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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @"snoow.1694"Scrapper is Bruiser roleBruiser is half tank, half dps In pvp you have diferent roleslike :Dueler -> hight 1vs1, big burst, medium sustainBruiser -> hight sustain, medium dmgRoamer -> low sustain, big mobility, squishy for 1vs1, good in team fights/taking objectiveSupport-> offhealing/boons, usualy tanky but low dmg if you nerf Scrapper, he no longger will have Bruiser roleand cuz medium dmg, he will can't be duelerAlso becose Scrapper is Bruiser , his role is to tank enemy dmg and his first who will initate fight If dueler will do it, he will fast die from 2vs1 So in short Scrapper schold breake enemy line and for that he need be tanky But Scrapper can't kill you in 1sor in 2s as his not dueler, he can't pinpoint you with bursthe have medium dmg who kill you progressively Thx to brusher, your duelers (dmg dealers) can walk up to enemy more safe, here how it work :
  2. Apple have bad reapair service, once somethink break, you need buy new product, also with evry new product thay making it harder or even imposible to fix parts :/I honestly not recomend buy anythink from Apple
  3. Well despend, i wuld like to have good weapon for new elite, as engineer have only 2 main wepons, pistols and rifle (not couting shield)
  4. Who buy mac btw, your saw at last opinion of thay repair serivce? once broke, mean you need buy new one, aslo thay make thay products that whay no one can fix them expect of themselfs :/
  5. @"mindcircus.1506"Sadly i can't record video as my pc starts lagging once i tryhere how it looks on arcdpsmy build and gearmeta build (full berserk, +5% dmg insygnia,+3%and+7%when stun) like you can see in my build, dmg is constantly dealed witchout breakes But i also want other ppl to test it, and rate (remeber it's for solo, mean all boons you can get only from yourself)
  6. so guys, i made acidently monster for pve open word What that build offer?Easy rotation (like you just spam 1 with hammer)Hammer spam 1 -> 10-12k dps (solo witchout any outside help of team)Perm quikness,fury, 25 mightSuper hight sustain (tank like)96% crit chancehight amount of barrier (cuz witch quickness you deal dmg constantly) Is this build for raids/team play?-> Absolutly not, order of this build is solo boons, dmg, and sustain Here is build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvteA-zRRYBRBXJcQanRYSgAVAq8AEwG41QhZAA-e have fun testing yourself, or solo most content here are some of my ss https://imgur.com/a/ofwSvkl
  7. @"weaponwh.9810" but insted of granades your taking rifle turret, so you have less confusment
  8. try this @"Cheshire King.6970"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PewAwqplZwiYcsOGKO0L9vbA-zRRYmBxwGNczlRUJQgFgDziemRA-e In short :i moved bleed dmg to poweryou have hight power,precision,feriocity nowyou have fire condi as support with 90% up timeFlamethrower insted of granades -> fire/power aoe dmgsigil buff you might (power+condi dmg same time)sigil full stacked mean your got 50% crit chancemoved some def trait to ofensive, so you will just kill mob x3 faster not needing that much sustaintooked boomer trait that will heal you once you cause explosion Mistakes you did in your build :-> Super low dmg-> low number of power-> low number of condi dmg (my 40% of bleed duration is worth 100% of your bleed duratuion)-> low crit chance mean your not triggered bleed often-> not chosed food/utylity-> overtanked
  9. Good idea, but some ppl can get be constantly log off cuz not stabile net connection or anet server problems
  10. rifle holo 33-35k dpsno need look on heat managmentinstef of granades your using turret your rotation is prty easy, bomb spam 1, holo mode 3,4 + 1 spam, rifle 3+5 then back bomb once you learn it you can replace turret with granades and add it to rotation so your gona do 37-38k dps instedmedium armor medium hp so your bit tanky, also you have aed that save you from death most of time
  11. Well mostly cuz thers also ppl whos not casuals, and play more serios or have cuple of years in mmorpg or got more sharp personalityIn pve game is so ez that you only group up on hot maps to explore togheter (if) so all social thinks disaperingOther think is ppl much often prefer to pug, when in other more skilled games 80% ppl do it with guilds and spend most time around it When i started this game i also culd not get used to it that ppl here are more goofy (i not mean to offend anyone)
  12. yep bosss shold walk insted of charge, then power dps wuld do fine as well
  13. yeh but when you press elixir u first, you cast stun 50% faster i'm ok with 1,1/4, that problem is solved if you take alchemy tree, but if you try take other you have not inaf time until you press overcharged shot first
  14. Nope, but you can click here to buy item for friendOr buy Mystic coins, as 1 mistic coin is worth around 2 gold and send some to friend on mailThen your frind just will sell Mystic coins, and replace gold for gems (but be avare of tax and etc)
  15. We actualy have:Holo-> DpsScrapper->Bruiser(tanky dps)/healer
  16. So i tested it and 1,1/4s is fine to not stun myself, but 1s is too short, pls buff
  17. well i usualy taking scrapper healer duo with qfb25% less dmg but you carry all that low skill players at t4 keeping them 100% hp as you just brr spam with 1 skill 100% of uptime and ress evry 25s ppl that not dodged one shot
  18. Scrapper heal much more then hfb in pve, in wvw it's despend as your in move most of timeScrapper have much easier rotation compare to hfb, and can spam 1 just to constantly healingin wvw scrapper can heal bit less to hfb as Elixir shell+Super elixir are stationaryProblem of scrapper is also that he heal others with 1 not himself, so you need secoundary healer to keep you alive
  19. good tip, but still i think 1s is bit too short in my opinionto have other sorce of stab you need play scrapper, or flamethrower with jugaranaut trait
  20. but still 1s is bit meme tho, you have no other sorce of stability until you play scrapper
  21. can we get buff on Elixir U?1s Stability is bit too short in my opinion1s->1,1/4s culd fix problemright now whenever i try use elixir u+Overcharged shot i stuning myself most of time, it's bit not fun
  22. sorry i not understned your questiongobler use 3 candi corn per 5sto use 252 Candy corns you will need use item 84 times, thats mean 84*5s=420s=7min so i need "click" for over 7-14min to have resonable time on boons to not click that item while you farm if thay reduce cd for item use from 5s to 2s you will need around 3min to use 252candi corns insted of 7min lets say your mad like me and want do content for over 2-4h and you will open 1004 Candy corns, it will take 28min but culd 12min insted
  23. @"bethekey.8314"i saw your video, also i play engineer as well i think you got some latency problemalso most attacks you showed was shot from 90* angle (max left/right side), so maybe for you it hited, but for server it's miss as for server your position was diferent and you culd not hit from that angle what i mean if somone dc, and you hiting his body or try f him, you can't as body is in diferent place, and cuz of dc server not refreshed player position So actualy cuz of your or someone latency, you shoting to "body" who is displayed with lag (is 2-3 steps far from what is showed) with that latency you need shot not at enemy (flamethrower) but bit front of him (like shoting to a plane and your misile have 1-2s time before it fly to target)like this Maybe that schold help you not miss that much for pistol skills i can't help much, becose it's auto-targetable, mean if you want be sure to hit, you need look on enemy by front not your left,right arm( i mean your character need look by front on enemy, not your camera) at 3:33 of your vieo you got proff, as with your latency server took like you moved 1-2 steeps far, and refreshed your position with deleySo for server you was not stay close to target, but after himso it's like you shooted not looking on your target (as character) Thats what actualy happyn ther
  24. I wuld like to suggest reducing cd of using item from 5s to 1-2susing that item multiple times hurt :/to use 250 candi corn it's taking 7min(cuz of 5s cd of use), shorting that amount twice culd be nice Whats your opinion?
  25. @"ArchonWing.9480"On eu you have no problem with it like i said, whenever i tried create party, qfb joined fast (alternative can be quick power chrono) with pro team i agree with you , but with random pug healing>migration dmg, as second part is problem, same hfb not always time aegis well, and have x2 less healingfor cm squads hfb/qfb is better as thers more skilled ppl qfb do 75% dmg of dpsalac 50%condi bs https://bit.ly/342Krjtcondi scorge/soulbist/holo is cherry on top of that but 1 dps is fine too you no need bigger bariers, and you spam alot stab with qfb /alacApllied Force is logical choise as backup plan in couse your qfb die from one shot mech so your auto heal stay 50% less efected compare witchout that trait 0,5s of cc <superspeedfrom my experience superspeed have big value as it's let you save 1 dodge moving from red cirle faster, also it's counter criple or chill in couse any mob hit you with it or bossSame as your team move faster from point a to point bi took it as personaly i value it much more then 0,5s daze, same as i use only gyro for resthers 4 maps wher you can skip mobs thx to superspeed up to last bosssame in 100lv fractal you move to boss faster thx to superspeed, and you counter water phase with it you have perm regen with Healing mist+infusion bomb, even with -15% boon duration (flock runes)if you taking that trait it's actualy useless Also yet again i disagree, your auto heal only your team, so having even bit of pasive heal have huge impact to your survabilitythe only source of healing to yourself you got from super elixir+elixir shellthen it's regen+backpack (lets say ou need move cuz of aoe of enemy or that bomb mistlock)and did you rly want wast bandage self/vital burst to heal yourself insted of using it when team need :/ ? no your actualy not, you providing might with hgh traittoss elixir b+healing mist+Elixir shell+super elixir+acid bomb = 11 mighttogheter with alac your team have 25might all time your healing mist is stun break i use it for 3stab and +3might(hgh)rng boon is only bonus bypass-coasting is aoe even if descryption not says that (checked and confirmed it)Healing mist work only on you (but not confirmed it yet) don't forget that more boons yout team have, your auto heal for morebut if you rly no need adional stab boon, you can replace it with elixir r instedElixir r = 2 dodgetoss elixir r = 2might+adional ress+light field to blind enemys
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