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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. You make this sound like a romance xD
  2. I told you many times dont try to be my friends saying : ''other ppl are defending their broken specs'' , so i must prove to them how foolish they are .Any time Mesmers + Eles + Warriors players said that their class need skill to play and you respont to them , sayings thats a ''lie'' i havent commented you on that . Every time i comment you you , is some kitten formula you are doing in the forums :a)WvWvW threads = goes into a thread saying that Thief need burst , because its his archetypeb) Evades frames because its a roguec) PvP forums = stealth because rogue archetype ... and its useless in pvp matchesd) mobility its archetypee) it need condition removal on evade ... but its hard to use because it doesnt work if the enemy dont attackf) THERES HUGE AMOUNT OF AOES WITH CONDITIONS IN THE GROUND .... immagine if we gave condition removal on evade on Thieves.... Different things in different threads , just like the thief 2013-2015 communityYou hate powercreepYou tell me all the time to suck it up , and that the company wont change a thingTell other ppl , that you class is fineWhen cornered you say that you wants things to be nerfed and any change is welcomed ..... but firstly other thngs rather than your class , must be nerfed first Normaly i would tell you the same thing as the other people , to hug the powercreep and reject it .Something that the Thief population did in 2013 in the Thief Mega Thread ... and then whined when Necro got Drumfire (4 sec burn -3200 total damage every 10 sec) in 2014 and Warriors got the mobility as long he has Meele weapons + Buff to its survibility . But based on the documented analysis based on my Thesis on Harvard and Yale and my magical Fortune Ball and my 10 years expiriance as a Healers supporting mouth breathers , when other game will be released you you will a leghty post , that the games is doomed for listeing to the casuals and an other Thief will take your place is 2 years saying the same things all over again :P No offense, but what exactly is your point? It's a forum, everyone is biased, and most people that main a class can see problems with more clarity than people that don't. It's a fact that thief is built around evades and stealth. That's why a thief that can't evade or can't stealth dies faster than virtually anything else in the game. The state of stealth is also intended by the devs, otherwise it wouldn't exist. This is also a clear fact. It's fine if you disagree, I'd probably disagree with your perception of your favoured class, but try to have enough class to attack the argument and not the person, ok? :)
  3. Sword thieves are hit or miss (I also run an off meta mesmer (mirage) build). Had one down low, he then peaced out to get ooc and came in again over and over. Was online in both ABL's and maybe saw 4-5 diff sword spam Daredevils. It's not a bad build for roaming, simply because it doesn't need stealth in any way so it's unaffected by marked. It's also closer in playstyle to D/P than almost any other build, so I can totally see why people that enjoyed the old meta before PoF would want to play it. I mostly use it in situations where deadeye would be a disadvantage, like in enemy towers or versus people that spam painter traps. Vs mesmers I generally have better luck on S/D or on condi deadeye honestly. A good mesmer will time the daze shatter or mantra for the S/P windup and shut you down totally if they're watching for it. The acro+trickery meta build is so bad in terms of burst in wvw, that it's laughable. Some of these bandwagoners jumped at me recently. I was just walking 1 km to the next tower while the thief was constantly trying to attack. If you play this build with DA+CS+DrD or DE traitlines then you can overwhelm some people (but you lack utility). The metabuild with all its defense is just good for stationary fights like which you can find on capture points (pvp or camps in wvw) to wear your target down eventually or (like any teef build) for +1 of course.You're not wrong, but frankly there's a lot of builds out there that require specialist builds to kill, so it's not surprising that you'd be running something that S/P dash can't really do much against. Remember that it's a build promoted by a PvP player for PvP; defense is generally a lot lower in there compared to WvW because of the amulet system forcing gear tradeoffs. The build has its uses in WvW though, I main deadeye so it's a useful build for me to deal with other thieves and for situations where stealthing is limited, like near sentries and towers. Also, the whole wear down your opponents playstyle is basically what sword thief does best, so putting the build down by trying to compare it's burst to a dagger or staff daredevil build seems a bit disingenuous really.
  4. Sword thieves are hit or miss (I also run an off meta mesmer (mirage) build). Had one down low, he then peaced out to get ooc and came in again over and over. Was online in both ABL's and maybe saw 4-5 diff sword spam Daredevils. It's not a bad build for roaming, simply because it doesn't need stealth in any way so it's unaffected by marked. It's also closer in playstyle to D/P than almost any other build, so I can totally see why people that enjoyed the old meta before PoF would want to play it. I mostly use it in situations where deadeye would be a disadvantage, like in enemy towers or versus people that spam painter traps. Vs mesmers I generally have better luck on S/D or on condi deadeye honestly. A good mesmer will time the daze shatter or mantra for the S/P windup and shut you down totally if they're watching for it.
  5. T1? T5? Bandwagon? Server Pride? What's your preference, and why?
  6. just within 2 minutes, i was +1 shotted over 18k with Death Judgment. Yes the same Toxic Death Judgment since guild wars 2 beta in addition to 8 years of it. Not only that Anet loves terrible stealth mechanics, they find absolutely nothing wrong with Toxic mechanics as wellhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Judgment 'Death's Judgement (Rifle #4) ranges anywhere between 42k - 60k per shot so a pretty large spread' If Thief Profession is either redesigned from the ground-up or be completely deleted from the game, expect Nothing from the patch So not only has death's judgement, a skill on rifle, been around for the 8 years since beta, but it's also on rifle 4 so it's a spammable 42-60 shot in WvW as well as PvE? It's a good job that none of that is even remotely true, otherwise it would definitely need nerfs.
  7. At least if they shipped a wrong version of it, something is at least being messed with in there? right? xD
  8. Unfortunately, new players are vulnerable exactly because they don't know what they're doing. I deliberately don't attack low rank players unless they attack me first or unless I'm outnumbered, that said, if my tag is fighting the enemy tag I will go after anything squishy that's out of position, which is very often the new players since they don't know where that should be to start with. I also know that most players won't offer new players the same grace I do; I can't be the only roamer that tries to give low rank players a chance to learn, but a large part of the player base hates single players and sticks with the motto "red = dead", and most ganking is actually done by zerg players going after single targets 5v1 oddly enough. Best advice I can give is to find a tag on alpine border to start, download discord/teamspeak and listen to the tag so you know which way he's moving. Ask about builds, scourge is probably your best bet as a new player as it's not massively complicated and it's always needed but if you're competent on something else that the comm needs then go for it. Stick to that tag like glue, don't tunnel vision after low health enemies, and get warclaw unlocked ASAP. Accept that sometimes you are going to get ganked in the cheesiest possible way; just laugh and roll with it. If a group needs to chase me down with 5 people when I'm already marked in order to get the kill that's a cause for pity, not irritation. Ask in map chat; odds are there's someone there who will help you, I know I'm usually happy to help new players with thief stuff when I'm online. There is definitely a learning curve, but you get what you out in when it comes to WvW. I know you've had your experience already, but hopefully if this doesn't help you it helps someone else :)
  9. The wall itself is on the other side of the tower floating in midair near the bridge. The same thing has happened to the cannons on north outer SM, they're just floating in midair away from the wall.
  10. In general, permastealth DE one shot builds are very rock paper scissors. You either kill your target outright, or you do no damage at all and you're forced to retreat. So most of the use of such a build comes from recognising a player's build from his weapons and damage types, knowing what gear that build runs and what the player's max health is likely to be, and knowing whether you do enough damage in your initial spike to get the kill. If you mess up you are pretty much forced to back off and reset and you lose your main advantage as he now is expecting the next attack, so you're often better off swapping to a more balanced build from that point.
  11. In practice, I only Steal/Swipe every 25-30s regardless of cooldown. Only because the heals from Mug is more important than the stolen skills I get or the pathetic random chance of one of my utility skill will reset. To be honest, it's not worth taking. The power level of Improv is no longer at the GM level. It used to have a potential of resetting the heal, 3 utilities and elite skills (5 skills) if they are all of the same kind every 20s. Now, we only get one out of 3 utility skills. It's sucks so bad. It has lower highs and higher lows now. I actually see it going off more often now than I did before. They traded that potential to set off more than 1 skill (but probably not) with the guarantee that something on your utility bar is getting reset, but it may not always be something that is on cooldown at the time. I use my utility skills much more aggressively now with the expectation that something is coming back, not the hope that something is. But that's just me. You do you. So you're saying that you'll pick this garbage of a GM trait over Potent poison and Executioner. Yeah, you do you. Thanks for your pleasant input. I'll be sure to keep it in mind. And you should. Unless you're stealing every 20s, most of your utility skills will naturally go out of cooldown on their own. Improv was worthy of GM slot when it can reset an Elite skill that has a long CD (i.e. Thieves Guild). I can't believe that you're trying to defend this botched cosmetic surgery.Depends why you're using it; the main reason I chose improv in the past was the extra stolen item, which on daredevil is very helpful in outnumbered fights with a mesmer present and on deadeye is another source of stealth with 5 malice which made not taking SA more bearable. The reset on utility skills was always too RnG for me to rely on because it was linked to utility type, although I agree with you that the other GS traits are often better these days depending on your build.
  12. While I get your sentiment, Ben is correct in saying it's pretty much impossible to change 800-900 variables in a system as complex as GW2 and get predictable results right off the bat. Most iterative processes change one variable at a time while keeping others constant as controls to accurately judge the effect, this number of changes is going to be unpredictable to a degree no matter what they do. The point is that PoF has been out for years and there SHOULDN'T be a need to change 800-900 variables at this stage if they didn't screw things up previously. I'm totally ok with them fixing things at this point and it being a large patch. However, Ben is admitting the SAME problem that caused them to screw things up previously. Thus, you are just shuffling the deck instead of truly FIXING things. I'm saying they should take whatever time is needed or release the notes PRIOR to release to get as much intel as possible. It really shouldn't be that hard at this stage of PoF to predict things...assuming they have actually been playing the game all this time and have competent individuals.Like I say, I don't necessarily disagree with you in sentiment. Previous patches have been much smaller in scope so the effects should have been much more predictable, so you're correct in that regard, but looking at the scope of this patch there will be some uncertainty simply because of the scale of the changes. Making 5 changes to a condi build on a particular elite spec per patch (often less than that) that only affects PvP or WvW along with a few changes that nobody knew needed making is not comparable to 800-900 changes currently finalised just from skill splits, the implication being that there are more changes to come. Of course I'm assuming that these are meaningful changes; we'll find that much out when the patch drops. I'd also argue that the idea of elite specs is fundamentally flawed and that this is the real root problem facing the devs, especially when considering PoF elites. Some are flawed in a conceptual way (like scourge and deadeye, they're either going to be OP or kinda pointless due to their design choices and in deadeye's case it combines all the things that make people hate fighting rogues) and some are flawed because they simply do too much (firebrand being too good compared to other supports and holo skills basically making core engi redundant) or too little (druid post nerf) and some suffer from both causes (renegade). There is so much that needs changing and to their credit they've been trying to address that in recent months by introducing trade offs to particular specs (swipe, druid pets etc) although the results are debatable. In some ways having one massive patch that tries to deal with everything at once is better than 3 years worth of protracted smaller patches, if only as people don't get so fed up waiting for stuff to get looked at. This is in part why I'm cautiously optimistic, if they mess with everything at once and foul it up they are pretty much forced to commit more resources to fixing it than before, they have to do it faster than they have in the past because it will affect their bottom line if they don't.
  13. Nice attempt at spin already. PoF has been out for years now. Why are "the number of changes so large that all possible interactions are impossible to predict"? What have all the other balance patches been? Are you admitting that they were all failures? What can't you internally test and predict at this point with PoF??? Is it a staffing issue or a competency issue? If it's a staffing issue, just take more time. It's better to get things right than look foolish and not catch things players catch immediately. If it's a competency issue, release the patch notes prior to going live and get some feedback. The reason you're in this boat to begin with is that you released patches without internally testing stuff and predicting the interactions. If you are ALREADY admitting that will be the case with this balance patch, you've failed from the start. Nobody could take your internal testing seriously before when you released fewer changes that had to be hotfixed. Many of those things that had to be hotfixed could have been identified in 10 minutes of internal testing or 1 button push. Some changes weren't enough and classes went a full year and counting being OP. Now you're already admitting similar issues with this patch? WOW...forgive the pun...cuz that's the game I'm playing now (classic) because you guys failed so miserably. Thanks for the warning at least. While I get your sentiment, Ben is correct in saying it's pretty much impossible to change 800-900 variables in a system as complex as GW2 and get predictable results right off the bat. Most iterative processes change one variable at a time while keeping others constant as controls to accurately judge the effect, this number of changes is going to be unpredictable to a degree no matter what they do.
  14. This makes me very hopeful, as a comprehensive and quickly iterative process of changes is exactly what the game needs at this point. I almost don't care if all my builds become irrelevant in the process as the stagnation in WvW is one of the main reasons I don't play so much now, I'm looking forward to a new meta and a move away from the instagib cheese builds and the unkillable bunker builds that frankly ruin small scale as a solo player. And yes, I'm saying this as a deadeye main, you can have the permastealth instagib DE build if other classes lose their equivalent builds and the game is more fun as a result.
  15. Generally good advice here. I only have one good attempt at capping a tower after sneaking in as once I've been found the odds of getting the cap drop significantly. After that I just troll and see how many kills I can get before I'm forced out, so with that in mind placing a golem in the capture circle is by far the most effective of the tactics you suggested since it totally shuts down any attempt to cap while also making it hard to kill you before your teammates force me to leave. Going condi bunker or support is less effective if you're solo or low numbers as the build I use for capping towers is designed for that specifically, and is pretty bad vs other players. So if my reaction to you engaging me as I try to cap is going to be to get ooc and swap build to counter yours, you'd be better off being aggressive from the start and trying to land a target painter to mark me before I can move away. Once marked I can't easily get ooc to swap to a better build so my choices are pretty much leave or die. If you have any form of stealth then this should always be your opening move when you see a thief trying to cap something. In general, just remember that thief is a class that relies on high burst out of stealth. Any tactic that relies on waiting for me to attack is probably going to be a bad move for you, so be aggressive and try to limit my options.
  16. Of course it really wouldn't matter too much if ANET hadn't gone insane and given thieves the ability to portal people in. You could usually ignore them. Now killing them actually matters. On the "balance" patch I suggest they limit the portal to ONE person(the thief). Speaking as a thief that hides in towers whenever he gets the chance; I'd be totally fine with this. I'm still kinda surprised they gave us a team portal in the first place, since all we wanted was for shadow trap to be reliable.
  17. is it 8-900 changes or 800-900 changes? Those are two very different ranges haha
  18. This really is beginning to feel like the necromancer forums.
  19. How about a stacking damage bonus like revs have, so gain stacks on critical hits, 3% bonus damage per per stack, 5 stacks maximum? That would feel better than the current iteration for me as it would reward sustained attacks instead of instagibs and would be more useful in more circumstances. Obviously feel free to tweak numbers etc.
  20. You know people have 0 experience in wvw roaming when they say things like this ?? @Trepidation Lost.3469 said:It’s a wvw thing you pve peasants wouldn’t understand It's pretty rich you're saying we're pve peasants when you're stupid enough to follow the thief into the water in the first place. Getting tunnel vision when chasing a thief is a rookie mistake in roaming. On a more helpful note, all I've done in this game for years is solo roam on thief, and I've only seen a handful of thieves use water like this. The ones that do usually do it when they're about to die, and by doing it they lose all right to complain about underhanded tactics in a 1v1. So if I see one do it I'll disengage, swap to condi and then bomb them as soon as they come back on land. It doesn't matter how much they evade if you get enough condis on them in the opener, and odds are their cleanses are on cool down because of the reset. Enjoy the salt. No you’re a tool.The thief can just go to the water everytime he starts to lose and becomes unkillable. With 90% dodge uptime then Invis for the rest whisky doing 7k dmg during the evades. If you think that’s fair you’re just a dumb dumbs. @Trepidation Lost.3469 said: You know people have 0 experience in wvw roaming when they say things like this ?? @Trepidation Lost.3469 said:It’s a wvw thing you pve peasants wouldn’t understand It's pretty rich you're saying we're pve peasants when you're stupid enough to follow the thief into the water in the first place. Getting tunnel vision when chasing a thief is a rookie mistake in roaming. On a more helpful note, all I've done in this game for years is solo roam on thief, and I've only seen a handful of thieves use water like this. The ones that do usually do it when they're about to die, and by doing it they lose all right to complain about underhanded tactics in a 1v1. So if I see one do it I'll disengage, swap to condi and then bomb them as soon as they come back on land. It doesn't matter how much they evade if you get enough condis on them in the opener, and odds are their cleanses are on cool down because of the reset. Enjoy the salt. You clearly play at a level where people are not skilled. This never happens vs a competent player, but why should I expect from forum plebs ?Did you actually read my post? xD
  21. You know people have 0 experience in wvw roaming when they say things like this ?? @Trepidation Lost.3469 said:It’s a wvw thing you pve peasants wouldn’t understand It's pretty rich you're saying we're pve peasants when you're stupid enough to follow the thief into the water in the first place. Getting tunnel vision when chasing a thief is a rookie mistake in roaming. On a more helpful note, all I've done in this game for years is solo roam on thief, and I've only seen a handful of thieves use water like this. The ones that do usually do it when they're about to die, and by doing it they lose all right to complain about underhanded tactics in a 1v1. So if I see one do it I'll disengage, swap to condi and then bomb them as soon as they come back on land. It doesn't matter how much they evade if you get enough condis on them in the opener, and odds are their cleanses are on cool down because of the reset. Enjoy the salt.
  22. You know its a slow day when people complain about underwater skills.
  23. Most classes can hit harder than this, and once you get a mount you will get hit so rarely by backstab it hardly matters.
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