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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. My biggest method of escaping doesn't make me immune to damage so there is a difference.
  2. I don't know unless you are play Staff/Staff Mirage I have a really hard time soloing anything. Staff mirage is only about 10k damage with Celestial gear to. My best solo class is a Half Celestial Virtuoso with 100% Condition Duration and Critical Chance. This thing is broken and can easily get 15k+ on a single target with it getting up to 30k if multiple exist. I also run Signet or Inspiration so it is very easy to maintain EoD Jade buffs. The real powerhouse of Virtuoso is the inbuilt passive crit chance a condi duration in the Traits. This means you don't have to run silly stuff like assassin's like with Chronomancer.
  3. This is how I fight them to but I always get annoyed since the engagement is on their terms so alot of the time they just run away and you just have to wait and pray the next burst does not get you. It feels somewhat similar to fighting Renegade in WvW.
  4. Beddo is right. I want to get as much damage out as possible before it can be cleansed hence why I'm pushing something like 3200 Condition Damage in terms of stats. I think my favorite things is when peoples cleanse is their healing skill so they might wipe the poison off them but at the cost of 50% less healing. Then I put it all back on again with Vulture Stance. I stumbled on this build idea from someone else on this forum and it can be pretty funny to watch something like a Thief stealth to try escape only to appear downed at my feet.
  5. @Solori.6025 Hmm I see them going invulnerable a lot with either the Elite or the Heal. Maybe all the try hard roamers play Willbender but there is defiantly a lot of them. The tendency to save the invulnerable skills for escaping is the real issue (it even advises saving the ult for escaping on the Metabattle guide)
  6. This seems like the best response I got. No one is really oneshotting players one after another like before so it a more mellow Ranger gameplay.
  7. I don't like Guardian. I only play Mesmer, Ranger and Revenant. I just get really good a select few classes and don't rely on the meta. Hense why you may have seen me with the duel main-hand Axes on Ranger in Gold 3.
  8. I will say kind of countering my own Willbender OP point but I'm no longer being one shot by an invisible Scrapper. We have come a long way from those days, I guess WB is the next elite on the chopping block since the "Sic em" Soulbeast pig Maul got nerfed (along with Smokescale too)
  9. Well, I do main Ranger so no hate on the gameplay. I'm just trying to add the general concessive that Willbender is OP at the moment. I guess I'm not hugely familiar with its skills and the Meta build hence not knowing it's not normal to run the shield.
  10. Dude, I don't know that many people. My guild is very casual and seem to want to play Conquest at the moment, maybe when the WvW beta starts I can find enough players. This will be a slow result sadly. I will probably just leave it here and maybe report back with a gotcha if it ever becomes a thing. People with more time and not a family can try proving my theory. Again, who knows maybe I can pull off something worth recording. Nice chatting though, normally no one even bothers responding to my posts these days.
  11. I agree with both points. My build is just another spin on what I already do. I mean I'm known for using duel Longbows so I can make use of Quick Draw on Barrage. I only switch to this build for siege fights, otherwise I use something else. If I'm in a Pug Zerg or an inexperienced zerg this Carrion build comes out. Otherwise I have a pure Condition Damage Celestial Druid. I believe I have posted that once before but the just uses ground targeted roots to stick someone in place with signet of wild and muddy terrain. Trying to overload the condition cleansing again.
  12. That is extremely hard to pull off, he had to engage with stealth to even catch people off guard. I don't think Willbender needs a stealth check to get off its burst off. Also did you see the cooldowns, he used them all with only one stun break for getting away. There is probably a very good reason he does not show the end of the engagement since he will be dead.
  13. You will be surprised. If you share Vultures Stance with 5 people you can get some pretty consistent stacks. That is 3 seconds they have 50% less healing, It is enough to turn the tide. I mean what is better this or some root build that is posted all over Metabattle. How effective is it to immobilize a tight zerg who can cleanse it right away. When you are dealing 20 people with every boon in the game vs another 20 people with equal boons very little is effective. All projectiles are useless, most condition based builds are, CC can be but not during a clash. All your really have is gimmicks like pulling people out with Temporal Curtain. PS, maybe you already know but it is all poison not just the disable one.
  14. True Regardless my point is you have many options. Mesmer feedback is used in the same way to projectile block to prevent damage but it's not nearly as useful as most of the Guardian shields. My god the naming convention for Gw2 is bad. The most obvious downside to all these Willbender builds is they are almost always hit and run with no staying power. Untamed does a better job at that but cannot teleport away since all its teleports need a target.
  15. Happy new Year! I would also include channeled blocks in the invulnerability category even some of the Shields are close. Shield of Absorption is a very small bubble and knocks you back on first entry. There is a lot of pick from when you want to go immune with Willbender.
  16. True you should ask the majority of players who still use it in a Zerg. I don't see many Druids, I guess it is to low damage to make it work in a clash.
  17. I guess at launch they very much were Ranged but after 3 expansion with 2 new Melee weapons it no longer favors that play style. The more the Devs have moved away from allowing the pet to have damage and instead letting the player be the damage dealer the more melee has had to fill the role.
  18. Logs are a good idea especially in regard to the damage ticks. I will see what I can produce but don't hold your breath.
  19. It is really only meant for killing over aggressive players, outside that it doesn't hit very hard. You essentially just stall untill your cooldowns reset. Its just better than the current roaming Soulbeast who joins a Zergs. Most of the Zerg recommendations are root builds which can also be cleansed and is a single condition with even more way to avoid it since resistance exists. The build is just capitalising on the Demon Empress relic along with the passive poison Soulbeast offers. I have a very similar Druid build but it has more stuns and is full Celestials. I will elaborate further. Very few classes even have passive damage built into Traits. Engineer is about the only other one but it has more power focused extra damage hense why Mechanist is so strong. I strongly think very soon with the Demon Empress Relic we will see some strong PvP Rangers builds. As for what will be Meta it is probably not my build but something will exist. Poison Master actually improves poisoning damage by alot. From what I can see this gives Ranger a new massive advantage in Zerg vs Zerg. Thief aswell has some great options too.
  20. No, I'm pretty low effort as it is. I would rather make the build on Metabattle than do a video. Who knows maybe I get some great Zerg wipes with this build. I guess there would be no way of telling it was me who made the difference so this would be hard to prove. It probably would be easier to show it while roaming but I'm not really claiming that it should be good at roaming.
  21. I don't play it but having that much mobility on a class with that many invulnerabilities. It is by definition can't be killed in most cases.
  22. I thought I might as well promote the build I use. This can be used in Zergs or Skirmishes since you can stance share unique boons. The real powerhouse is the stability you have access to in this build. There is not much healing, but you can easily get 3k poison and bleed ticks on a single target and not be chain CCed. This can hard counter certain Zergs types like boon/heal balls, they might be able to cleanse some of the poison, but your application is pretty high with 5 people sharing Vulture stance. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAYVlRweYSsPGKWaP7P3RcG-DSIYbU9fI5IFiTV1hAVh/GCQ4+tw7ZFA-e
  23. @Gotejjeken.1267 Meh I'm not really adding much at this point, but I'll show some receipts of my Rank as a Ranger. https://imgur.com/a/JbsisG0 I just read on my own screenshot I need to play 135 games to be on the leaderboard, so I guess that has not happened.
  24. I like that response better than Ranger is unplayable at the moment.
  25. Hmm we shall see. I really don't see much point, at the highest level the pets a vehicle to do damage rather than like the Mechanist a source of damage maybe there is room for another high damage and high survivability smokescale like pet to exist.
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