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Everything posted by Evenge.4067

  1. You literally ran into to epitome of the biggest problems in WvW. Oppressive servers (over population) and oppressive builds. Learning how to avoid both is important in this game mode.
  2. I came into WvW a couple years ago to get my GoB to finish my first legendary and never left. I still have done everything in PvE too outside of raids. WvW has taught me more about my builds, and other classes abilities, than any PvE could. And now I have 3 full sets of legendary armor, full trinkets, and maybe over 10 legendary weapons. Being open to learning WvW helped get me all that.
  3. So you all are actually trying to run WvW into the ground. You admit it. That's entertaining? Your server enjoys making the game miserable for everyone so they won't play? That's so short sited and juvenile. Yeah put your childish confused face responses on this. Same little 🤡s that spam laugh emotes in game. Of course.
  4. I think the players that would complain would be the ones who have taken advantage of the system by stacking huge numbers onto servers. Let em cry.
  5. Hell I don't know. Do you? I don't get paid to figure that out, but there are people who do, and they don't seem to be fixing a dam thing.
  6. Mainly I would suggest that 500 is too large a limit for alliance numbers. That number will enable almost whole WvW servers to maintain, henceforth changing nothing.
  7. As long as players have any control over populations or gaming the system to increase their numbers, the game mode will not improve. Alliances won't change anything. Unfortunately too many players don't actually want to improve WvW, they just want to crush opponents with huge number advantage.
  8. Simple. Pay attention and claim stuff, or ask on /t or /m to have stuff claimed. Take charge. I am in 5 guilds that have full tactics abilities enabled so that I can claim 5 structures per map. At times I will look at all the maps to make sure all of our bases have claims.
  9. I doubt that you are from Maguuma since you are actually showing some class and sportsmanship here. Everyone knows that Maggots have none and are a detriment to the health of the WvW game mode.
  10. Probably true. This also sadly would mean that alliances, in the end, won't change anything really. People will still gain the system and stack teams. The huge population difference issues won't be fixed. Mega teams stomping less populated teams. Same old same old. 🙄
  11. Welp this beta should be....."fun". Also, all this crying about not enough time to notify guildies. Leave your guild world restructuring setting same as last beta and go with it. đŸ¤Ē
  12. I agree with the OP here. I played TERA for many years and one of the reasons I left was it became more and more cutesy. If I wanted to play Hello Kitty Online or Animal Crossing then I would have, but I don't. As someone said, at least run the cuteness through a Tyria filter not just blatant anime.
  13. Lmao đŸ¤Ŗ Of course you haven't 🙄
  14. So very true. Tempests are already hard to kill with constant auras and mobility. Even when downed they easily mist form to safety.
  15. That's fine. Make it chaotic, it's war. Make people adjust and work with their links quicker. Reduce bandwagon stacking, that's the biggest detriment to WvW. Keep your faith in restructuring. It's been being "worked on" forever already. Even after restructuring they should shuffle the alliance links more often than 2 months. You call it chaotic. I call it fresh and interesting.
  16. I've said it before, I'll say it again too.... Do server relinks every 2 weeks instead of 2 months. People would server hop less. It would also keep things fresher, more interesting.
  17. Absolutely zero compassion for thieves whining about being revealed in any way. The class can still stealth more than any other class. Thieves still have more mobility than most other builds. You're able to disengage a fight whenever you're losing. Get out of here with your crying. More reveals!!!
  18. Oh if servers end up killing themselves as you say, then we definitely need Mag without a link. Like the trash taking itself out.
  19. Wow. Guy calls us slow yet can't read the WvW wiki for a few minutes to get ideas where to solo roam until you find a Commander to join. It's not hard, even thousands of "slow" people have figured it out. Good luck with that, centaur killer. đŸ¤Ē
  20. Yeah our squad just left him and WPed as soon as he showed up each time. Wouldn't give him what he wanted. Amazingly his computer supposedly "shut down" about 30 minutes later and he stayed logged off. Lol was hilarious 😂
  21. You actually have some good points but can't be trusted to talk about the "wider health of the game mode" when you come from the most detrimental server for WvW. Enjoy your favoritism and kitten. Your new link idolizes your server to play every mode destroying tactic you embrace. Clean your own house to gain any credibility, "Mr policeman " 🙄
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