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Everything posted by Lumikki.1725

  1. You're misunderstanding, OP is refering to a TP bug that people exploit to list items at below minimum price, thus forcing people to buy from them without being able to match their own prices, and having to list above the person with like 10k mats. Basically, there's alot of items that you can't list matching lowest seller without an error. Okey, it should not be hard for GW2 developers clear "database" all the buyers what are buying under the minimum price. As for bug fix...
  2. Issue is not minimum price. It's that supplay is way much higher than demand. I mean like 100x higher. There are places where npc sells armors about 10 gold, while it's sold in TP like 30 silver. It's in everyting. Problem in general isn't the low prices. Problem is that supplay is alot higher than demand. In real life it would balance it by it self. But in game world where supplay doesn't cost anyting, there is no balance. It will cause prices go lower and lower, untill they hit minimum prices. Lowering minimum price doesn't solve situation, it just delay what will happen anyway. That is that certain items aren't worth anyting.
  3. If server side has lag. It will allways affect everyone in same server/zone. If some players are laging more than others in same server/zone, then there is something more than server affecting the situation. Those are facts.
  4. In general people saying that something is easy, is pointless. That's because it's easy to them, not everyone. You can't just assume that saying or give tips to someone how to play better ways, makes them instantly better, because it takes time to learn to play this game. I mean who would just become instant better player because some sayed you should play this way. People needs time to learn, they don't learn everyting in few days. You need to learn how to build you class. You need to learn how the combat really works. You need to take time to practise combat with you character. You need time to get better gear. It's only easy after you have learn and mastert this all. That takes a lot of time and not everyone learns it equal quicly, it can take alot more time for some to master this all. Also even when you are veteran and everyting is easy, this game doesn't forgive mistakes, they can get you kill even how good you would be.
  5. I think that's fair, because we all do what we want. What one see fun as content, other can see it as painfull grind. Example I think GW2 main story quest is most painfull grind in this game. How ever, I don't think it's wise to remove hearts from map completion. Because they are part of the maps. In my opinion it's better replace that reward what is needed, as been part of map completion. Meaning reward would not require map completion at all, but something what fits better the reward it self.
  6. I haven't had too much lag with Tequatl the Sunless, maybe little bit, but I do have sometimes major lag with Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly. I ques it has to do something like so many standing in same spot.
  7. I don't know. I mean Map Completion isn't something you have to do. You do it because what benefits it provides. If we want access everyting easy way, then why don't we add everyting in item shop, so you can buy what ever you need. What's the point game to has content if players just want bypass it all the time. I mean this is just for weapon? It's not like mount what can change hole gameplay for player alot bigger ways. Only reason why I could even support this, like question, what map completion has to do weapons in first place. As example, I mean if you want to create armor, you should not need to learn swimming.
  8. No the are premanent untill killed, ranger pet is permanent and revive out of combat. Yes, I did know about ranger, but it's only one pet and while it's strong and can kill one or two small enemies by it self easyly. I haven't seen rangers stand afk middle of spawn areas.
  9. I haven't played all classes so I ask. Why when I see characters standing middle of enemy spawn area very long time, they are allmost everytime necromancer class?Aren't they minions in any timers like elementalist?
  10. Maybe, but player has to succefully be part of tiers? If they aren't they reward is redused. Meaning if you miss tier because you did not get in time , you lose rewards. Reason to miss , because you are alot slower than others.
  11. At the moment there is Dragon Bash event. Try to do it without mount and make your own decission, did it affect how much rewards you did get?
  12. Dragon Bash event in core lands. Mount is affecting the rewards, because if you run by foot even with 33% movement increase there is so many players, that you have hard time to even be in time that you can hit anyting. If you don't get in time you reward is less. If you get in time you get better reward, but that requires more than few hits. I notice that when I got in time I got message as event successfull ... but when not, then notting. One time, even no reward at all, because did not get any spot in time. Mounted players move so fast and kills the group of enemies so fast that it's affecting rewards situation, those who doesn't have mount. Failure to hit anyting = no rewardNo event successfull = 3 rewards1-3 event successfull = 6 rewards4 event successfull = 9 rewards I did not get ever higher than that. I did get ones 5 rewards and something.. So it maybe little more random. Sometimes I got 3 rewards even if there was event succesfull. My point is that mount does affect in core land situations. I'm not complaining, because I choose to be without mount at the moment. But if I would be real new player, they would be suffering by the situation. In old days, nobody had month. That's the hole point. Lack of mount did but all players in same situation. Everyone had to "run" by foot. Now days, some has mount and some don't. That puts players in different situation. Because some players are alot faster than others. That's what's causing the "issues". Many event's are time sensitive, meaning you have only certain amount of time before it's done by the faster players. If everyone would be about equal fast in movement, there would not be issues.
  13. Balance in PvP is little bit impossible, because competive gameplay. If you lose fight, you will complain how strong the other class was and how weak you class is. Same happens in PvE also, but much lesser volume, because really good balance isn't needed in PvE. Also NPC don't complain if we put them sleep in 5 minutes. Same is with lag, while it's important for every gameplay, it's only become really important when you compete as need of fast reflex. More they nerf classes because balance, worst it will come for everyone. If You wanna game with really good PvP, then game should be design for PvP only. These mmorpgs where all kind of gameplay's exist, they will be allways just big compromise.
  14. I would like something totally new. Like hole underwater world with underwater cities or something like sky cities. In my opinion many higher level maps looks so bad and the enemies aren't really special. It doesn't matter me is it big or small as long it's something really new and not so ugly content.
  15. You should choose class what you like and what kind of way you wanna play. Also it depense little bit what kind of gameplay? PvE, PvP or WvW?Most of classes works just fine in Open World PvE. But some other content may favor certain classes. Guardian is pretty safe choise.
  16. Warrior has higher burst damage, high health but weakness is the defence side (active and healing). Guardian has good damage, high defence and weakness is low health. I favor more Guardian, but both are good. If enemy is weak, both kills then with easy. If enemy comes stronger, warrior will kill faster. But when enemy is so strong that it can't be killed fast, then guardian starts to survive in those situations better. High health protects from heavy hits, but it doesn't protect so well against alot of small damages, like condition damages (lack of healing). Guardian has many healings and abilities reflect or block damages and so on.. In general Warrior is more offensive and Guardian more defensive.
  17. In my opinion, the issue isn't are druids best healers. It's not even about are druids support class. It's about range / druid combination been viable class to play with weapon (staff) that is actually worth of using. In generaly, simple ranger is allready little weak class. How ever, druid is even weaker than ranger in many ways. Just because you can heal more, that doesn't mean class is actually viable. This games focus is very offensive combat playing style. This is result of GW2 game developers trying to make gameplay combat more active than holy trinity. Only way GW2 developers has been able to do it, is limit support, defence, tanking and healing as minimum as possible. Meaning these stuff has been weaken. Now if you build hole class just for support, it will make it extreamly weak class because how the hole game combat is design. Because it lacks what actually matters in this game and that's offensive gameplay. They can't even really improve support alot, because it would allow game to be too much holy trinity gameplay style. Why you think every class has offence, defence and healing. That's because support, tank and healing has been taken off as seperate roles and every class can do them self. Some classes are better in some area than others, that's created class variety, but it's all in every class. That is what makes hole active combat possible. In simple terms every class in GW2 is DPS class, with some other abilities. So, Druids needs damage too, because as full support class it would be extremly weak and very situation class. Mostly needed in "Holy trinity" gameplay style, what should never happen. Point been there should never be full support or tank class in this game. That would break the active combat style. Ability help others with skills what class has, is totally different than become full time support class.
  18. It's just like gambling business, nothing more. Hole purpose of item shop is just to lure people to spend as much of money than possible. If they would really want people to get what they want as payed service, then the stuff what you really want could be buyed directly. Why you think hole chest system with keys even exist. It's very good way to lure people to spend more and more money.
  19. How many other mmorpgs you need to get in maximum level of the game to get mount (or clider)? This isn't about how it's allways been as better option. Because it was GW2:s mistake in first place than mount where not in the game from start. Only reason mouth are in level 80, is because they where added so late in the game. So arguing because we have done this "hard" way and it should be done this way because design and so on, are pretty pointless, because it was mistake from start. There is way too many benefit having mouth in early from those who have buyed the PoF than it's even pointless to argue about it.
  20. True, but I was in event today. Killing some big dragon in coast. I did heal, resurect and try to do damage too. How ever, I did not get full reward what that event gives. Maybe because I wasn't faster enough on my movement or because my healing and damage was just so low. With Guardian I did get full reward in same event in earlye in same day. My Guardian is slower than my Druids in movement, but does like five times more damage. PS: I think the reward situation is because account reaward loot just ones per day. So one chest less for other characters.
  21. I would like new weapons, example ninja weapons. But not just for new character, but also old ones. Some of then have "bad" visual use of weapons for class, Example Mesmer using greatsword as range weapon. I mean weapon should be what it's ment to be.
  22. No, I don't have main character. Some of my characters I play little more than others, but it's just because they are more durable in some situations.
  23. That's why I sayed half truth. :) But still most builds are just for damage, it doesn't even matter what class you are and while people do support, it's very few who does.It's little same like why people use melee weapons, even if class is design to be range class. Is it because melee weapons damage is alot better than bows or staffs. There is allways elementalist as but what about all the rest...
  24. I think I just answered in my own question here. So, "But only DPS matters in GW2" isn't really much a joke, because it has half truth in it.
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