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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. The longest I've seen a public go is maybe 14 minutes. I wouldn't call that aaages.
  2. The wiki page for the armor has the most up to date info on what materials/items will be needed. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_armor
  3. I think it took me four or five total runs of the activity, playing in all of the songs. But I can't say for sure, since I didn't really keep track. Edit: According to the wiki, playing the lower part (which is the easiest) perfectly each round will get you 151 notes for each full game (all 6 songs) of the bell choir. There's more info and tips there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bell_Choir_Ensemble#Number_of_Notes_per_Song
  4. This. There are 27 different minidungeons in the game. I do not get why we only have 3 options available in the pool.
  5. /bless and /readbook worked fine for me just now, with all the usual animations.
  6. Yup! Just hop on, and fly into the volatile magic next to the little cave.
  7. Nothing done on a beta character is applied to your account, including anything you put in or take out of your bank. Beta characters are just given a copy of your bank and all of its contents for you to use, which is why many people will put ascended gear in there for their beta characters to use.
  8. What exactly are you doing? I'm on that step now (replaying it), and I'm able to go up to the NPC skyscale (the one marked by the green star on the map), mount that one, and then gather the volatile magic fine. I'm also able to do it on my own skyscale.
  9. Yes, TP to friend does work for Convergences IF the instance you're joining isn't full.
  10. That's impressive, considering beta characters can't open the Trading Post. Also, the hero point scroll is discussed in the BLTC blog post for today and is one of the first things shown on the TP when you open it, so I'm not sure you can say they "stealthed" it.
  11. What Schimmi said. If your account was made years ago, then you have a non-steam account. You can't use your original GW2 account on a steam purchased expansion.
  12. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My dad passed away earlier this year. GW2 and WoW have been major sources of comfort for me since then. And I'm sorry you had such a sourpuss to deal with there. I'm sure they meant mostly well and were kind to help you do it yourself, but there's no need for that kind of attitude from them. I hope you continue to enjoy the game and that the holiday season is quiet and calming for you.
  13. The event hasn't been bugged persistently for an entire year. It does bug fairly often, though. You'd think that Anet would put a timer on it so that it automatically resets after 15 minutes or something, but oh well. Best bet is to just keep checking in on the map. Eventually, a new instance of it will open, or a patch will happen and force that instance to close.
  14. Are you trying to log in to the Steam version with your original Arenanet launcher login info? If so, that won't work. Your Steam versions are not connected to the original Arenanet launcher version.
  15. I was in a public Convergence last night, and there was someone just hovering on their skyscale and fireballing things every now and then. Good stuff.
  16. Once you've made it to the north end, you can also drop your Jade Bot Waypoint there, normal waypoint back to the south for another flame, and then use the Jade Bot Waypoint for a quick second one. It'll only work once during the event, but it's a nice, easy, one-off option.
  17. You got 5 trophy icons and about 30 confused ones. It seems like most people here don't feel that your post reflects how they feel. And I say that as a player who played since beta and played GW1. I made my first legendary during the second year of the game, made three more over the years, and just finished off a fifth (Bifrost) thanks to one of the new mat kits. I'll probably end up making Quip, too, thanks to the kits (once I have the time to grind out another gift of battle). Let people enjoy their shinies.
  18. I think you are vastly overestimating how many players have even one gen 1 legendary weapon. Yes, lots of players have them now. Yes, the new boxes have definitely made it easier for more to be made. But you're making it sound like the majority of the player population has one, and that's just untrue.
  19. When you buy an expansion, you're sent an email with the serial key to apply the expansion to an account. You can just forward that email to your friend, and they can use the code themselves on their own account. Note: You can't do this via the gem store. You'd have to buy it from the GW2 website or a retailer to do it that way. And if your friend uses Steam to play GW2, they'll need the expansion to be bought from Steam.
  20. Ah, ok. 😞 I hope a reset happens soon. Make sure you bug report it in-game, too.
  21. The shard I'm on right now (US region) has him just at the camp at Grostogg's Kraal Waypoint.
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