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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. I just tried it and had the same issue. So, the website might be having some issues right now. For the record, Path of Fire's basic edition is $30. You can bundle Heart of Thorns with Path of Fire for a total of $50. Edit: Tried it on two other browsers and had the same result (nothing ever gets added to the cart). So, seeming more and more like something is off with the site itself.
  2. I don't think your face change has anything to do with guild invites or group invites (you also don't get notified if someone adds you to their Friends list). You probably just got them because you went into a major city, where people were advertising their guilds.
  3. thanks. i have to decide a compromise by playing with the slide bars. the one that the beautiful asian eyes has the frown or indifferent look in the cheek and mouth. in the face selection, first table, column 1, row 3. Yeah, she does look a little indifferent. Not a bad face though. Just in the last half hour I found an npc in Lions Arch I’d never seen before that brings up the character customisation panel and lets you have a play around. It’s in the Black Lion building if you haven’t seen it before.i have to lvl up a lot to get there. i am a new player.There's one in each cultural city (Divinity's Reach, Rata Sum, The Grove, Hoelbrak, and Black Citadel). You're able to go to those very early on.
  4. Yeah, I just tested this out on an alt, and what's meant to happen is a small group of loyalists will spawn with an event as you run up to the green circle area. As Architekt said, they will have crossed swords over their heads. They'll have some brief dialogue before attacking you. Kill those, and then it'll move onto the next step.
  5. No, the roller beetle and that cave have nothing to do with this story step. I'm not sure what the issue here could be. I got it after just killing three or four of the loyalists who were standing in the green circle area as I got there. :\
  6. I did the same thing the first time. I thought "Oh, I don't need to use the ring for this one!", but nope. I did need to use the ring. :p
  7. Are you sure you have all four correctly aligned, while looking at it with the ring item active?
  8. Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl.
  9. I killed the Risen Priest during the Mel defense I attended (got the champ box and all that), but I didn't get credit for the achievement. The entire event failed because people insisted on letting it fail by not killing the last few waves of mobs, so I don't know if full success would have counted. But just killing the priest didn't count for me.
  10. Just to add my own experience from when I did my run of the temples yesterday: Balthazar: Got it on taking the temple, after holding the Altar of Betrayal (the step before killing the priest).Dwayna: Got it on successful defense (specifically the one where you fight the Risen Lieutenant quaggan).Lyssa: Tried to do defense, but a commander insisted that defending wouldn't work. Those who tagged mobs during the defense ended up getting collection credit when it failed. Then we retook the temple and all got credit after killing the priestess.Melandru: Once again, a commander insisted that defending wouldn't work (I've since seen people claim that successful defense works and that failing defense works, as long as you tag). Got it when we retook the temple, after killing the priest.Grenth: Got it on successful defense (defeating the priest) after waiting a little over two hours for it to pop.
  11. I was able to get through this instance this morning without issue. I haven't tried the following instance yet, though.
  12. I was able to talk to the two queens and then talk to Taimi. Went through the portal/started the instance, and now I'm sitting at a never-ending loading screen. Edit: And right as I submitted this, the loading screen changed from Forearmed Is Forewarned to the loading screen for LA.
  13. But if a skin is not and will not be available, what would be the point of including it? Just so people can satisfy themselves that they know what some guy they saw is wearing? If it's not there, it's safe to assume there are no plans to make it available again. Some outfits and skins can't be previewed in the wardrobe even when they are currently being sold on the gem store. So, I don't think it's Anet's way of saying "this will not be available again."
  14. Pointy-eared, aquatic, humanoid creatures already exist in GW2 (Largos). https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zafir%27azim
  15. While I agree the event could stand to be tweaked, it gets done. Many players have seen the event completed successfully and have their griffons and the golem back item to show for it. 50 people can easily handle it. Hell, 25 people could probably handle it fine if everyone brings what is needed. The thing is that many players still don't understand that they HAVE to bring hard CC skills to get the second part of the chain done. Having good leaders who explain what needs to happen helps a lot, but even then people will sometimes still think the advice doesn't apply to them. And it doesn't help that the rewards aren't great for the amount of time needed for the whole chain; that means the event won't attract many repeat plays. I'm sorry that you've had crappy luck with the groups you've tried this with. I believe that there are some guilds that will run this event weekly (or more often, sometimes). Maybe someone else can recommend which guilds do it.
  16. Here's what the Wiki says about it: " Collected from a barrel of Pale Reaver Rifles from the Dry Step Mesas of Verdant Brink near the Torching Tendrils Adventure. Only available during events 'Destroy the Mordrem breachers to cut off enemy reinforcements (80)' and 'Plant explosives from the crashed choppers on the colossal vine's weak points (80).' The barrel spawns directly to the right of the "Dry Step Mesas" text on the map. It is on a cliff underneath a giant vine arch. The barrel will have a large blue AOE indicator around it. " So, just hang around the area when the meta is starting up. When it's reached the point of one of those two events, try to find that spot on the map and keep an eye out for the barrel. I remember it being fairly well marked.
  17. They don't ever make outfits that are "male only". They make both a female and a male version. Humans, Norn, and Sylvari all get both male and female versions every time, with the male version going to male characters and the female version going to female characters. Charr and Asura, however, sometimes only get the male version and sometimes get both the male and female versions. It's quite inconsistent.
  18. Raiment of the Lich looks ridiculous on female Charr and Asura (uses the male version). There are some others I don't care for on female Charr and Asura, but Raiment of the Lich is the worst one.
  19. They have responded to such things in the past. If they responded to this one, they'd just be repeating what they've already said about the topic.
  20. I know it's offtopic, but his reasoning was stupid. High Elves deserve to be playable in WoW. I don't know. I don't think WoW really needs yet another playable elf race or allied race. Between races and allied races, we now have Blood Elves, Night Elves, Void Elves, and The Nightborne. So, while adding High Elves would satisfy some people (including myself, from a lore standpoint), it would just be yet another elf race and would be nearly indistinguishable from the already-playable Blood Elves. As for the main topic at hand: GW2 definitely doesn't need high elves or any other kind of elves. We have the Sylvari, and I like them as our version of elves.
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