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Everything posted by Vavume.8065

  1. I prefer the story aspect being shorter and I also prefer it when it is open world story rather than instanced. I do not get excited by the story in any game, I play to make my own path.
  2. I dont want to farm old maps forever, Having a new farm would be nice, there is your justification.
  3. The limit on keycards has made this map not worth playing, even without a limit I doubt I would play it as the gold per hour is not worth my time.
  4. Soul bound should be removed from the game and replaced with account bound.
  5. Just remove rewards for repairing walls, everything else seems ok.
  6. Sometimes I think there is just not enough hours in the day, but I would prob not feel that way if there was 66 🙂
  7. Agree with OP, this is now the repair SM wall meta, it will get nerfed when Anet check their metrics.
  8. 1 damage would not do anything, you can do far more damage than that and not get credit for a kill, the whole system needs to be redone.
  9. Put the 2 character model settings to lowest.
  10. 100% agree, it feels like being trolled by the devs.
  11. They should bring back those achieves, I always wanted "Ultimate Interceptor" title.
  12. I like the weekly achieves, more gold more tickets is never a bad thing.
  13. 100% agree, WvW and PvP should both have full sets of legendary jewelery available for tickets/shards combined with other mats.
  14. 100% agree on all points, and don't get me started on NKC that map is an absolute waste of space.
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