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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. it make sense if your using mele weapon, if you blast ennemy off you, you can't hit your target also you still can take Battering ram with 2 amo to push ppl
  2. hight sound of blast will stun you for few sec asuming your not effected by itself dmg xd
  3. Turrets overall have low dmg, if you rly need, take rocket turret ( as it's first shot knockdown enemy for 2s) and "Rocked" tooldbelt skill have big power skaling rest are meh Also check dragon gear + firearms if you want have better alternative to maruder
  4. @SleepyBat.9034 not rly, overtime thay nerfed most minion/turrets in pvp/wvw to not suport ai gameplay i wuld also recomend scrapper for roaming racher then holo/mech change your toughness from 1200 to 1300 it will allow face tank most full berserk players your power and ferocity is bit low, you can up it by using hight caliber trait (+15% crit chance on mele range ) and +10% if target is bleeding, then utylizing that adional crit chance to swap gear for more might/ferocity I also recomend that runes, thay will up your power, boon+might duration, and reduce enemy condi dmg !!! here is typical build i wuld recomend for solo roaming : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlNwcYdML2JW+SatPA-zVZYBKBByfO0XBHRBBaMCXARSAlHgA2AvF9MjAA-w 2600might 1300toughness 16600hp 219% ferocity (+10% while under fury) 45% crit chance (+20% fury+15%hight caliber+10%hematic focus= 90%) I'm using med kit, as f1 have only 17s cd, and on 3 you have x4 pulsing condi cleanse ( counters fire stack guardian spamers) also 5+3=1200hp from water field blast runes gives you -10% to condi duration and -10% from dmg from them, adaptive armor also gives you -20% condi dmg, thats -30% condi dmg on you, and bigger barrier to absorb that dmg i was able to 1vs3 in that build, also took 1500 rank in pvp (as solo que)
  5. rip qheal scraper enjoyer, loved spaming 1 on med kit too much ;_; now it will heal for -0.1 less
  6. thay need chirurgic operation, for love thers too late 😕
  7. inventions are mostly used in healing boon builds (protection, condi cleanse, 250 heal stats, medical dispersion field 33%) both by ham, and hqs tools can kinda synergy with explosives but idk i wuld like to see it synergy bit better, or change for full condi tree
  8. So i liked play heal quickness scrapper on t4 fractals/strikes/raids with that build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lRwcYNMPWKeyTftSA-zRZYQhNGNgawlR1JQ6FgazS7bWO-e it provides quicknes, protection, 50% fury, 25 might and stab, and also was good to carry ppl with heals Problem is anet nerfed medical dispersion field, so i can't any longer burst f1 heal as it's deleyed by 3s for allys -_- (f1 is self only witchout medical dispersion field) and now thay nerfing med blaster by 50% (0.2 to 0.1 healing stats) makig it bit popo So not only i can't contol my healing burst, but also my stabile healing isn't on that lv like was before only bandage self heal for a bit if you staying stacked and all 3-5 bandages hits your allys Making me wonder why just not abadon med kit, and replace it for medic gyro, same with pistol+sheild for rifle http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlRwcYNMPWKW+P6tSA-zRZYQhCMGFgaI/PjqVApLBs7s0+mlD-e as rifle will apply 10stacs might that you replace from hgh, and also you apply fury from critical hits (no scope) for 8s evry 8s pam or other alac dps have acces to protection/fury for team so you no longer need nessesary have 100% boon uptime on that What you think about it, or have you any ways to combine firearms+inventions better for qhs? or do you have any tips how to deal with 0.2->0.1 med blaster nerf?
  9. In my opinion tools (tallent tree) schold be reworked like explosives in past i'm not using it in any game mode, and only use for it is in pvp/wvw for explosive eterance spam I wuld like it to be reworked for some kind of condi traitline, as only firearms+ 1 trait in explosives effect conditions, what is a bit lame as most of your kit's are condi themed same as pistol How about you enginner mains?
  10. Nice, we got a small compromise in upcoming 23 august update in pve only blast gyro will stun for 3s insted of pushing evrythink up ty Anet ❤️
  11. @Kahrtolann.1926 your duo prartner (quicknes dps) bringing 3 stacks of stab + aoe stunbreaks( qfb/qscrap ) as alac it's not your duty so you can fell safe 😉 To specifycate -> dps quicknes scraper bringing bulwark gyro (and as f1-4) skill |defence field| grants x3 stabs aoe blast gyro (f1-f4) |bypas coating| is aoe stunbreak (even tho tooltip not saying that) -> dps quicknes guardian brings x5 stab by |stand your ground| or pulsing one by |Hallowed ground| note : none of alac userse have acces to big ammount of aoe stab, most have 1 or 0 as well
  12. As 5kh hqs (heal quicknes scrapper) i wuld like if thay stay as thay are -> on fractals/drms gyros on you allowing you to cast your boons while moving (as combo fields are moving with you) thats also good synergy with superspeed allowing your party to keep pushing forward witchout the stop -> on raids/stikes i also like that function as it's allowing me to focus on mechanics more racher then constantly changing location of my gyros, tablet like gyros wuld be pain in the kitten on moments wher your party need split or move i like your idea, but outside of open word it wuld be negative change and criple scrapper mobility that his offer to his party -> if i culd add 2 cets here yet, i racher wuld focus on chaning gyross effects insted like bulwark gyro -> in pve only pull enemys up to you insted of lauch bulwark gyro -> remove incial personal barrier, then make pulsing barrier aoe, and buff by 100% (as we removed that 2k barrier from start) shreder and purge gyros are fine -> you got also mechanist as elit spec wher you got "full" controlable robot, maybe that will allow you to feel niche your searching for take to that racial skills from asuras, and you have your rp golemancer army
  13. I wuld say it's a nerf with small compensation Nerf cuz you need heal your team now, and your f1 heals you not team, so it will trigger 33% after 3s As compensation your geting pasive healing dubled evry 3s (as regen/backpack is kinda perm) and more stabile heals from pulses on Super Elixir+Elixir Shell
  14. I Not use Minstriel but Magi+runes of pack for fury : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lNwcYNMPWKeyTftSA-zRZYQhNGNgawlR1FQ6JgazS7bWA-e In my opinion as 5k h engi main is : hqs cons: -> more stability (x3) defense field, low cd -> aoe stun break (my f3) Bypas Coating -> Superspeed allows you to move from red circles or spread mechanics -> Can Boon while in montion (good for speedruns) -> aoe ress evry 25-35s (f4) ham cons: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAk6lNwaZuMPWKeyTfRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e -> insane 2031 healing stats -> barrier on top of healing skills -> only 52% boon duration reqired to perm most boons -> 4-6k dps -> if you spam mace 1 you do perm 4-5k barrier migrating most dmg - only 1 stab so you need have quick duo that brings stab insted of you - stationary - no ress for team Thay are viable You can easly take it as qtank for raids with only 216 toughnes w1-w4, kaiter/pusher on w5, and w7 or be as qhealer I personaly feel that i can carry harder on scrapper thay swaped tank traits for support ones, also made aoe fury on pinpoint dystibution it's no longer tanky specialisation with nerfed 5% barrier generation for -180 vit -_- the only tank trait that left is damage dampener
  15. I do 1+2 are dmg 3+4 are utylity 5 is dash now It's better that way if your wvw/pvp
  16. idk, for me as qheal scrapper main in pve, gyros are intereing as i can boon while moving making me much mobile and i like that play style i wuld not like remote gyros, as it wuld be pain to use (like mech golem right now -_- ) having fields on yourself is much easier and more precise to use for me best change was that your own combo fields are prio, so you have no longer problem to keep 25might on team
  17. well in my opinion any class schold not have condi as 1 aa spam, that way you wuld no need that much condi cleanse in first pleace also other conditions that covering dmg conditions are problematic as well if you nerf Fumigate you will can only remove chill/weakness/slow while dmg conditions will stay untouched Remeber also med kit 1,2 and Fumigate not effecting Scrapper only his allys, he need be healed by other healer becouse of that
  18. Hello I tried seting with alac heal mechanist + condi quick fire brand/quick scrapper/qharbringer on t4 fractals and i need say: -> having only 1 stab evry 30s is not rly cool, my party was constalty stuned/pushed/knocked down on qheal scrap i had not that problem as one skill brings x3 stab, and another one aoe cc break If i culd sugest, culd that skill be buffed to provid 2 stab insted of 1? Otherwise it's rly not fun plaing that As mechanist you have no other sorce from core engi to bring stab (as toss elixir b is tool belt skill) and you have no toolbelt skills from core engi 😕
  19. Guys thay added Alternative way to get Turtle mount In short you can buy egg from curency your geting doing events ther, no need to suces meta anymore
  20. it's becase ppl treat it as like if it's natural right for them to obtain it racher then Reward
  21. What about attidute of geting evrythink in one day? It's like taking a child to store that yells to buy him cookies cuz he want it now 😕
  22. Alternatilvy you can solo heal mech: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeyTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7fWA-e with 31k Condi Quicknes Harbringer Mechanist keeping up perm 5-6k barrier insted of 3k to before seting and have healing options (as engi main i not recomend harrier as 50% boon duration is inaf to upkeep all boons perm) And y, thay schold buff Stab on Mech from 1->2 (on f2) Having 1 stab on 30s is joke
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