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Vlad Morbius.1759

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Everything posted by Vlad Morbius.1759

  1. In my opinion I think It looks to me like the LW episodes will involve the plot to wake Jormag and Primordus which we will attempt to stop which will lead up to the expansion containing the dragons. This will be followed by LW6 which will lead to the Cantha and Bubbles expansion.
  2. So Jormag is Kralk's mother, certainly fits considering the female whispers. I'd be thrilled to have a far shiverpeaks expansion i personally love the snowy areas and mountains.
  3. This would by far be the best news that could possibly happen for GW2. I cannot image things going well should it just be the living story despite the promises of additional features as we have been through this already and walked away very disappointed. The other concern would be the lack of financial support, sure there could be money tied into the LS but I guarantee you won't bring back veteran players or entice new ones regardless of what's added because only expansion drives that kind of hype.I truly hope your predictions are right my friend because it would be nothing but terrific news for the franchise!
  4. Please move the award of chests to about 1" higher so when I'm in WvW I'm not consistently hitting the tiny "Mist War" chest tab icon when trying to open the chests! I bet I've hit that stupid icon about 10k times by now while trying to navigate fight and clear the reward pop-ups!
  5. Potions to extend food and utility buffs to 12 hours of game play it's a great gold saver :)
  6. At the end of the day anytime something as obscene as the current zerg composed of FB/Scourge becomes the key element to winning any battle the game has lost the war. There should never be a must play style to win in WvW, sure some advantages perhaps clearing quicker etc but to turn the game into a giant shambling of 2 classes to see who's fingers gets sore first to win a battle is flat out poor design. We have been plagued by this for months and yet nobody at Anet seems to give a rats ass, which is a bad sign.
  7. There is zero balance period. WvW consists primarily of zergs comprised of scourge and FB blobbing from one point to another. This isn't balance and frankly it's ruining what used to be a great competitive game, Anet is 100% responsible for killing their own game modes because they refuse to fix this nonsense. Gone are the days of actual skilled play, whoever has the most scourges and FB's win pure and simple.Anet needs to fix this crap and the sooner the better!
  8. If Anet attempts to pass the LS5 off as an expansion like they did prior to HoT the results will be the same and it will amount to a nail in the coffin of a great game. Regardless of the content promised it will lead to a major loss of interest to many who have heard all this before, so I'll leave this here as it is absolutely relevant; Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  9. Not really. This would only make bomb blobs even more effective Sorry what I meant to say was a counter to Scourges without having to play a damnable scourge lol! To your part, this is a problem today for power builds, the staff is almost useless and without it Reapers have virtually no range attack, most everything we do have is far too slow in competitive play like WVW or PVP to make range effective. In my view if they don't want to buff staff then they need to speed up skills like necrotic grasp, soul grasp and grasping darkness. As it is today it is far too easy to outrun, dodge or use the terrain for Reapers to be very effective in many circumstances.
  10. The damage has to be increased and it's auto attack sped up to match other staffs in the game, this would make it useful as a counter to the current bomb blobs in WvW.
  11. Living World is a great way to fill the void between expansions but it will not and cannot take the place of expansions. The worst part of all this is that we went down this very road prior to HoT, and they knew then what they should know now an MMO needs expansions to grow the game and maintain its health. Nothing generates more sales or hype, or player influx than expansions, that will never change. If you think in terms of RPG's, the principle is the same, do you really believe that Call of Duty or Witcher or whatever else would have continued to grow without new games being released for those titles? MMORPG's version of new game play follows the same principle and that is the expansion, pure and simple!
  12. Just another way raids have screwed over this game. Makes me sick they added this crap in the first place because it was never part of the core game or philosophy, and it is ruining specs and balance faster than even PvP could.
  13. Really, well I beg to disagree because every few months the balance teams to totally screws up or remakes a spec forcing you to grind out the gear to fix what they've broken or at the very least grind out the mats or gold to change the gear, weapons and accessories, etc to make you efficient as you once were. It's vertical progression cleverly disguised as horizontal. Not to mention the fact the balance team has leaned more and more towards trinity, soft today but what does tomorrow bring?Yes the mounts differ but they are still mounts, rendering most way-points irrelevant and fast travel just like WoW. Raids are raids regardless of how people try to make distinctively different and the armor isn't better stat wise but it does offer some perks as well as looks (ugly or not). GW2 raids includes gear you cannot get any other way which invokes the same old elitist class separation rewarding one style of player over others fostering the same special snowflake crap WoW was founded on. As far as raids not locking you out of content, raids, the loot from it are still held away from those who don't like raiding. This may not be as similar to WoW as let's say ESO but the trend in the last 3 years has brought this far closer than what it was when it launched and anyone denying that is just turning a blind eye to reality!
  14. Well I gave it a good effort in all areas and it has seriously hampered my character and in ways they've given me no fix or work around (I thought runes of vampirism would do it but they have killed all healing in shroud). I guess they've left me no choice since i only enjoy playing reaper, and it's all i care to play going forward. Not much point in sticking around when I no longer enjoy the game play the way i used to, so thanks for that Anet, if your goal was to push your player base to other games you've succeeded. I have to say this is the first time I've seen a company at the 7 year mark not try and hold onto it's player base when we are directly responsible for the revenue that gives them a position in the first place. You've won, I formally give up.
  15. Templates would have been useful in year 2, now this far into the game with most players having an alt of every type i don't see this as a good use of resources. It would have been very beneficial around the time of HoT but now it seems redundant, so typical Anet a few years late to the party.
  16. WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.
  17. So now you know what the selling point is for every player that plays this game, and you know why they choose to play this game, what keeps them here? That's by far the most patronizing thing you've ever said and there have been many over time. You don't know what people think or want nor apparently does the balance team.
  18. If you look back to my post and the original post by @LadyKitty.6120 that is quoted it is very clear they did this based on how it performed in a raid group and not all PvE. I don't think that makes it anymore palatable because frankly to me it makes it even more distasteful because that percentage of player base is the smallest in the game! Clearly keeping raiders happy is someone on that teams main objective. I completely agree that there asking for feedback seems like a mute point when they never actually discuss anything brought up.
  19. Let me get this straight; this trait, that every Reaper has come to rely on for the past 3 months (due to the removal of the GS changes) is being removed completely because when it is used in ONE game play mode it is too strong? So somehow this is seen as justification to completely screw over the hundreds of thousands of us who aren't in the 10% that play raid content, who couldn't give a rats ass about raiding, ? Well that just makes so much sense, and it just goes to show you how twisted and one dimensional the vision of this team really is, no compromise to the bulk of the player base, it is too OP for raiding so lets just remove it completely from the game because the minority of the player base who raids found a way to abuse it! Don't tell me this was the only solution, but I gather based on past history it was the easiest solution, despite the consequences. No testing to see the impact on the rest of PVE or PVP, nope just do it because it affects raiding!This isn't balance it is favoritism, it's shoddy workmanship that the bulk of the player base pays the price for and it's a bloody shame that this is condoned by management at Anet. This is shameful!
  20. Oh for the...i don't have time to waste on someone who thinks they know exactly what courses through the minds of an entire department and nobody else's opinion has as much merit or value as theirs. Of course i realize it can be reverted my point was that it was obviously added because they felt it needed to be there and now 3 months later they decide to revert it which many feel would be disastrous considering the bulk of our damage comes from shroud which can no longer be healed at all. So you go ahead and keep believing you're some kind of Anet guru and they can do no wrong but you did get one thing right Anet's balancing is nothing like anyone should expect frankly because this patch is filled with non sequitur nonsense just like this change.
  21. Turn it off like it's a switch they left on? Now who sounds a little conspiratorial? We are talking about putting the notes into the game and explaining the rational for the change, testing it and that sounds accidental? Would you like me to link the patch notes from that particular day because they are easy to find so here you go; https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74356/game-update-notes-april-23-2019#latestThis was clearly added out of purpose, so your opinion is no more valid then mine. The healing is necessary because the changes they made forced us into shroud, and they knew that which is why it was added. To fix it they could revert that, or lower the healing value, flat out removing it will cripple the Reaper in many game play situations period and i'm not the only one who thinks so!
  22. Norn manure! So here is a history lesson for those who aren't Reapers;"August 08, 2017 Path of Fire pre-patch: This trait has had its functionality changed. It now reduces the recharge of greatsword skills by 20%. Additionally, it grants healing and life force every second while in combat and wielding a greatsword. " So your thought process here was for you to buff our greatsword skills because it is our main attack in reaper mode and you had previously nerfed our chill uptime and this was compensation, fair and frankly it allowed us to stay out of shroud and still do some decent damage.But then''''''''''''"April 23, 2019 "It now increases the strike damage dealt to all foes within a range of 300 by 10%, and it causes the reaper to heal for 5% of the damage dealt to foes within that range. It no longer reduces greatsword-skill recharge by 20%." So this in effect forced us to stay in shroud for as long as we could to do damage and allow our GS skills to recharge and gave us some healing so we would not be overly handicapped. So now this is what we are force fed; Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health. This wasn't some misfire, although they've produced more gaffs than I've ever seen in MMO's and I've been playing them non stop since 1999. This was an intentional addition because they knew that removing the GS buffs forced us into shroud for offense and without the ability to heal in shroud we would be sitting ducks when we dropped out to heal! I want to know why now, this is an issue because frankly it sounds like total bs and it was the fastest least complicated way to try and remove some survive ability from a class that was MARKETED as a survival so please spare me the absolute Norn manure!
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