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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. You are wrong, most metabattle builds in particular encourage swapping out traits or utilities. If you have to bring something unique for a benchmark then you can't swap anything.
  2. Plat is the top 150 players in US.... so I mean I'm lucky if I can stay in that rank for more than a few games each season since one loss drops you by 30-40 points.
  3. The problem is you had to bring that class in that exact preset for the unique buff. People now just require the boon and not the class, just check the LFG's.
  4. Its not in the patch notes but it was mentioned on the livestream as late changes that could make it into the patch. Here is what they said: 1) Aim assisted rocket will no longer be triggered by Mech, regardless of the trait equipped This means a nerf to this trait "Mech Arms: Jade Cannons: Melee attacks become ranged, have an increased chance to critically hit, and apply vulnerability. Unlocks the Mech Command skill Spark Revolver. If you have the Explosives trait Aim-Assisted Rocket, your mech also gains the effect of that trait." 2) No bonus Ferocity on Mech Frames Basically no ferocity on this trait "Mech Frame: Variable Mass Distributor: Unlocks the Mech Command skill Core Reactor Shot. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your own precision and ferocity stats." This does seem like just the beginning to so more changes (nerfs) of the way
  5. Maybe one of the bird families, I was just thinking of CC pets.
  6. I still see people run the stealth rune DH in gold 3 so it must still be going strong.
  7. I mean prior to these unique traits being replaced, all benchmarks required them. This meant if you did end-game content an one of the professions was missing you where not doing benchmark dps (for some classes this was really bad). You know what would make my Class Fantasy worse, if I was only there becouse I provided a unique boon with a traitline or utility. I want to be there let's say as a Ranger because I'm really good at playing it.
  8. Yeah you are right but you weapon swap before you barrage so it roughly works out to be 9 second cooldown. 6 seconds + 2 1/2 cast time, anyway your longest cooldown is the weapons swap so either way. I only ever use this during a siege then the switch to Druid when I'm running around with the zerg, I would never keep up otherwise. I did try using an Untamed variant with a Zerg which was better since you had access to super speed but the cooldowns where still very long even if technically you could reset the barrage even faster with the Longbow ambush(twice per weapons swap).
  9. I like the idea of using both Rock Gazelle and maybe Warthog for a super mobility build.
  10. His post was in no way clear (he never mentioned either), I now know what he means which honestly makes even less sense since Druid never supported in sPvP. Projectile block/reflect is really strong at the moment only because of the Ranger Longbow and Engineer Rifle Spam.
  11. Yeah I agree, I guess there argument is the cooldown will be longer to activate certain traits but you have essentially 2 pet bars to compensate. For PvP cooldowns mean nothing really so just utility buff. You could slot in two mobility pets and just zoom around the map if you wanted. For PvE it is a massive buff since Soulbeast is already the top Ranger DPS (Untamed 41k rotation is unrealistic)
  12. I only use this build in WvW, I'm pretty sure I stated that. Not every PvP build get played in every game mode. My point is you can literally play anything as long as you are good, for sPvP I use a CC Untamed build which I run almost every Stun the Ranger has plus CC pets. I think i showed @anduriell.6280 one time. I'm gold 3 by the way in the 250 players. What are you talking about. Its simple every time you weapon swap the next skill you use goes on a 66% cooldown so the 16 seconds cooldown (traited longbow) now takes 10 seconds to come off cooldown just like the weapon swap. The combo is *in combat*, weapon swap, Barrage, weapon swap, Barrage, so on and so on.
  13. Honestly I think the correct response here is you don't have to play it if you don't like it. I mean I like all the stationary attacks since it takes skill and timing to use the correctly (normally when people go down). Literally no one uses Untamed for both of these features in WvW. The pet dies right away so you would never get the projectile denial off (I guess only if the pet is on Avoid Combat then you F3). Teleport where, into the enemy Zerg and die....
  14. I do something very similar, Minus the axe part. Generally I'm just spamming roots/stuns against a group once someone goes down Natural Convergence them. True it is a gimmick but there is a thing called gear/elite swap so I only bring it out in a siege. Most of the time I use something else like Druid. Funny thing is I think you recommended that build to me before which I used as the as basis for my Druid.
  15. Yeah 100% agree, I was more countering the idea that smokescale won't ever be swapped out like @Khenzy.9348was saying.
  16. Duel longbow with a skilled player is very strong, I can line of sight enemy zergs and just rain arrows down on them. Me and my wife would time them and down multiple people every 10 seconds. You mean whirling defence? I think you are behind in your skill descriptions, Natural Convergence doesn't trigger Ancient Seed. That skill in reality is really OP since with just staff 1 an aoe channel you can root anyone stunned. I kind of agree with your Soulbeast comments. Untamed is okay in WvW its a bit like druid but without the healing so you need a good team to keep you alive. Hmm if they had easier access to stealth maybe they could be stronger.
  17. I do agree it won't change Soulbeast much but it will now require much more skill in PvP to pull off any sort of rotation. If anything it is a nerf to Smokescale since to take advantage of pet swap traits you will have to use something else other than Smokescale. In terms PvE it will most likely be a dps buff in places since I don't think any rotation relied on pet swap.
  18. You know what this game is highly subjective to what you want to play. I play Soulbeast WvW with two Longbow so I can lower the cooldown of barrage to 10 seconds with quick draw. I literally can't use smokescale since I don't have any leap finishers (I hate Greatsword in general). Druid is the same when I play it I use celestial and full Bleed duration and root everyone in sight. I don't think there a single class that can output as many roots as I can(at range). It is very powerful vs organised zergs since they tend to have stragglers which I can root and pick off. Anyway this forum is normally in contradiction to what gets implemented.
  19. My God format this better my Dude. Most if not all WvW Meta builds are only used by the top guilds so playing Druid as a support in Zerg is fine. In my personally use of Druid I play it heavily offensive Ancestral Gracing into fights then using Natural Convergence. The idea the Celestial Avatar has to be a defensive mechanic is wrong. The main advantage Druid has over any other healer is the simple fact it can switch between being very offensive (glyphs mostly) to being very defensive. For an organized Zerg a Druid can turn the tide of the fight in the right hands. Smokescale might be the most used pet but it is not the best in slot for Soulbeast, It entirely depends on what you are doing. For me the Rock Gazelle was always my favorite due to the CC and mobility. In terms of WvW I prefer the spiders since it comes with an Immobilize and Venom. I think most people want buffs but i think Untamed is fine, i guess the devs think so to.
  20. Yeah I agree there, it was already used quite a bit before.
  21. No it wont Soulbeast doesn't have the trait Fervent Force.
  22. I looked Wells should be 360 not 240 so same as Spirits.
  23. Its not that much a nerf since 900 range on Wells is still much larger than Spirit/Banner which sit at 600 (Spirits Alacrity is 360)
  24. It has been solved with boon standardization. Only the top 5% of people can multiclass enough to have this negatively effect the raid pool but most bring what they are good at and not what is optimal.
  25. Well what if no one wanted to play Warrior. I mean we faced this same problem with Banner or Spirit slaves. You had to play it since it had a unique boon. It is not fun if you get assigned that role and you cant even swap out those utilities, now you slot them if you want to boon support.
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