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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I mean it is pretty easy to check, I sure did. It hasn't been nerfed so my Celestial Virtuoso is still viable.
  2. All I can say is, Thank you. I didn't fancy changing all my gear and builds if this was left in.
  3. I had fun, I could see an issue if you had a discord that hosts many players and using more than one guild not being able to join an alliance to all be in the same instance. I feel like this is a guild management issue rather than a problem with the system.
  4. I don't know if you played recently but the pet situation is resolved at least for 2 families. Both Bears and the Turtle survive Zerg clashes and provide some utility.
  5. Seems like they have been back-to-back. It would be a good way to tutorialise the content they are showing off rather than talking to some Lions Arch NPC. People have requested videos or showcases of how to play certain game modes and their mechanics; Bonus Events are the perfect medium to introduce that concept.
  6. Maybe you are right, I do like it but honestly you get more healing from Let Loose.
  7. I'm sure I have already mentioned this but just replace Ferocious Symbiosis with another boon strip, maybe swap some of the grandmasters around. Let Loose for example is should be at the bottom since it's more related to Ambushs than CC. Anyway the new grandmaster should be something like for ever CC inflicted corrupt 2 boons, or steal them. Something like that. That would complete the kits, along with Quickness in WvW.
  8. From my experience although I don't really play it, A daze Mesmer is the most potent in WvW. You essentially just run in Tag them with Conditions and daze them so they can't react or cleanse them. Mirage dagger is probably the best since ambushes daze but Virtuoso works aswell.
  9. You want to know other mount is OP, the Skimmer. The Skimmer hover makes you immune to all damage, letting you skip alot of open world mechanics like traps or pulls. It's dismounting is also not an aoe (its some sort of line) so it is very easy to use to harvest resources while not triggering combat to re-mount after. Not to mention its the only mount that can go underwater.
  10. I felt way more annoyed when the semi-afk Mechanist was the thing. All your efforts to get high DPS during a boss fight with a complex rotation was useless in the face of it. Atleast I can have a fair go at content with some afk skyscale following me around.
  11. Im pretty sure it's before the of launch legendary relics. It would make no sense otherwise. They did the same thing with runes. You had X long to level as many characters to like 80 before they released them If they did mean before soto launched as a whole rather than the a part of soto then they would have made it more clear not to craft anything
  12. Just displaying all the LFGs at the same time and then have the filters apply after would solve most of my issues with it.
  13. It means you only need to unlock it once for all characters to have access to it. One PvP/WvW reward will do it.
  14. Syscale afking farming stuff is fair game since most things are not that hard with enough players. There is good chance you will not even get drops during most events these day since power creep means anyone with have decent armor set can one shot everything. I would prefer Skyscale participation over 10 second boss fights.
  15. At least it proves they can add more UI panels. For the longest time I even assumed the ability to add/change the UI was lost in the spaghetti code.
  16. The Bonus Event achievements are in the Hero Panel and not the PvP Panel maybe they need to put them PvP panel. They will figure it out is my problem, UI works against us when it comes time to find stuff to do. A perfect example is the WvW weekly disappearing from the achievement selection panel in the top right when you complete it. I want to see its progress even after I completed the initial 8 achievements and after reset without going to find it each time.
  17. I have already complained about how bad the LFG is in the instance's forum but this extends to most of the UI in game. They have made some attempts to add collections for things like legendary's and /Wiki but we need more. If the Wizards Vualt has proved anything is they can make interest new UI that can be engaging rather that the mess that is the Hero panel or LFG. The Bonus Events are a good showcase of a particular game mode. Would it not be better to have a nice panel to house it rather than an obscure collection tucked away in the Hero Panel.
  18. I will say they do need to streamline alot of systems. The LFG, Content required for Collections, they have started but it is not good enough.
  19. Oh, I don't convert essences just yet. Research notes get turned into Motivation, I'm hording them until the t4 rift comes out.
  20. I turn my extra materials into research notes. I make rare weapons or armor and just select the convert to research note tick.
  21. I think you got it, especially in regard to Ranger which can bait out traps.
  22. They really just need to lower the 90 second cooldown, it would be better at 60. It still wouldn't be used that often in PvE and in PvP you only have 6 seconds to try reduce the cooldown further. It would make some pretty unique Hammer Ambush or Longbow Barrage builds.
  23. Arg I already made the thread but they need to split some of the Untamed's skills between sPvP and WvW. I don't see the issue with Ambushs providing aoe quickness in WvW seems like a good use for the Staff Ambush since right now it is pretty useless.
  24. Yeah that is probably not good enough, honestly leave Restorative Strikes alone and replace Ferocious Symbiosis with another boon ripe. Maybe a boon corruption and let's keep your effect but 2 boons removed (maybe no immob). So it would be corrupt 2 boons when CCing a target. While we are at it put Let Loose at the bottom and this new skill at the top synergiing with top traitline being a cc notif
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