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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. None of these supply drops have been worth it, they're "800% value!!".
  2. These check boxes are extremely confusing. They should be to the right of the words, not the left.
  3. PvP is not a supported game mode.
  4. WvW is what the game looks like when you make a "shadowy high table". You make a game mode for < 100 people.
  5. The issue is they wasted resources on this when it generates zero revenue and adds zero content to the game. It's just copying a trend without realizing why companies invest resources into it.
  6. Reaper doesn't need a single buff in PvE.
  7. It's a battle pass, and battlepasses either might as well not exist as you passively finish them(like this one seems to be) or completely ruin the game. They're kind of a gigantic waste of development time, and usually only worth it due to the premium aspect. There's no premium aspect to this one, so I think Anet just wasted resources on a useless system.
  8. People don't really do strikes still. it's extremely niche content unlike fractals. Not only due to strikes being not that fun, but the main reason is because they are devoid of rewards. This "rewards" team thinks a proper CM reward is a weapon skin for completing it 25 times, too. Weapon skins are not rewards in a game with legendary weapons.
  9. "Do a strike. Do a JP" weeklies were the worst possible weeklies they could have previewed outside of "clear a CM raid"
  10. The skills are good, they just are too pricey to ever use.
  11. I don't understand how you think having a premade finder where users select their role(what they already do) and a system where commanders can request a role (WHAT THEY ALSO ALREADY DO) can't work in GW2. Am I living in another dimension?
  12. So is GW2. LFG is a core feature of the game that should be updated to 2023. Anet is a AAA company, no excuses.
  13. Players literally join my group, and tell me their roles. They could...select it from a UI instead. Do you think none of this could be coded. I'm so confused, lol.
  14. What? Most of the time anyone who joins my group they tell me their role, and LFGS request roles in the comments. Are they somehow doing the impossible? It must really be hard selling raids if people are this adamantly against trying to make it easier to form groups in a MMO.
  15. It's ok in 5 years we'll only have unprofitable fractals.
  16. LFGs specifically ask for roles all the time. Having that as selection (qdps, alac dps, dps, alac healer, etc..) AND forcing someone to "request to join as x role" instead of "random person joins your party without your consent and you have no idea what they are" would be a huge improvement. A decent dev could code this in a day. Do people think GW2 doesn't have roles...?
  17. They benefit from being able to clog the LFG list with services.
  18. Mirage isn't nerfed in WvW and is basically "hold W in the opposite direction because you can't interact with them" tier, again.
  19. This is needed too. I'm sick of having to kick people who won't read. You cannot sign up as a role you cannot fill in WoW. However, this would require Anet to actually embrace the fact they're designing "alac supports" and such(it could be tied to having the talent selected - very simple), but they seem to like pretending their game doesn't have roles/trinity still for whatever reason.
  20. A role option works for strikes and fractals because that's the way the game is set up....
  21. https://www.wowhead.com/guide/using-the-premade-group-finder-6090#:~:text=The Premade Group Finder is,Player). This is what people want.
  22. Want a good laugh? Compare these two. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Chilled_to_the_Bone!" vs https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Winds
  23. You're right, there's never a single raid sale ad in LFG! Silly me.
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