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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Oh I will add some contexts to staff. This is a WvW thing not conquest.
  2. I mean I should be there but I'm not. The internal logic is unknown I guess. This is from the wiki which is not true for me "In order to be ranked on the leaderboard a minimum of 10 games need to be played." In regard to the build websites. It is hit or miss if something is on there is good. I think there is a lengthy approval process on most of them so you need some level of concession from the audience. Honestly I looked around for Staff Untamed builds. They all run Dagger Dagger, wierd.
  3. Don't rely on Websites. They vary rarely iterate on what already exists. The one shot Soulbeast was in the game along time before anyone noticed. It was essentially got popular from twitch streamers. I have seen a few templates on YouTube and Twitch with my suggested set up of Longbow and Staff. I can even let you know one I run at the moment. Staff Carrion Soulbeast, I use Demon Empress Relic and try push out a continuous stream of conditions in a short amount of time through barriers. Soulbeast along with Poison master can get up to 3k ticks of both poison and bleed and it is hard to cleanse.
  4. Im not to sure how you get placed on the leader board. I play 1-2 games each day but I'm not in there. Problem with smokescale on anything other than Soulbeast is it has the tendency to die. Unless you pair it with something like a turtle you will end up petless. On Untamed this is the worst case scenario. I go Turtle and Wolf so pretty close to the template.
  5. I was talking with the other Rangers in their profession forum and they are claiming Ranger is not viable in sPvP. I didn't mean for it to be devisive I'm just getting an unbiases take on Ranger. The people I spoke to think it's over and no one plays the class anymore. Also isn't half the posts on the GW2 about balance.
  6. Maybe but again I have never encountered it. There are plenty of amazing builds on Ranger especially since Staff is available. Longbow + Staff is an amazing on Soulbeast or Untamed for Zergs.
  7. I don't play a condition bunker Ranger, mines a one-shotter to but of a not used varient. I chain Axe ambushes essentially.
  8. @Flowki.7194Dude it's all just a balancing act. Why do think so many people switch at the start of a match. They see DH stack and go for their counter. Normally a Mesmer or Ranger will do it.
  9. The build I use was not affected by the recent changes to Smokescale (I don't use it). I also never used the burst skills tied to primarily Soulbeast too. As far as I can tell my Gold 3 Condition Untamed build has received no nerfs except maybe Fervent Force being removed. Are people really ditching Ranger over what looks like very small nerfs to a subset of one-shot builds?
  10. Pets are more utility, I would not expect them to be able to actually hurt my enemy. Pets like the Smokescale got nerfed becouse there are a plus one untill their cooldowns go. As much as they can Arena avoid the pet creating a 2v1, which makes sense. If people expect enough damage to 2v1 we will have to trade some player damage for it. I don't know if you remember but after they nerfed the pets damage and health they starting buffing alot of the Ranger core weapons over the following years to where we are today.
  11. Even if you increase there survivability what do you expect the pet to do, Heal....?
  12. I never used it so hense why it didn't affect me. The removal of Fervent Force had a much bigger impact on my gameplay. Gold 3 is also the top 250 ranked players. Sure some are at the level but don't play regularly so the don't get placed, like myself.
  13. I mean I'm gold 3 and I use an Axe Ambush Ranger. The only nerf to Ranger recently was the Soulbeast burst build.... I don't think many Druids or Untamed were spamming Smokescale smoke in sPvP.
  14. I often leave my turtle on aggressive and it does fine staying alive in 1v1 or even 5v5.
  15. What the heck was the last patch, any pet with a heal got a massive healing power increase. Some of the bear family got a direct buff like the polar bear. It seems like they are making some effort without them being a literal plus one in a 1v1.
  16. I use Two Axes (both main-hand) to chain Axe ambushes. What might surprise you is I'm gold 3 with this somewhat cheesy build.
  17. Again who is gatekeeping to this extent, never had anyone say anything except requiring you to follow the zerg to be let in. Stance sharing Soulbeast should be fine in a Zerg especially if they use Staff.
  18. First Ranger is fine in sPvP. Seems like your focus is WvW so my question is who is gatekeeping groups from Rangers. In fact I would say Rangers has some great options for WvW Zergs. Druid is amazing at engaging and chasing targets. It can be a little weak on drawn out clashes but if they hit and run you will eat half the zerg with number of roots you can apply. Untamed has alot of clash potential with its many superspeed applications and stability/stun breaks. It also works really with quick draw plus double ambushes, being able to chain attacks in quick succession like Barrage with Fireworks Relic. Soulbeast is the similar with the added bonus of Staff. Soulbeast is one a few professions who have a shareable boon that is different (stances). Pair this with Solar Beam and you have a potent Poison/Bleed machine cutting through every barrier in the game.
  19. Condition Virtuoso has alot of sustain so it doesn't need a heal. Chronomancer can just reset their phantasm after the continuum split combo if they need more healing. Honestly though the 30 second cooldown goes way down when you apply Alacrity.
  20. Hense why I suggest a damage boost to the skill, maybe twice the damage since it is a PBAoE (point blank). Along with that, making it stronger under Inspiration with F4 traits counting on F5. This would in turn make it more defensive for those after that route.
  21. I mean it has to be Virtuoso since is the only elite that can survive being outnumbered. It doesn't have much mobility but that is kind of useless if you intent to defend the point. Your best bet it take as blade renewal and psychic force and just try outlast the side node for either a plus one or to tie up 2 player. You want to try focus on bursting players especially with a plus one since you should be able to overpowered them.
  22. Extending some of the inspiration traits that activate on the F4 shatter to F5 would be a good start. This way Mirage doesn't benefit but Virtuoso and potentially Chronomancer does. I also actively play a healing Virtuoso in most end-game pug content, normally without telling anyone. I guess they could connect the dots once I start feedback resurrecting.
  23. They should make the end part much easier since that is when the OP reported everyone either leaving or not having the numbers required.
  24. Virtuoso is a Duelist so having a high damage close range skill will detour Melee from attacking you. If you happen to walking into alot of projectile blocks you still have one option to shatter aswell. Honestly is a great skill.
  25. I think Arena Net know this since they reworked the Scepter trait recently. They also changed a few non-mesmer weapons away from a pvp focus like Ranger Sword so let's hope other weapons follow suit.
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