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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I only use it on my Quickness Chrono Support, I have okay DPS for a Support and some burst with phantasms. If needed I run the wells if no one has any Boons. I use Greatsword for my opening then Scepter + Sword. This means my clone generation is high enough to spam all shatters off cooldown. I think Golem numbers are like 15k (with Wells) which is not great when Mirage is something like 25k.
  2. That is the dream, I think Chrono will still have its Wells for some Alacrity and even now Improved Alacrity provides a good trade off for having a some higher than alacrity duration.
  3. Guys this is another useless argument, We all know Virtuoso is top DPS and the other guy isn't well informed. Chrono is incredibly selfish when played for its 39k DPS and honestly is pretty hard to use effectively since it requires a clean rotation to even get that damage(Golem vs Real). The reality is for the all the problems with Virtuoso it is by far the easier DPS which by extension means the rotation is simple and easy to achieve in any setting. Which I bet the Devs did because this is what Mesmer is lacking (I mean WvW zerg Virtuoso is still bad but it will get there I hope)
  4. This a is a sort how to: Nature's Shield - This is just a barrier at the moment but why not provide an effect for a few second after using a cantrip instead. I'm thinking a spore can be placed and the barrier should be passed on the spores and some boon rip too. Corrupting Vines - Just let it apply bleed along with converting boons since by itself it us useless PvE. Vow of Untamed - Just remove the damage reduction entirely, Unleashed player flat 25% increase damage (conditions too) then Unleashed pet flat 25% increase damage. To further make this cool make it a 5 second boon so if you swap unleashed between the player and pet you have 5 seconds to use each others skills rather than camping one of them. I'm really into the idea that you would unleash the player for massive damage then unleash your pet for massive pet damage and go back and forwards. You could even time is so during long cast times like for a Barrage or Whirling Defense you unleash your pet and hit all its cooldowns.
  5. This will always be a problem as new elites keep getting added to the game. Honestly we should start treating elite specs as another flavour of an existing class mechanic. I mean specters entire mechanic is a healing shroud.
  6. I don't think any elite in the game has a trait for core utilities, some might interact with them by extension of a class mechanic so maybe that at least.
  7. What are you talking about its very easy to achieve 40k dps on a Virtuoso if you have the gear. I mean there is no set up or rotation you just hit skills off cooldown. Power Virtuoso is less forgiving since you have no healing from conditions, you have got this all back to front. Yes and I'm sure Chrono is selfish, check snowcrow. Without Inspiration trait line you wont have enough boon duration for any of your utilities to mean anything.
  8. Yeah I agree, we shall see how it plays out and if you can maintain it without much boon duration.
  9. It will be 5 like every other boon in the game currently.
  10. Honestly now that I'm thinking about alacrity is more OP on Rnnger since it already has alot of self quickness. I mean both Soulbeast and Untamed have good sources on there utilities. I guess they did this so Druid did not compete with HB now we have quickness healer and alacrity healer.
  11. But wouldn't warrior in general would benifit more from lower cooldowns to get off more burst skills?
  12. Wouldn't it make more sense to give Warrior alacrity so it can speed up its rotation? I mean berserker and spellbreaker already had access to quickness to some extent?
  13. Oh wow I was totally wrong, why alacrity though that has no synergy with anything ranger does. I mean it's has very low cooldowns as it is? This should be exact opposite, warrior has a few quite long cooldowns and relies alot of skills for damage. Thinking about it more sense since now we have quickness HB and alacrity Druid. Soulbeast will also now be able self-buff every boon in the game almost.
  14. Okay that I do agree with 🙂 Ranger does have a bit of an identity crisis and really just needs the spirit rework to clearly define its role in this game. I mean a 25 might, quickness Druid could take the tilte of best support in some scenarios over Healbrand.
  15. Edit: Spirits will now pulse Alacrity which makes it even more OP, I went through an changed parts. Firstly I have been playing ranger since its inception and have tried everything under the sun to see what can work (currently I have moved on to Mesmer). A couple of things spring out to me with the spirit quickness rework: Druid - Has the amazing ability to top up spirits health with the celestial avatar when you use it. This is so powerful that you can keep Spirit of Nature alive through even the roughest fights. By providing alacrity on spirit's there is now a direct partner to HB. Soulbeast - Honestly I do believe it will face a slight damage nerf but still remain somewhat king of burst dps. The alacrity from spirits will synergies really well with stances which will see advent of a self-support dps Ranger build. Full boons while merged when using We Heal as one Untamed - This needs a massive damage buff which will them make it Rangers best dps spec. Spirits will not help much outside of lowering your cooldowns even more. I'm willing to bet the damage buff will effect the ranger and pet differently. We will definitely see unleashed player damage rotations along with unleashed pet rotations so alot of flexibility for how you do damage.
  16. I agree with everything you said before but this is blatantly wrong, the reason Soulbeast is so strong is because it isn't a Ranger anymore since you merge with you pet to do massive burst damage with primarily sic em. Untamed is a more tank core ranger, it might not have the damage of even core (hopefully we see a fix for that) but it has improved the base ranger kit rather than removing it like Soulbeast did. To add to my point Untamed in PvP is fine and frequently appear in plat (like myself)
  17. Wait until they bring an a group finder (queuing) and then it should get better. I bet they will do this at some point since they are setting up a trinity you could que as either support, dps, healer or tank. I'm willing to bet they will simply the tanking system and make a focus mechanic.
  18. That would only apply to power variant but fractals and raids use the condi variant which is entirely ranged with dagger + dagger main hand.
  19. Nice response, it was more a comment what other have said as to why they didn't like druid over other Elites for Ranger. I mean the problem is shared by Untamed. Druid will get quickness when the Spirit reword goes through and they will pulse quickness. Right now Druid does a really good job keeping spirits alive with its healing but the unique buff is a bit useless.
  20. Just bring both Virtuoso and Mirage. In small unorganised zergs Mirage is amazing since you overwhelm people perceptions by the share number of clones. When the zergs ramps up you then can use Virtuoso and try land some F3 stuns then some of the other Bladesongs on that individual target. Its tricky, I mostly play Untamed in WvW and I have a super simple rotation (Longbow + Longbow). My job is to just Barrage into a zerg then run away with super speed.
  21. No Chrono 39k dps is selfish just like all the other Mesmer dps. It's all the same and Chrono is worse since it requires slow uptime that cant be provided 100% by itself. The main reason you might bring a Chrono is if you wanted to use some of it utilities for a dps drop or wanted a massive burst with F4 Split. Honestly I have said this in other threads, bring all the Mesmer elites and decide which one to use per fight.
  22. I think everyone has a the wrong idea, druid is just an extra healing trait line and should be treated as such. If you want damage basically don't use staff and stick to Longbow, Greatsword. Then use just use celestial avatar for the 5 skill Natural Convenience and glyph of the tide. Honestly I think the whole this is disappointing because Soulbeast exists and is still one of the top PvE burst dps.
  23. The thing you should ask is, Do you want to be able to precast boon since only a few elites can? Some elites like Mesmer need to do a little dance around the enemy before they have get their 25 stacks of might and a few second of quickness.
  24. I agree with this entirely, to add to Uphen point. To be effective as a Virtuoso you will have to rely in your team to CC and lock down targets. Mirage in general will not have this problem but suffered new issues like the axe being melee or the staff ambush being dead give away that your a squishy Mesmer. I mean sic em Soulbeast for all the problems with that, has a rapid fire animation that is incredibly hard to disiqush in the zerg between that and any other ranged bow attack.
  25. Virtuoso is very good at Dueling but It will be hard to land anything related to mesmer against a zerg. What you need to really hurt a zerg and down their members are ground target aoes which mesmer in general doesn't have a whole lot of. Virtuoso might still be your best bet since atleast it has some ground targeted utilities but honestly this is where Ranger and Necro tend to excel in WvW. Its it incredibly tricky and entirely depends on if the zerg you are going up against. Any zerg that fans out will generally be weak against a Mesmer since they have access to many escapes.
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