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Everything posted by ArlAlt.1630

  1. There arent really any power builds that can do that. Not even Power Rev. On the other hand, Condi thief, condi mirage (if protected) and burn guard can do that with ease. power rev, power mirage, power core mesmer, power ranger,holo, core power guard/dh traps can burst people for 75% hp in a blink of an eye, and thats just off the top of my head.condi builds cant do that other then some niche or specific cases like burn buard or mass confusion from condi mesmer into you hurting yourself with confusion. People still die to DH traps? people still dont use cleanse? There’s not enough cleanse in the game for the cancer that everyone plays. I have 1 condi cleanse every 30s and im doing guchiIt’s gucci like the brand. Saw it and it didn’t sit right with me. There’s no explanation for fashion.
  2. Ok so I just got back from my Ele guy. He looked over the Metabattle Fire Weaver spec, said you can get around 15 condi cleanses in the first 30 secs of a fight with a couple trait swaps, without slotting Antitoxin or Cleansing sigil. He then mentioned, that slotting Antitoxin in that build makes a lot of sense since you get that extra condi damage on top of the extra cleanse.So tell me again man, what exactly is your problem here? Sorry you can’t slot even more damage or duration on your burns, but at some point you gotta draw the line and min/max. You’re NOT by any means required to slot those runes, but you can choose to and get 175 extra condi damage. I really don’t understand your gripe. And with that being said... /thread
  3. Which would be ok if all classes had nearly identical active/passive defenses built into their kits. However they’re not even close.Fact to the matter is that some classes require investment in defensive stats to survive, while others can roll zerker gear and be fine on sustain. That alone makes such a suggestion unfeasible, at least with the way things are right now. Why is it unfeasible when that's how it was before HoT? All 4 stats gear really does is power creep and remove the need for trade offs. People still use core stats like dire. I apologize, I missed the part about 4 stat gears. Yes those did introduce an unnecessary power creep. Then further introduced the need for ANet to balance base condi duration from skills to balance them out. However as it is now, short of them removing expertise and concentration as stats to go back to the original +% values awarded by traits and skills, I really don’t see a fix. So that ship set sails long time ago and talking about it now makes little sense.
  4. Unless you already have access to raptor in which case you can do whatever you want.I haven’t had to level a char the old fashioned way since 2013, thank you for 12 stacks of Tomes ANet, and I’ll likely never have to again. But for a brand new account, if I had to level Mesmer I’d prolly still pick staff over GS once you get past level 10 and mobs stop getting insta gibbed. Oh how I miss the old clone death build, now that was a unique build.
  5. I personally would to love see every class be brought down to Chrono level, let them get a taste of that bitter sense of uselessness. And then when they taste it and ask for a fix or a rework, to get completely ignored by ANet.So pick the next class to put on the chopping block and let’s kill it, then move on to the next and so on. Poetic justice.
  6. Which would be ok if all classes had nearly identical active/passive defenses built into their kits. However they’re not even close.Fact to the matter is that some classes require investment in defensive stats to survive, while others can roll zerker gear and be fine on sustain. That alone makes such a suggestion unfeasible, at least with the way things are right now.
  7. This^The playerbase of this game is the worst I've seen for bandwagoning I've seen in a game. As soon as players qq about a outlier class having a cheesey build or skills within days those handful of classes and builds are all u see. Probably because in other MMOs you have a fraction of the amount of builds and ability to customize your play as GW2. Don't kid yourself, each class has 1 maybe 2 working builds (note I'm saying working, not necessarily Meta), the rest is just a bug ridden, incoherent mess. ANet have done wonders with creating the illusion of choice, while in reality they shoehorned you in playing in a specific way patch to patch. Totally feel like low rank puts a target on one's back sometimes. So many "roamers" go out of their way to chase you down and dismount you even when you're trying to run. All so they can win an unfair fight. Also, is "shivering" emote over your body a new form of bm? And how do people even whisper enemies in WvW? Sorry, I'm pretty new to the mode. As a general rule I won't touch anything less than Bronze, unless they're preventing me from capturing or defending an objective, or they decided to +X in an already outnumbered fight. In that case, yea I'll find you and yea I might not give you a fair fight either, you gave up that right the moment you +Xed.No clue about the shivering emote, but there was never a strict guide on how to BM in emotes.
  8. Or is unhappy that a mean Condi Rev transferred his 12 stacks of burn right back at him. :lol: The “sacrifice” you’re describing here with dire/trailblazer to deal with “power specs that roam in pairs or trios“. So balanced means you should be able to take on 1v2 or 1v3 consistently on a condi build? That doesn’t make sense to me. What’s the opportunity cost of taking trailblazer or dire gear? It’s not like you need other offensive stats to do good condition damage. There is minimal sacrifice to condition damage when you pick up dire/trailblazer gear. The sacrifice you are making is that if the opponent equips anti-toxin runes and takes even a modicum amount of cleanse you are literally a walking cabbage. Base damage with no power behind is absolutely no threat. It is why the real PITA condition classes are usually celestial hybrids that pressure you on both layers to which there is no counter except to out stat them better, these are the builds worth discussing over how to nerf, and historically have been the most problematic. Most builds complained about are not exactly fun to fight, but they are easily countered cheese and they exist in equal parts for both power and condi. To the other person, PvP toughness got removed because you have to go to the enemy. In a sandbox mode where it's perfectly viable to turn the corner, make a few gear changes, and come back around and be effectively immortal the issue is not the stats but the approach. They just removed knights and cavaliers too, I suppose those are over performing in WvW?This is true, however the recent power level nerfs affected those severely due to the already lower power levels they can achieve, making them far less desirable.
  9. I have the sneaking suspicion the OP is complaining about condi class stacking in small roaming groups, which has gotten more popular now that we have more than 1 working condi class at the same time. And yes, you can’t outsustain 2 condi classes pummeling you, but the same is true for having 2 glass cannons tunneling you. You’re not supposed to, in a perfect balance scenario at equal skill 1 player should not be able to 1vX.
  10. 1 skill? To get something close to what you are describing is precasting choking gas(1), using venom(2), stealing into cnd(3,4), using sneak attack for the combo field(5), shadow strike followed up by repeater (6,7). That is a 7 skill combo that will accomplish a somewhat close scenario of what you described, if the player is sitting there like a ? I want to be able to do it with 1 skill, yes please buff. I'm assuming they dont play thief nor no what's really involved in the burst. I'm sure they kno their over exaggerating.You know what happens when you assume, right?
  11. There arent really any power builds that can do that. Not even Power Rev. On the other hand, Condi thief, condi mirage (if protected) and burn guard can do that with ease. While I do appreciate the "if protected" part, the same is true for literally every other build. I don't see you including those. Hateful much?
  12. Ok now that I have some more time to go in depth.@"SoulSlavocracy.4902" Which class is it that you play that you feel forced to run Antitoxin, cuz let's have a little look at what condi cleanse classes have available across the spectrum. Mesmer: I would have to login to double check but off the top of my head I currently run 20-22 cleanses over the first 30 secs of the fight, should the need arise, which is never because that's 3 full condi bombs cleansed. Warrior: You get 10-16 condis cleansed over the first 30 secs and that's without investing too much into it, you could go way more if you really wanna build for it. Ranger: You get 10-16 condis cleansed over the first 30 secs by playing the standard wilderness survival/BM build. If you go druid that number goes astronomically high. Engineer: If you make use of your fields (toolbelt and conjured weapons) and finishers you can cleanse an insane amount of condi, I don't think I'm able to make an educated guess without spending time looking at it. But think Upward of 15. Guardian: This one doesn't need any consideration, anyone that has played the game for more than 2 days, can tell you this guy is your boy when condi is present, best part his is AoE. Elementalist: Tricky, depending on build it could have insane cleanse potential or close to none.Edit: I just got back from my Ele guy. Without going overboard you can get 15 cleanses in the first 30 secs of a fight, no Antitoxin runes, no Cleansing sigil. Necromancer: Decent arsenal of impactful cleansing/transfer options available in the base kit. Needs no further consideration, maybe Reaper is on the lower end? Though again you can probably slot in enough condi cleanse without having to resort to Antitoxin runes, which is what you claim is required. Thief: If you're a Daredevil, literally all you have to do is pick escapist fortitude and shadowstep and you're already borderline never going to have a problem with condi. For the others slotting Signet of Agility and 1-2 cleansing sigil(s) is more than sufficient to put you in good standing to where you'll never need to slot Antitoxin runes. Revenant: I have a feeling this is where the bread winner is gonna be, Power Shiro has always had lackluster cleanse options, however the not so recent changes to cleansing sigil made them fair much better. Power Shiro is a glass cannon kill or be killed kind of spec that has active defense options to sustain itself for the duration of the fight. Yes it doesn't do well against heavy condi pressure, but no build is good against everything. This is prolly the only build I'd say requires double cleansing in the current meta.On the other hand, if you look at Malyx Rev, practically immune to condi. Was that 9? I believe it was. Now to summarize, every single class in the game has options to build for more than enough condi cleanse, to deal with just about any situation that isn't a blob full of pulsing AoE and that is fine, that's why you have your resident Mender FBs to compound cleanse the blob, but your title says "roaming" so we'll just ignore that point altogether. The only build and I do say build as it's not representative of the class as a whole is Power Shiro Rev.So what exactly is your problem with condi cleanses and why do you feel the need slot Antitoxin runes to roam successfully? Tl;DR: Your complaint feels more like universal hatred for condis, stemming from you being lazy or unwilling to slot any cleanse options provided by your kit so you can drool over big numbers while yelling "BIG DAMAGE, BIG DAMAGE!" Edit: I stand corrected, the OP is a FIRE WEAVER, oh the irony. :lol:
  13. They didn't know how to balance Mesmer either, that didn't stop them from nuking it from orbit. By all means, don't stop now.
  14. What is LI? As someone that hasn't touched PvE in this game, has not done fractals or raids, has a total of 1 strike mission completed (the LWS one with the tank cuz it was part of the story), I gotta ask: Is LI some new and improved version of the old DKP system or what? I have played with the DKP system and it heavily punished new raid/guild members and it was essentially a selfish way for the vets doing the weekly runs to gear up before everyone else. And I understand why it was incorporated, no one wants to get a first timer and them getting something than another raid member has been raiding for 2 months and still hasn't gotten. But in a game with horizontal gear progression, I don't understand the point. Please enlighten me.
  15. You think that because, over the years of neglect and failed attempts at balance, they've conditioned all of us to expect disappointment. When you expect disappointment, they get an excuse to justify why they're taking so long between releases. You just listed the excuse.
  16. ANet be like:https://imgflip.com/i/3z75u7 Expect a 50% across the board nerf to Rev sustain, with a few condi application tweaks added in there for style.
  17. That's a nice way of saying they're used to disappointing us and we're used to being disappointed. People have been blaming players for lack of content delivery since day one. Are we to kiss posterior no matter what? Is there a point where voicing of displeasure is allowed? How does voicing displeasure in the place people have been saying ANet ignores ( the forums ) since day one going to change anything. And I realize that includes what I've said in the quoted comment. The game is free to play and casual friendly. I'm sure ANet hasn't forgotten/doesn't forget about the things they've promised and don't need to players to throw rocks at them every day to remind them. Take a break if it's such an issue, progress won't be lost. I just can't wrap my head around the needyness of this community. I've put more hours in to this game than what could be considered healthy and I could count on one hand the number of times I've been legitimately angry with ANet. Probably because I understand perfect balance doesn't exist, not every promise can be delivered, plans change and the game isn't the center of my life - if I'm upset with it I can do something else. I do agree that ANet fails to keep promises more often than they should. I'm not saying kiss kitten, I'm saying stop being children. I doubt if anyone that posts here is younger than 20, start acting like it.Because roasting them is one of the few things left in this game, with any entertainment value. They can't post on the forums because Covid 19. ^ . ^ Sick burn. :lol:
  18. I had to look at my calendar, make sure I didn't go back in time.
  19. Having been a regular youtube uploader and troll over the years, I am quite immune to criticism these days.Lots of people hate on others on the internet so we got to take things lightly :) Criticism implies there’s some form of content to criticize. Barking @Burnfall.9573 said: Having been a regular youtube uploader and troll over the years, I am quite immune to criticism these days.Lots of people hate on others on the internet so we got to take things lightly :) Criticism implies there’s some form of content to criticize. Mine was a simple comparison that rings true. But hey, you do you.You, FASTCAR and ANet have one thing in common, calling a bag full of trash, content. I guess the old saying is true, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.“ Corrosion addled comment.Hey look, it’s Toto and the Tin man. Ok, time for y’all to go back to Oz, where y’all can keep playing your make belief. Take Dorothy with you, while you're at it. Anyway, this thread has been moved to the appropriate section, nothing more to see here. kkthxbye.
  20. Having been a regular youtube uploader and troll over the years, I am quite immune to criticism these days.Lots of people hate on others on the internet so we got to take things lightly :) Criticism implies there’s some form of content to criticize. Mine was a simple comparison that rings true. But hey, you do you.You, FASTCAR and ANet have one thing in common, calling a bag full of trash, content. I guess the old saying is true, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.“ First, I don't know who is Fastcar.Second, I could spend time arguing with you and pointing out that I am using a cheese and no-skill build so I don't know where the 'ego' thing fits because I am just exploiting a overly tanky core necro that needs nerf.Third, I usually don't reply to posts like yours because I got better things to do but I replied because I respect your guild.But I'm done replying :) You posted a video, not me. You also did so on a public forum. Don’t start getting defensive cuz it’s not all hugs and kisses and we’re not all holding hands and singing Kumbaya. If you didn’t want other people’s opinion, don’t post videos on public forums. Simple as that.
  21. Having been a regular youtube uploader and troll over the years, I am quite immune to criticism these days.Lots of people hate on others on the internet so we got to take things lightly :) Criticism implies there’s some form of content to criticize. Mine was a simple comparison that rings true. But hey, you do you.You, FASTCAR and ANet have one thing in common, calling a bag full of trash, content. I guess the old saying is true, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.“
  22. Hey, at least you got to see Spiderman. Better than some of the movies. ~ Kovu That guy gets props for cosplay.
  23. Hey when people were complaining about the pet doing too much damage, you guys were like "naah man, leave the pet alone." And they did, instead they nerfed everything else, enjoy your pet. :lol:
  24. You and FASTCAR need to team up, so you can stroke each other's ego. "Hey imma build a borring bunker and drag fights till they disengage so I can claim it as a win."90 seconds of my life I'll never get back, I should've known this is some clickbait.
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