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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. You should be Condition damage if playing Mirage so critical chance will not mater just Torment duration.
  2. I will say the Willbenders I see are pretty funny. It's not so much that build is OP it is more the fact they can run at a moment notice even after Dueling for extend periods. Its just frustrating if you want to maintain tier 6 partition; Nigh impossible fighting Willbenders.
  3. I have seen all sorts. What is more likely is small groups that are bag farming outside the Keep don't want new players allowing the enemies to rez from them dying. Honestly I have seen some real positive attempt to teach people to deal with boon balls. Boon corrupting and stealing, advice was really good when I was on.
  4. I had a similar experience but with Ranger going to Mesmer. To put it plainly which is one of the things I love about GW2 is every class plays very differently. Necromancer does its damage in shroud but it also serves as you damage mitigation. With it allowing to both wait out cooldown like the heal skill to come back. Mesmer is different the goal here is to generate clones and use them for mitigation and healing. Signet of Ether one of the popular healing options which heals you on clones generated. This is even true for Virtuoso where your condition damage can heal you a percentage of damage dealt. The best way to deal damage is to generate blades and shatter them. Its a bit like a train with Mesmer, once it gets going you can't die.
  5. Maybe I'm just a sweaty nerd for these thing but I am stock piling the last reward chest and just opening them when I need a new Relic. Im sure when the legendary options is available it will offer some value since in theory it would be on every armor type and character.
  6. Fair so legendary relics would save you 10-20 gold on Core relics if you are forced to buy them. If they do introduce better Soto relics especially ones for power builds then it is probably not worth it.
  7. Meh the old tier 5 rune effects where kind of boring and dated. Let hope we get something similar with updated effects. A Golem that does X (barrier?) rather than whatever it did before.
  8. Honestly though is there any point. You can unlock any new relic with one PvP or WvW reward track. You can get more core relics by level someone up to 60 I believe. You don't even need to do the achievements, just use a reward track to unlock them all.
  9. After the current Relic drop, I have been having a lot of fun coming up with new builds. For all the problems with replacing 10 years of runes with a half complete Relic system I'm starting to enjoy the change. Let's hope they continue to add interesting and unique Relics. My current favorite is Demon Queen
  10. Most of the inspiration for this build comes from videos you and others post not from Metabattle. As far as what's on display I prefer Sword for this type of roaming. I have seen some good hammer clips for Untamed but It is always the perfect situation for them to engage. This build is more about counter pushing. People over extend into a small group of players. They get poisoned and bleed to death. Most of the druid builds are all about pushing into players. For roaming I either use two main-hand swords or two main-hand Axes depending on who I'm facing. I literally have all 8 build slots dedicated to something.
  11. Perfect so when they are pulled they now have 50% healing reduction and 3k bleed and poison on them. If I get a full 5 allies to stance share I get numbers close to 7k poison ticks, short bow spam can also do the same for Bleed. The trick is that crazy high Condition Damage.
  12. Well, that like saying you should not attack a boon ball because they will always out heal you. Everything counts it is not just pure healing that can win the fight.
  13. Nope, Heal druid sucks if all you do it keep everyone on life support untill they die. Look the landscape of playstyles and Zergs is vast. Have you ever heard of a Pirate Ship Zerg, Longbow Ranger really excel at this. Not everyone organises as a Zerg to so what would happens if your Zerg of 20 players has to face 40 unorganised players. New strategies need to be developed. Having not one but many different options for your preferred class is best way to deal with this. In conclusion, I'm not saying this build replaces any Druid playstyle. It's just another option one that can deal with the exact build you are trying to promote a pure healer Druid.
  14. That has been my experience to, especially if someone arrives late and doesn't know where the DH traps are placed. I'm looking at you Daredevil.
  15. Meh, we shall wait and see. I guess you might not like it but something will happen otherwise the complaining will not stop.... Anytime a class gets played to much at high ranks they get nerfed. Look at the "Sic Em" Soulbeast pig mual build that got nerfed. They even nerfed the Smokescale out of the blue since they must have felt like having a stun and stealth opener was to strong.
  16. Well I use both and switch between them. You can extend that to all builds. Nothing can deal with a boon ball at the end of the day. Just another boon ball. Ranger in general excel at stacking damage hense why I always say clashing is the key in any good build. The reason root builds are so prevalent for Rangers in Zergs is because you are trying to catch people in the clash outside the Boon/Healing. The build on display tries to emulate that but with healing. It doesn't invalidate the role of Druid, it just gives you more options. The real reason the arrow cart build is good is becouse of the mass cripple you apply which can slow down some of the Zerg members
  17. I agree, the number of people who needlessly stand in traps is a lot. It often feels like it is a plus one while defending a point since I have baited players into my teams' traps by feinting a retreat. His claim was it was a low skill problem. I'm saying that even at gold 3 people are playing DH. If players can make it work at gold 3 then there is obviously something worth playing and probably needs some balancing. I mean I have seen 2-4 players per match being DH.
  18. I see plenty of DH in gold 3 so this is not true.
  19. Hmm true, well we can let Arena Net balance it since they will see the bigger picture. Its more I wanted some counter play not just a button that prevents you from doing anything to a Willbender. They can teleport in, one shot someone then leave without dying. Untamed/Soulbeast used to be like this but they got nerfed because it was so strong, multiple times mind you too.
  20. Well just make a 60 second cooldown ultimate. It still prevents all incoming damage so it is fair.
  21. I haven't suggest any nerfs, I just said it was unfair. If you want a proposed nerf then maybe Renewed Focus should not prevent CC like the Untamed heal skill Perilous Gift. Maybe take off 30 seconds off the cooldown as compensation. I think that would be fair and not make the Guardian unkillable.
  22. Dude If I had time to play every class in response to a forum post I would be single without kids. I barely have time to even play WvW, I have given up on Fractals/Strikes/Raids already. All I can tell you is what I see, I'm sure there are some limitations on Guardian and Willbender that I'm not able to see without playing it but compared to other classes I also face they do seem like the last bastion of OPness. Like I said we longer have roaming bands of "Sic Em" Soulbeast with pig maul. They nerfed that playstyle hard so Willbender will most likely be next. Also I never Struggle to fight Willbenders, I do just fine Dueling them.
  23. You realise you need to both to face and hit the enemy for the Longbow 3 to work. It is better for repositioning than escaping in a pinch. It also doesn't make you immune to damage, people can still attack you with AoE which they do. Rangers best disengage is Untamed with both Perilous Gift a 3 second damage immunity (not CC) and Forest's Fortification with 6 seconds of 10 stability with super speed (90 second cooldown too). I have to waste two skills just to do what Renewed Focus does minus the super speed.
  24. Hmm true, something like Sinister would work better but I want more vitality due to the lack on any proper healing skill. Dire and Trailblazer would be more defensive but I don't need Toughness. Looking over the different stats the best gear stats would probably be Plaguedoctor or Ritualist. I do have legendary armor so maybe Ill try it.
  25. We shall see, I guess I don't really care all that much. I get the feeling it will probably be nerfed regardless of me playing it. Like I have been saying I have a tendency to get really good at a class before attempting to PvP with it.
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