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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. The problem is they accidentally bought too many, due to TP lag.
  2. I didn't even say what my opinion of magic find is. Personally, I think it's a useless stat that should be removed and that drop rates (and the quality of drops) should be improved. The point of my comment is that your posts about the rarity/quality of dropped items always seem to bring up gen 1 legendaries and how you think they need to be worth more.
  3. Doing in a group would be faster. But if you're like me and don't want to group up, there is a cheese method that WILL get you the achievement but will also test your patience as it's very repetitive.
  4. Maybe they meant they used the 4000 gems from pre-purchasing to buy it. Still not free, either way, though.
  5. Very on-brand. If the gen 1 legendaries aren't making you enough gold anymore, maybe it's time to find a different cash cow.
  6. It could very well just be a weird bug affecting just some players and certain characters. But just make sure you've checked to see if you already have that pet. Click the little triangle above the pet icons on the Pet Management menu to see all the pets.
  7. Weapon skins are not locked the way armor skins are. A staff is a staff, no matter which character uses it, and so a staff can use any skin you've unlocked.
  8. Also keep in mind that a brand new instance of a map will not show the bounty contracts right away. It takes around 5 to 10 minutes for them to start to appear.
  9. If it is bugged, it's not universal because I did the same thing on a brand new norn Ranger yesterday, and I was able to see the Charm option pop up on the ones in Kryta and in Ascalon.
  10. Yeah, it doesn't matter. It is functionless and has no impact on whether or not you can tame it. If you don't already have that pet, all you have to do is walk up to it to make the Charm option pop up.
  11. When you grab a bounty contract from the bounty board, it becomes available for you (or anyone else who interacted with the same contract) to trigger the event. Once anyone holding the bounty gets close enough to it that the actual bounty event starts, the 10 minute timer starts. Once the 10 minutes are up, the bounty will disappear from the map, and your contract ends/fails. You then have to wait for the bounty contract to show up at the board, which takes 15 minutes for champion bosses and 30 minutes for legendaries. You could check LFG for groups that might be doing legendary bounties or general bounty trains in the map you're on.
  12. You got plenty of helpful information in your first thread, including a link to the wiki that shows exactly where the juvenile brown bears are located. They are not gated by any events. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Brown_Bear#Locations I know you say you know how to tame pets, but just in case . . . You don't have to have your current pet stowed, and all you need to do is run up to the juvenile animal to make the Charm option pop up. As for the bar/meter under their name plate, it appears under all pets. It's just a normal defiance bar, like what most champions have, but it doesn't actually do anything because pets don't have defiance mechanics, as far as I know.
  13. You don't have to have your current pet stowed, and all you need to do is run up to the juvenile animal to make the Charm option pop up. Like the others said, there are three Tyria maps where you can find them (I just got one on an alt in Gendarran Fields). As for the bar/meter under their name plate, it appears under all pets. It's just a normal defiance bar, like what most champions have, but it doesn't actually do anything because pets don't have defiance mechanics, as far as I know.
  14. Me, personally? No. I only do wvw when I have to for Gift of Battle.
  15. I don't remember them being marked as a Group Event, but there are quite a few HoT hero challenges that you definitely needed at least a couple of other players to get done back during HoT and even up until recently. Vampire beast broodmother, the one with the champion golem, and the one with the three Coztic Itzel in VB are the first three that come to mind. Edit: And those (HoT ones where you fight champions) are marked as Group Events, or at least the ones I went by just now are.
  16. All of this. I enjoy raiding, but it is nearly impossible for me to be able to dedicate a two hour period for just raiding. And since I'm old now, I tend to need to be in bed before the typical static raid times in my guilds. Strikes, even ones that can go pretty rough with inexperienced players, are short enough that I can do several in a row before I have to go take care of the real life stuff.
  17. But without it, how will we know if that little girl really is Pei?
  18. I can't think of any veteran players I know who are hurting for spirit shards, let alone to the point where they feel like they must have the Well Rested bonus on them for any great part of their playing time.
  19. Having Canyon Jumping would make it much easier, but it is possible to make the jump with just the basic raptor jump. Try to jump from the little part of the hill that sticks out the most towards the opposite side.
  20. As was already mentioned, you may have already discovered all of the recipes (pretty sure there's only one that's Discoverable) for that ingredient. And since learning a recipe unlocks it for your entire account, that means it won't be a useable Discovery tab ingredient for any of your characters. Try searching in the Production tab for the component you need to make. Edit: Ignore that scratched out part. I had a brain fart as I was typing it.
  21. They may be new to GW2, but that doesn't mean they didn't earn the GW1 titles and stuff to get GWAMM.
  22. This might sound like a dumb question, but are you sure you have the quartz crystals in your inventory when you're trying to charge them?
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