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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Oh nice, ty for answer ❤️ I wuld want yet to confirm, so he can be boon+heal role? But if not its good combo to heal ele or druid for more safe run insted of chad hfb xd
  2. Electrodynamic. in short implosion that polarize space around you after overloading gyro 3s as result of electrostatic blast that as well changing gyro to superconduct pulling evryone that got polarized up to gyro and cuz gyro fly above thay head, thay are "pulled up" to it causing floating.... In not asuras language : anty-gravity bomb
  3. Not main of class, is chairbringer have any team healing/barrier options (or port it from core) or is it just dps+aoe boons
  4. Thats what i want point out for some pll its only textures, for other pll way of life or ability to expres themselfs. Topic is on good position as its more likely thay will put tengu in game now when thay work on new content. Answering is spending resorces on something better, wuld be prob good idea, but if alone puting tengu will bring alot profit. That will sponsore some wvw balances patches on way as well xd
  5. Desped, its like for raid player if eod will not bring new wings. Raiders will less likely want to buy new expanshion, Tengu mostly want casual or rp players ak main target of game and for many players fishing or 2 adional mounts atm arent inaf motivation if thay will not like new class
  6. I missed your point as bullets in matrix as you "want" gems for free while most ppl that want tengu offer to pay with real monay , will anet be motivated inaf to grab that adional cash is up to them xd
  7. You can farm for gems in game for free , as for tengu we will need pay dlc or expanshion with real monay, thay only need make one map as homeland
  8. Tengu with bamboo hat and samurai katana are op, dont try to understand us xd
  9. As main heal scrapper i agree constantly changing your location to not push mobs is a bit of pain. Float insted of pull wuld work also.
  10. Can that trait be buffed from 100 condi dmg to 150 condi dmg to match sygnets of fb? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pinpoint_Distribution Heal Scrap wuld have perm 150 condi dmg, and FB 216 condi dmg for 10s evry 16s
  11. @Zhaid Zhem.6508 you can do perm quickness on 80% witchout alac (tested it for over 3min) you can't replace bulwark cuz stab (maybe elixir b but it's have much shorted stab duration) you can't rpelace blast cuz x2 quickness proc, also aoe stunbreak, and you need some might juz in cause you maybe can replace elixir gun, but it brings too much value Thats what i'm thinking off Your healing is big as it's scale on how many boons ppl have real lose is 3s cd and 2s duration on Super elixir 5s cd on Elixir Shell but 1s duration so it's kinda meh prob only trait we considering is 20% heal while spaming 1 on med kit (as not work on Elixirs) and f1 is not aoe until medical dispresion field proc Having that in mind, also that you no longer need 240 concetration from alchemy to be 100% boon dura, thers more + to take firearms now that way you got alternative to fb syg as 100 condi dmg is perm, syg only 10s evry 16s ofc perfect wuld be if thay buff it from 100 to 150 to match fb syg but it's still better then nothink the only boss you wuld be against to take fireatms wuld be Boneskineer wher adional heals wuld help ther more in raids thers no such boss to do alot dmg (maybe largos but)
  12. Hello, now we need only 60% boon dura for perm quickness ( i chosed 80% for 4,5s) What you think about idea to drop alchemy for Firearms in order to provide pinpoint distribution http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKWOP5tSA-zRZYQhALYMaA1Qf5XGVXApnAqNLtvZB-e - you lose hgh and 20% heal modificator + druid/tempest do your might anyway (you solo do 18-20might insted of 25) + 100 condi dmg for team Whats is your opinion?
  13. like i told in up, it's no longer a problem You can totaly go for raids/drms/fractals/strikes as hqcrap atm with 2,5s quickness buff (i not had problem even with 2s quickness) My opinion is from eu servers, no one was agressive to me when i picked Heal Quick Scrapper even if team was looking on hfb Remeber only that if you join raids/strikes go ask did ppl are ok to replace hfb, don't be mean to force role and all ppl will be fine to you
  14. @Imba.9451 @Obtena.7952 You both right at same time What Imba says, if team wuld chose hfb/hqcrap thay prob wuld prefer hfb But Also Obtena have some right, it's not that much problem atm before to play heal scrap you must do pre-made squad by yourself Now it's no longer problem you can say your hqcrap and team will not mind to replace hfb for you My opinion is based on https://killproof.me/proof/GRNv/tokens And by logs (when quickness was 2s) it's not look that bad https://dps.report/16ya-20210524-211750_kc https://dps.report/7YYJ-20210524-214744_xera https://dps.report/Xg9P-20210524-195455_gors https://dps.report/vwUT-20210524-221425_sam https://dps.report/UAaO-20210524-194111_vg What Scraper have is big swifness,vigor,superspeed uptime I did close Quickness to Quick Brand About fury if you look on logs, most classes have 50-60% self fury generation so runes of pack totaly cover that Also ss+ tier condi cleases that can carry at https://dps.report/UbaH-20210524-203003_sloth About aegis, insted you have x2 amount of healing to that point that if you spam 1, person on samarog that got cc will not die even if your squad is pepo about cc You can also tank vg, goros and some easier bosses only with minstriel weapons (witchout bigger problems) now it's totaly easy to play it as you need only 60-80% boon dura insted of 100% and thats alowing you to skip alchemy and take firearms for pinpoint distribution (aoe 100 condi dmg) as now stunbars do "100% condi dmg" , and your uniqe buff is perm
  15. Like i said you need around 25% boon dura if your taking 4 gyro thats runes of pack+10% boon sigil 3s*7=21s (4 gyro, 2 f skills)(med gyro proc 2 times) and with alac your gyros got 16s cd you got only 1 skill with 24s, rest are less then 20s (with alac) @Kuma.1503 you prob culd swap 1 gyro for granade kit 2,5s of quickness is prty good both in dps, and heal versions as dps -> 31% heal -> 60-80% despend did you want solo 25might or got druid/tempest help if thay buff quick to 3s, power dps will need 0 boon dura for perm aoe quick
  16. compare to before wher you needed 100% boon dura for 4s Now you need only 2,5s*60% boon dura = 4s 2,5s*80% boon dura = 4,5s So now you can take more magi gear for more survabiliy and healing if your more pro at piano play Don't forget that in party/raid seting you got acces to alac uping quickness to 2,5s alowing you to take Firearms insted of alchemy to grab Pinpoint Distribution as you no need be that much depeneded for 240 concetration from it anymore Might will give druid, and you will do 18-20 might witchout hgh so it's ok Also Power Quick Dps will need less then 25% boon dura for perm aoe quick
  17. thay culd give it targetable +25% dmg for 3s or smh
  18. In eod prob you gona have condi elit spec as thay gived quickness to scrapper
  19. Once thay add https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shocking_Speed insted of Expert Examinator "Using Leap or Blast finisher in fire/lighting field applies 2s Qucikness around you" You will have small interaction with hammer 3 as it's x2 leap @The V.8759
  20. Hello, so before i was using that build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvteA-zRRYBRBXJcQanRYSlAVFq8AEwG41QhZAA-e it did 13k solo dps while perm 25might,quickness,fury I thinked a bit, and made that now: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvteA-zRRYBRBXJcQanRYSgAVAq8AEwG41QhZAA-e with 20% boon dura you got 2,5s of quickness dmg will be around 11k (as you lost 200 power stats while on Quickness) so 7skills*2,5s of quickness= 17.5s and 6s from sigil so 17.5+6=23.5s of quickness that schold be 90% as compare to old one you got 7s from aplied force (3,5 evry 10s) your f1,f4,f5 now gives 7,5s but insted cd is 25s + I think it's best what you can achive for most dmg/survability as solo power build if you think tanknes is not inaf, grab that instes: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvtWA-zRZYBhcHOEkjogCUGhlABWAqdACYD8aowMA-e (it's more of solo bounty version) (crti chance 45%+20%fury+15%+10%=90% crit chance)
  21. you can take jugaranaut trait and play with flamethrower as well upkeeping 15-20might it's bit popular choise in wvw/pvp pvp: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAQJlNwcYdML2JW+SatPA-z5gfG5LBKYBokB wvw: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlNwcYdML2JW+SatPA-zVQYRUQu5LhiKoMCrACMBUbacwMA-w (it's roaming build not for zerg) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlNwcYdML2JW+SatPA-z1YYhoAEhLYHkfZEWBEYCo204gZAA-w (it's more tanky version similar to what you play in pvp) that was my rank (soloq) on that builds before changes : https://imgur.com/sH4XZ7g ppl complained on retaliation, i personaly not had problem with it with my build but now retaliation gone so you schold be even more tanky now You play it like Assasin (thief) but you can also 1vs many as your defense allows you Your burst on rifle 4+5+3 then you swap back to flamethrower 3+1 spam, and 5 in cause enemy dodge
  22. Power builds need 5 stats, power,ferocity,precision,vitality,toughness you can kick off vitality,toughness, but then you also got low hp, and die fast but hit for 11k It's like you wuld go Condi FB with full viper, and balthaza runes Thers one more think Guardian/Dh got only 12k hp as his low hp, big armor class So he schold be big contered by condi Also you play condi engineer, who is medium good Will see maybe we will get condi elite spec in eod
  23. From all propositions i made, i think best soultion wuld be give : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shocking_Speed on place of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examination And rework it on " Using a leap or blast finisher in any field applies 2s Quickness around you" That way Power Scrapper will also give some quickness with hammer 3 And hammer wuld be consider As Quickness Weapon (as hammer 3 do x2 leaps) Same as Blast gyro wuld give +1 stack as it blast itself About healer Blast gyro, shield 4, Aacid bomb, Infusion bomb
  24. what you mean, it's good trait atm, it's gives you stab= 5% dmg Also now you got 250 power insted of 200 If your need more Quickness you can always take https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Celerity or runes of chronomancer or even new tairt that gives Quickness insted of Applied Force
  25. @Jski.6180 i proposed it will do Quickness insted of superspeed so you blast in any field-> 2s Quickness About your idea, yep it wuld work even if thay put it on usage insted of pulse, as it will cut of 2-3s from cd in evry gyro
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