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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. almost like there might be a huge issue with wvw
  2. This is what happens when you balance and design an entire game mode around < 100 people who want to play a version of a game no one else wants to play. I'll laugh if the new PvP mode is just some GvG fest made for these people, and I'm probably right..
  3. EoD story is god awful and just sitting around afking 95% of the time. By far the worst story, terrible writing, just FF14 wannabe trash. Story missions don't matter, it's good they're spending less time on content you do for 15m then never again and putting it all into content you do daily for years instead. This makes no sense. Bosses being able to kill you is bad? You prefer zero mechanics zero outgoing damage and loot pinatas made for zombies? Nayos metas are great, they can kill you, healers and buffers are NEEDED, and they are super rewarding and fun to replay. There's events everywhere, all over, in nayos, it's so fun! The people who hate late-SoTo literally don't like GW2 and their opinions are hopefully ignored by the devs.
  4. Harbringer is bad in outnumbered fights due no invuls. Roaming is dead due to balancing around 100 vs 100 only. It wasn't, you were either invul or dead.
  5. No, it's literally how you lead WvW zergs. You stack on the commander and move with them, or you instantly die. Have you actually played GW2 before?
  6. This is mathematically impossible due to target caps.
  7. I think you're confused. The devs vision for WvW is boon ball vs boon ball where someone is screaming on voice chat when to attack and where to attack while everyone mindlessly follows like a brainless zombie being commanded. WvW is literally being designed as an ego fantasy for an extremely, extremely, extremely small minority of players because those are the 10 people the devs listen to, while killing off their entire game mode for the other thousands of people. It makes absolutely no sense, because no other MMO has any type of game mode equal to WvW and Anet could market it hard and have a complete monopoly on it, yet they choose to design it for 10 people that are just having ego power trips leading around lemlings on voice chat. (No, ESO does not have WvW, it lags and is unplayable still to this day).
  8. WvW does not gain new players exactly due to the terrible game play. The game play involved in boonballing is extremely niche and already has it's entire player base of people who enjoy that type of game play. Why Anet designs a game mode for < 200 people, I'll never know.
  9. Boonball is literally the developers VISION for WvW. It's not going anywhere.
  10. Can confirm this is true, I have a release account and a newer one and the release one gets hilariously unfair matches
  11. Now NPC's constantly spam me with whispers, it's great!
  12. There shouldn't even be a PvP rush. It's a complete waste of a community event, no one does PvP, and no one is going to do PvP unless the rush gave you a guaranteed full set of legendary armor or something else absurd. I have no idea who is making these decisions, but they are clearly completely out of touch with their game. This games PvP is completely and utterly dead, and has been for years. It's like when they did a fractal rush but every single fractal was bugged and the newest one was unplayable. Anyone who plays this game mode is not going to want to play PvP in the expac. It's so bad it'll ruin PvP for them for good. The expac better have a good middle ground PvP mode(15vs15 BGs?). This game has desperately needed a game mode between "esports" and "100 vs 100 zerg" since it's release.
  13. This has been the bane of this games PvP since the beta. I don't know why they even have tank trees in this game - they're all useless for PvE and just ruin PvP. As always, trying to make a game an esport kills it.
  14. No, I'm a PvP player. This games PvP has been dead for a long, long, long time. The players admit to it, yet Anet won't. Anet keeps stringing along new players by marketing that this game has PvP, when it doesn't. It has WvW and PvE. The only people playing PvP are bots and RMT using it to sell titles and ratings.
  15. Nowhere did anything I said in my post mention rewards. I mentioned the gameplay of the content, which is the worst GW2 has to offer by far. If you're entertained by spending more time watching your character open/close a rift than you spend fighting a boss, then there is something wrong.
  16. We don't need anything, PvP in this game has been dead for years and Anet refuses to admit to it and strings along new players with marketing and advertisements that acts like it's a real game mode that's supported. PvP is just a few peoples personal RMT revenue stream, and has been for years.
  17. I do not understand why any PvP gets any dev time at all. They are literally paying people to work on a game mode that is only played by a few people using it as their own personal RMT business revenue stream. That's just pvp by it self...however, Tournaments are 100% monetized RMT trash, no one can deny it. This is wasting dev time on something only RMT benefits from, wtf?
  18. This ship sailed long ago. Anet ruined fractals, and didn't increase their rewards at all. So now you get harder content, with the same rewards. Drizzlewood is better.
  19. Prove it. Jade bot: 5 minutes to get some stamina and some buffs. Ascended gear: still BIS Show me the mythical horizontal progression this game has, because it doesn't exist, and if it does, it takes 5 minutes to finish.
  20. Ok, rifts are bottom tier content. You fight a mob that dies in 10 second after running around for a few minutes to find a new rift. You spend more time channeling the rift close/open animation than actually fighting. Rifts are trash content, you cannot defend them.
  21. GW2 does not have horizontal progression. It has zero progression.
  22. Anet acts like everything they add is a SNES cartridge you can't patch. Rifts also cannot be salvaged, they're horrendous.. Abandon them. I don't play a video game to turn my brain off. I am not a zombie. Stop this.
  23. Quality over quantity. Rifts are horrible, and the first two zones metas have zero difficulty, cannot fail, no need for support of healers. Amnytas meta boss LITERALLY doesn't attack. It's core tyria world boss tier trash. The simon says ending is also agonizing to play. Inner Nayos metas have tons of outgoing dmg, you want boons, and bosses actually attack you. They can even fail - the final one fails easily!
  24. Nowhere did Anet say "the content added at the start will be trash" they said they'd continue to add content for a year. Rifts were as low effort as that and the main content to get legendary armor and the only new unique content. Them being bottom tier content is unacceptable. And no, they are the worst content in the universe. They're just afk fests.
  25. Not while players still stupidly test it for free. Yep, If I wanted to play FFXIV I'd go play the game, stop trying to turn GW2 into that trash can of a game. Not difficult to play melee when bosses hitboxes are the entire size of the tiny square room arena(100% of the games content is a tiny square room arena). Your adamant defense and ignorance over how this games instance design is literally 1:1 FF14 is baffling at this point.
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