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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Most groups won't need it, other supports can also technically provide it if needed. This is all just more options like said I still have the other Healer build on standby if we need protection.
  2. You only need Inspiration you don't need chaos for healing or boon support. This means you can run Domination. This doesn't seem hard to figure out, I don't know why people are so resistant to it. I was pulling about 5-10k DPS in fractals with this build. I mostly ran Marauders and used Danger Time.
  3. I had a spare template slot with nothing on it so I just tried this. I still have the normal healer build if I need it but like I am indicating Rifle has enough HPS to not need Healing Power.
  4. I can report back I did fractals with no Healing power or concentration.
  5. Ask them if they are AFK...... Did you ever farm areas in other MMOs I don't see much difference here besides the lack mouse or WASD movement they still push their skills.
  6. Has anyone tried to do Greatsword and Rifle Healer. My reasoning is you don't really need Boon Duration on Chronomancer support if you spam enough phantasms and shatters. You also only really need a little bit of healing power and some static healing buffs. Sounds like it would be possible since it isn't that different the Boon DPS Chronomancer.
  7. Honestly I would say the opposite the current team directly play the game hense why they play some favouritism (Elementalist primarily after years of neglect). Most classes have had their cheesy mechanics completely removed or nerfed. Alot of the recent Mesmer changes which made Scepter so strong for healing were supposed to make way for Rifle but that kind of backfired a little.
  8. I know we have had a thread or threads already but honestly Engineer is falling behind most other classes benchmarks due its reliance on outdated Kits. Ground targeted kits while sacrificing a utility slot tends to be a bad mix. If mechanist proves anything it is damage stacking that wins out in the DPS race. This is exactly why Ranger is top DPS at the moment.
  9. It's not as strong as it used to be, the only thing carrying an interrupt build is Mirage Dagger ambushes.
  10. Hey what's wrong with the Arrow Cart build. I have even had a few successful Duels with it since you stealth and reposition like a Deadeye.
  11. Pretty much, seems to the better of the two types of arrow cart. Soulbeast might have more damage output but you are able to chain more things together with Untamed. You also have much better escapes on Untamed with super speed while Soulbeast has a one direction movement merge skill.
  12. I chain Ambush with Signet of the Hunt to boon strip Zergs so I wouldnt call that tagging.
  13. Atleast my Reaver (Carrion poison build) and Untamed Arrow Cart are not being nerfed and are amazing in WvW.
  14. Yeah I agree, I am not really roaming with it but I do have axe main-hand on my other weapon slot.
  15. 3. Nothing has or will happen. Problem is most people afk at some point. I mean I sometimes walk into a wall in WvW for more that 10 minutes on a full map so I'm not kicked.
  16. Mount based combat and we will probably get more of it will probably be worse than the Afk issue. I could see a point where you mount around tagging events and never doing them. Something like the Bitterfrost Frontier would be perfect for this type of lazy way of playing.
  17. Oh did we fight....? Anyway I use Axe/Mace and Mace/Warhorn on Untamed and try chain Ambushes and CC so I'm not all about Force of Nature.
  18. Well like we previously discuss the key is to avoid their attacks so they can't build Force of Nature stacks. If I get one stun of on my Mace Untamed, I can generally chain many attacks while being under attack by 1 or 2 players to maintain Stability. Force of Nature then resets my cooldowns so I can repeat this. They could buff base damage in compensation for the removal of the 25% damage increase since it creates a toxic playstyle like with Fervent Force in both PvP and PvE.
  19. I fairly certain they confirmed something for Tier 2. Who knows what it will look like could be Kryptis/Wizard/Rift hunter or all the dragon's infused magic. Maybe all of the above, the Armors effects tend to be activated when starting combat but the third generation Legendary Weapons have that to so I don't know how they will override each other.
  20. You are right, most of the afk players are considerate and normally don't occupy anything that directly gatekeeps a heart. Honestly though I know the numbers of afk farming and it is not worth the effort even if you multi-box it. If you want to get the afk experience your best bet is to set up a good macro and participate in events or do hearts. Some events or hearts have a few way to achieve participation though killing so just do that to completion. I got my gift of exploration by parking my Ranger at hearts and just doing longbow spam. That is much better money but I don't think that would count as afk, just being lazy maybe.....
  21. My post is a little spoilery..... Honestly I really like Peitha, I feel like the newest iteration of whatever a GW2 story is (which is not much) is very mature. We are dealing with a more mature theme that just X Dragon/God doing bad stuff. We are instigated a full on rebellion against a tyrannical dictator who his eating his subjects; that is pretty dark. The whole thing of Peitha whispering to us and helping through persuasive means. The fact that no one trust her but you the Commander, I mean Wayfinder. The fact she is so eager to kill her brothers and sisters; It all sounds so saucy.
  22. The problem you will find is they are not Afk so nothing will happen. I normally just talk to them and see what YouTube video they are watching.
  23. Since I already have a thread going I want to predict some potential nerfs. For one the 25% extra damage on Force of Nature will probably go since it is creating another "Sic Em" situation even if it is hard to trigger and cram everything in. Next I really like the cooldown reset when triggering Force of Nature and would like something similar for Hammer especially over a bunch of coefficient buffs. Honestly though they will probably nerf it in some way on Mace but they might leave it for a purity purpose. Again make Hammer have the instant cooldown reduction not Mace.
  24. Yeah I have playing around with Mace/Mace Soulbeast with Staff to escape. I'm trying a more stance heavy set up with the ability to deal alot of damage inside a Zerg Clash.
  25. @Zyreva.1078 @MumbJumbo.1975 @Gotejjeken.1267 You are both right. Druid is both over performing just in gold and is a bunker/condition build. Druid is just an odd class it has extremely strong healing in Celestial Avatar and has alot of pressure with root/alacrity combo. This is why it is being nerfed. When I fight a Bunker Druid I know it's weakness, stuns. I play Mace Untamed and can switch from my CC providing Stability or Quickness so I just spam CC with Quickness. Druids real problem is it's unreliable Stability and slow attack animations that root it and others in place. This is why it makes a good bunker and team fighter but can easily be countered especially with mobility.
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