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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Medic's Feedback is an amazing trait especially on DPS builds like Virtuoso. Great way to supplement bad supports or hard content. Anyway on my Chronomancer especially for fractals it is my go to support skill. You don't even need to have skill on your bar for it to be useful.
  2. Are they even healing then? Sounds like a Boon Support.
  3. Okay yes but direct healing was what Mesmer was missing. I mean I run a crazy healing build(before rifle) that involved using Relic of the Flock and the Rune before that with Mantra healing. Every 10 second you got a Barrier, pair that with both healing Sigils and you have some okay sustained HPS. This was about as close as you could get to a real healing build anything other than this frankenstein build was awful. Well healing is bad due to the heal being at the end. Mantra healing is bad due to the cast time. Inspiration healing is bad due to low HPS and requiring a target. Let's face it we need a healing two-handed power weapon and we already had Staff.
  4. Yes but you are not using them to move unlike most of the other classes weapon movement skills. The only weapons that comes close is Sword but only really the ambush. Even Axe doesn't count since it is just a teleport to target.
  5. Chronomancer had no healing Support builds before Rifle, maybe Staff Mirage could kind of support but not really. In terms of Mesmer mobility, it comes from utilities. Mesmer has very few good weapon movement skills and even less if you just look at two handed.
  6. You just need to work around it. Druid favors this new weapon more since you can get Force of Nature then go into CA for increased healing. You really just need to stall druid and fight them when they are trying to disengage which they will do after CA. Most of Druid Mace and CA can be very easily dodged or avoided, Starve them essentially.
  7. We have essentially a month of Druid being super OP in PvP for it to fall off probably with some Mace nerfs too.
  8. Didn't they have the nerf the new support mesmer changes twice since the new choas Aura is to strong?
  9. I don't think many people bring him healing weapons to PvP unless you plan on healing a WvW Zerg.
  10. Most of the time you camp one weapon anyway so I could see it taking up an alternative slot just to heal. Seems to me the primary use case except if you are on Mirage. Greatsword Chronomancer with Rifle on the side for healing since you don't having a true healing skill due to Signet of Either.
  11. The only think that annoys me is the fact is only a power weapon. In terms of damage it is okay but you have weapons swap pretty quickly after you hit 4 twice.
  12. Atleast you can somewhat time the use of Strength of the Pack. They should remove the cast time but having one stability on pet swap is pretty much useless like you say. Most of the time I let them CC me for a second then stun break after they blow their load.
  13. I barely have anything in there to, maybe 500 gold at most not really worth it since I was making 300-500 gold a week before is stopped playing. You might aswell have me keep playing and send you the gold I make each week.
  14. Well I hold out hope they change it, also what would I give you, most of my Gold has been converted to gems
  15. Honestly at the point close my thread it's causing me more grief than this is worth discussing. Reminds me of when I tried to defend Virtuoso at its launch, all my forum strikes are from then too. I'll report my own thread.
  16. Oh yes I am in the wrong thread, meh I'm barely on the forums any more (or even GW2) so I wasn't paying attention. Arg we need something better this is my whole point. Many people leave this game due to balance but I'm leaving because of the god awful UI and LFG system.
  17. The whole point of the post is suggesting "make your own group" is the answer to a lack of hot join or other types of LFG improvements in not a good counter. All the other stuff we talked about is just tangents.
  18. I mean you kind of make my point for me, the current is to convoluted to even run as an entry level raid leader.
  19. This patch seems like a good shuffle around, especially with some traits being underused due to varies reasons. I think the funniest thing is they think this a nerf to Condition builds but don't realize most condition builds for Ranger are hybrids so buffing power in anyway also buffs condition builds.
  20. Meh, Empathic Bond stability access was only good for stomping but these days completing a stomp is a waste of time since it is quicker just to burst them. I think the reason they changed it is because no one used the trait.
  21. I think we will see a separate website again before GW2 change the LFG system. We already have many raid training discords.
  22. Meh this is just me ranting at this point. I guess I'm just annoyed at the current lfg system. Probably time for a Gw2 break untill they do something about it. I'm sure eventually they will but we shall see.
  23. Groups need 3 dps, 2 support so the end-game pve content doesn't start untill that happens. How you organise that in a hot join is up to Arena Net.
  24. At the point I refuse to play end-game PvE content untill the rework the LFG. I only play Gw2 for PvP at this point. Putting more LFG drop downs is not good solution to this problem. Even rift hunting is hard to organise since not everyone needs that weekly at the same time(or is even aware of my group). I have soloed t3 rifts by myself for half an hour before people starting joining.
  25. I have tried something similar for raids but my way of doing a boss is not the meta way and I had a hard time finding what cheese method we should be using and people started leaving. There is no consistency on most of the raid content, strikes are better since there is no cheese methods.
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