enemys comp before the match starts to adapt your class or build so you better be a multi class player - need to be aware of people who play the game, put good players on your friend list to look up when their are in a match to go in queue then to avoid being in the same match with them (avoid playing against good players) - learn when weak players are online to play then and win (e.g in early U.S. mornings are players from australia in their prime time and therefore you can play against them with their high ping to NA servers so use that advantage) - make contacts and friends to good players to play with them to have good teammate to higher your winchances, so networking is important - Train the classes on golems and duells when not playing in ranked to get better at them or to stay good. - learn keyboard and mouse management to optimise your combos, movement etc. - make contacts to players who are willing to exit a match if its about to get lost so your rating gets saved by this teammate… - have more than 1 account to train on alt account so your rating does not get trashed on your main and you can use the alt account to make a friend a favour and lose some matches on purpose if you play against him and owe him a favour... - actually learn to wintrade without getting caught. this all tremendous effort and the current top players only do this cause they sell alt accounts with winner gizmos on black market. - search on youtube for "gw2 pvp wintrading" or "gw2 pvp cheating" you find tons of evideince and these players still play the game... welcome to pvp join us its fun!
  3. as a necro you provide "boon strip" as well as have usually utils or weapons that can "fear" enemies. so when you know that they will stealth on you why not fear them away from you, etc. spectral ring etc. use boon strip like axe or screpter to weaken them when you see them so your group wont punch like madmans on them without causing any damage or downs... reaper also have elite "chilled to the bone" you can "stun"with that. also in shroud you have skill 3 that gives stability and you can fear using it the second time... shroud 5 is a chill as well... sounds like you copied some build from some website but never looked at that at all but just go in pvp and die... prepare yourself before going into any competition cause your personal performance effects the experience of other players in competitive and in the case of ranked pvp you lose the teams match you cause harm to other peoples rating their work on and that will cause grief and anger and frust. playing a new class in unranked for 3-6 month is nothing bad.
  4. what you mean with "intentionally not capturing the object"? sometimes its not possible to just kill the lord and tick the circle. when you have a cloud around you, you actually need to fight it until they are done and get low on numbers so you can safely go for lord kill then as when you have the lord aoe, and all your damage on the lord and the cloud push from all sides into the center you will just die as a squad. ever seen how ants kill big beatles in real life? they swarm from all sides and try to put the beatle on its back... I agree though that it is highly unrespectful if a squad opens up a keep and tower gate and just stands behind this gate to "farm" the defenders. theses farmers wonder why nobody wants to play the game anymore and wonder why they dont have their "content"... btw who invented the word "content" to describe other players should just get a lifetime ban from the game, I wouldnt mind as cant hear that word anymore tbh.
  5. What you guys think about loot generation? Is it generated and put in the chest then waiting to be picked up or is loot generated the moment a chest is opened?
  6. people are just used by now to use EoD spec or scrapper to blink or dash on everyone and immediately burst 150% of that players health away with 2-3 button press. as soon that dont works cause that other player knows how to sustain / block / dodge this blink nonsense they come on the forum and talk about "xyz is op, needs nerf" mesmer is neglected since years by anet, it lacks damage in pvp and wvw. if you play full power vs a condi spec you have more than a hard time and mostly only one chance to attack , if that fails you can say goodbye cause lack of cleanse in power build. in pvp you play bunker chrono or viruoso then, in wvw squads completely jailed to utility support... everything that worked with mesmer has been cut off like boonshare from signet of inspiration while a other classes just spread boons around like wild... but nerf the mesmers... is there even any of the original mesmer designers who know the class mechanics in the company? all ele, warri and engi mains in charge buffing their specs...
  7. i know this. but this is not warrior discussion this is why is engi strong and its for the same reason certain others are as well and others not.
  8. Because Colin Johanson is a engi main? All classes which are played by anet responsibles are strong while all classes they not play are neglected. Ele , Engi, Warrior . stronk. but classes like mesmer??? jailed to bunker on node or get condi rekt when on power build.... a "support/utility" mesmer in wvw or gvg.... everything they not play themselfes is either not worth their time or they maybe dont know anything about its mechanics cause the classes have been designed by people who left the company long ago.
  9. Super Adventure Box: Baubles and Bauble Bubbles are currently accountbound trophies taking inventory space that way. they should be added to the bank under "Festive Materials" instead.
  10. I hope not. People already compain about that Tengu in Arborstone. More blinkin "beep boop beep bopp" when you stand on bank npc?
  11. Pitty one has to vote while the event is still going on. better be get all participants on stage after their individual runs so the audience can vote the winner then. so one can vote after having seen all participants and not during the event.
  12. Nice little event. just the achievement says „rewards“ but there are none 🧐
  13. The achievement "Gorgeous Live Stage" has empty rewards. Rewards are missing. https://imgur.com/a/ZNHefM9
  14. Adding players to ones friendlist makes one currently able to see where they are located ingame. this funcion is abused by pvp players to identify if opponents are current in a pvp match to avoid fighting them. aka "queue dodging" or "queue sniping". If you want to avoid playing against strong players just wait until they started a match and queue then to ensure not to meet them. in wvw this function is abused to identify where enemy commanders and players are located, too. this should not be part of competitive gamemodes. there is no need to look up this way where your opponents are. this function should be anonym at least for spvp and wvw. the friendlist should be changed accordingly.
  15. I had to play it with low graphics setting, set down the gamma slider a bit and turned down the brightness of my monitor, after i reverted everything cause could not play anything else then… yes its very bright colors. The designer maybe had false tv settings when he played nintendo in his youth thinking that retro games look like this xD
  16. yeah and that satan guy on youtube had a proof video that account names of alts which where traded had been changed by anet employee while at that time it was said that this operation would be too risky to make a common service as it woulkd eventually destroy one account. only if you had your real life data or anything in the name they changed it, but for wintraders it seemed no problem...
  17. if you want people banned the best chance is to record evidence and send it via mail to support and ask for answer what has been done. the normal report function seems not to do anything. prolly there is some callcenter behind who just close the cases every now and then.
  18. - reduce radius of the gyros - the maps we play on havent been reworked since the start and this huge mobile aoe like it is also on catalyst is just not suitable for the small node, stairs and hallways. - if blast gyro doesnt hit an opponent the scrapper shall damage himself like it is in overcharge on holo. if you need scrapper to stay in gold then you can also uninstall the game as you have no ambitions to even get better and are just messing around for nonsense.
  19. It should be changed to if blast gyro does not hit any opponent the scrapper blows himself up like it is with overcharge on holo.
  20. I would buy cereals packages to find GW2 figurines inside. Logan, rytlock, taimi, aurene, queen jenna, braham… or the lyssa, dwayna, grenth and such tons of small figurines possible after 10 years story
  21. so is all pointless the best one can do is just leave the game?
  22. and what if people find fun again if the matches are better that way and your 5 minutes queue turns into 30 seconds casue of raise in activity? want better game but no changes?
  23. and since you can not "delete" single specs from pvp cause people actually payed for them, it needs a restructure of what can be done and what not and what can happen and what not.
  24. we have currently the situation that lot of players want to play their favourite spec regardless if its "valid" or not. and exactly that is not possible with the current game designers and their new apprentices who whisper in their ear. that leads to much frustration if you have such underperforming spec in your team. so a reducal in overal possible specs per match is the only way to ever get what everyone is crying for "balance, balance, balance"
  25. What about different queues for different expansions? Core queue HoT queue Pof queueu EoD queue To queue in either of them is only possible of you have one of the especs skilled. Changing class or espec after your queued not possible. Will it allow for better random team and matchmaking?
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