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Everything posted by Lonecap.4105

  1. They actually patch up things that are egregious in PvP, so in that sense, it is supported.
  2. Forgot to mention I did mean in competitive game modes. Blazebreaker and Flames of War are truly truly terrible skills in these modes and I don’t think anyone will argue against that.
  3. Torch is in my opinion the absolute WORST weapon warrior has access to. Torch 4 is slow and clunky and has very low impact, and Torch 5 is EVEN worse. For a start reduce the cooldown on Torch 5, and double the burn stacks on both skills.
  4. Personally? I'm interested to combine some of the relics that proc on elite with SoR. Should be able to do some pretty spicy combos... we also get a pull on elite now. pull+20 might+fury. Food for thought brothers.
  5. Yeah guys, Arms traitline clearly doesn’t need any attention. It’s fine and plenty of people use it.
  6. Fair enough with Soulbeast, it's pretty ridiculous. But Bladesworn?
  7. Well you can still use a tier 1 arcing slice as berserker to get some fury. Also arc divider does as much damage as arcing slice to targets below 50% hp. It also has double the radius. So they’re definitely distinct enough, imo.
  8. Ah give it up guys, they’re not gonna change it, and I for one am glad. I didn’t play Berserk GS in PvP before (triple spin was just incredibly slow and low damage, no point trying to might pump it or anything because you’ll never land the full channel), but now I’m actually getting great use out of it (deleting teamfights).
  9. The shot needs to happen with the roll. Or at least 1/4 sec cast. Its basically unplayable at this point.
  10. Agreed. It’s trash, please revert.
  11. Soulbeast damage is definitely overperforming without might pump. It's hitting levels of damage that you should only be able to reach with 15+ might while having 0.
  12. Honestly no. We have less skills to use to damage opponents and we never fully recovered from things like bulls charge losing damage. Our single hits are so crucial to land, you're punished so heavily for whiffing, and you need to invest so much (traits and multiple utilities at once) to make those singular hits feel paid off. And even then it isn't enough.
  13. Warrior dagger? Are you serious?... Bro.
  14. Try the build in question and record some gameplay for us. Show us how incredibly powerful it is in a match.
  15. While I'm not sure if the toughness was actually being applied in the character sheet, the tooltip at least -was- bugged in one of the last patches and was fixed on July 18th.
  16. To be fair Azure, they DID throw bolas him - no getting away from that
  17. Lighting up red with huge signet telegraphing above your head? Reading the minimap? Target marking the berserker in a teamfight? This thread is silly.
  18. You must be in combat to enter Berserk, and therefore are visible on the minimap. Also the scenario you described is.. extremely niche. You'd both need to be hugging the other side of the wall. The berserker knew you were there - he read the minimap.
  19. You need to work on your map awareness. Through a wall? I can’t think of a wall in any PvP map that could completely blindside you like this to the extent you’re describing..
  20. Friend. Your character literally turns bright red and has obvious “❗️“ signs above your head in the form of signets. You can easily avoid it in 1v1, in a teamfight sure it’s less easy, but just literally keep track of where the berserker is and focus him. To even achieve any noteworthy damage you need to sacrifice all sustain and your heal skill.
  21. Homie, I beg you to pick up a rifle berserker and try doing this. Good luck 8^)
  22. Did a certain lonely mushroom hurt you by any chance?
  23. Spellbreaker bursts are always tier 1
  24. Integrated voice chat during games would be unbelievably toxic (and very fun). I say yes
  25. imagine flaming what is arguably the best map
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