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Everything posted by Malitias.8453

  1. Yo, relax. I said I find the naming of the mechanic weird. Whispering. Across the whole continent. Seems weird. Fantasy or not. I never said you shouldn't be able to talk to other players via direct messages. How is splitting up the "whisper" mechanic into 2 chat commands a hinderance to your social experience? Unless you're desperate to talk to people who don't want to be bothered, it's not.
  2. I can see housing attracting quite a lot of players, but I agree that it's not something that could or should be the focus of an enitre expansion. At least not in GW2. I would still love to have personal housing though..
  3. True, they're very similar in function if it's like the zelda one. Maybe more like the ninja rope in worms. If the hook just requires a ceiling to attach itself to, it's very different. And I love the ninja rope in worms.
  4. I've always found it hilarious how people can hear us within a reasonable range when we "say" things, but we can "whisper" to people across the universe. Whisper should have a limited range imo and what is currently called whisper should be renamed. /phone, simply /@ or something like that. Giving the latter an option to be ignored from non-friends could then be done without disturbing any of the socializing aspects. Not a big issue, but I do find it weird how the communication system never seems to be questioned by any MMO.
  5. Yea, not gonna happen, but I still wholeheartedly love the idea. Unlocking these companions or their introduction mission through mastery and letting them have those movement skills would be awesome! For example a skritt archeologist with a grappling hook (Yes, that obvious!) and once you've unlocked and trained him you, the commander, can use the grapplink hook too. I want it! 😫
  6. I think there are lots of things they can still add. Just take a look at the zelda games. Climbing, a grappling hook (swing like tarzan maybe?), shrinking to squeeze through hidden little holes and so on.
  7. The screenshot says you got hit twice for a total of 16k damage and I am quite sure those two hits were from crossing the edge. The traps bonus damage also triggers if you get knocked back from things like shield5 and bow3. You can bounce people through the edge multiple times this way. Maybe dodging sideways out of the trap is safer if you expect some sort of knockback coming at you if you dont have stability.
  8. The real question is whether you need the maps to be highly populated. The answer is no. And for the "important" things and meta events you will almost always have a huge group.
  9. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here who has stable 60fps? If so, what are you specs?
  10. Not a big fan of simply upgrading the weapon skills, but having something like a customization slot on weapon skills would be nice. Anything that could increase buld diversity has my support.
  11. They are easier to use, but have less depth amd feel less unique. To me, mantras were instant casts that are able to be recharged with a cast animantion, and I really liked that feeling. I do think the current iteration is better than the last, but I don't think it's necessary for them to loose half their identitiy. What I'd prefer is a version where when there are no charges left, pressing the associated button starts the cast-animation, which (when finished) forwards the recharge timer by a certain amount. For example, if you'd need 3 more seconds for your first charge when finishing the manual recharge, you'd have 1 charge and need 3 seconds until you have your 2nd charge. Traits could increase the amount if charges gained from manual recharging as well maybe. Just my 2 cents. I enjoy the convenience of the new system, but I miss the identity and depths of the old one as well.
  12. You don't need to really consider them. The majority of content is devloped to explicitly have no challenge at all, so they can do whatever they want and can even completely annihilate the balance for high-performance players without it affecting the average player. That being said, I have no idea if they consider the average player when they make balance changes. All I know is they don't need to.
  13. @Clex Mix.7624You're calling me a narcissist for simply stating what I'd personally enjoy. I never said it's what the game definetely has to do nor that anyone is obligated to have the same opinion on it as I have. Out of nowhere you jump to the conclusion that “I want to do as little as possible and get everything”. I would like the game to be more challenging and have those be rewarded. Now I'm also a narcissist for enjoying a challenge in your logic. Telling me to drop 1700$ to buy the items directly from GS just shows you completely missed the point.
  14. Because I'd pay a sub if more items were available as in-game rewards. The same way anyone puts rewards in their games. You look at the theme, the level of challenge and adjust the "flashiness" accordingly. Yeay, and here we go with starting to insult people as narcissists, because there's some sort of disagreement. Again with the narcissism. Is it your favorite thing to say about people? "You disagree with me so you're a narcissist!" So you do want me to write up a document stating exactly where I would put which item or introduce a mechanic to achieve it. I mean, you obviously don't want just a few examples, because I already gave those and you even referred to one of them. What's your goal here? You want me to give more examples while also saying:
  15. Hey, you're the one that wanted to go into details about the which achievement and what reward, not me. Getting that to feel right is for the design department to get a headache over, right? I mean, that's their job. Literally.
  16. And that's different if they create entirely new items? For those we get a say as to how we can obtain them?
  17. @Clex Mix.7624You're not seriously expecting me to write up an entire design document stating exactly which item should be obtained from which achievement and/or boss.. right? I.. have no idea what you mean with that.
  18. @Clex Mix.7624bruh... What you're doing doesn't make any sense, at least not in response to me. When I say "I'd be fine with paying a sub if it meant more items being available as in-game rewards" you can't just go with "paying a sub doesn't necessarily mean more in-game rewards". You're not contributing to the statement in any reasonable way when you do that. "I'm fine with getting paid less if it means I have a job I enjoy" and the answer is "getting paid less, doesn't mean you enjoy your job more". Do you see how that just doesn't make any sense?
  19. I agree that this game has some insane growth potential if they improved PvP more. I completely disagree that casual players "barely play the game". With the difficulty this game currently has (or rather lack thereof), casual players probably make up the majority of players. I'm not saying I like it, I'm saying that's the way it is.
  20. That's a matter of opinion. There are people out there that actually enjoy being given direction and having things to show-off a certain achievement. You don't, I do. We can disagree on that point and that's totally fine, mate.
  21. I'm pretty sure everyone who would prefer subscription does so with exactly that in mind. "I would prefer a subscription with the premise of the GS items being obtainable through in-game means (NOT farming gold)" When someone prefers an all-you-can-eat, it's obvious he doesn't want to only be served stale bread.
  22. The game has one difficulty spike during HoT and it's by far the best time I've had in this game. After that it only goes down and I'm starting to get so bored with the content, I have trouble playing for longer than an hour. The mounts in PoF are extremely well done, but if you are primarily looking for and enjoying challenge in the open world, thoroughly play HoT and then quit. Edit: Oh, you can definetely solo the dungeons on story-mode for a decent challenge.
  23. ... here we go again OP said he'd like to have all those skins (or simply more of them), attainable through specific in-game activities, to show that you've overcome a specific challenge, instead of simply having a gold/gem cost. Especially the skins for mounts, because they are pretty much only available through the GS. His conclusion was that this could be achieved by the game having a subscription fee, and please continue reading, because a different form of income could mean that they don't need to sell the skins on the GS to make money. If they don't need to sell them on the GS to make money, they can be integrated into the game as rewards for specific achievements. Now, I think we've established that almost everyone here hates that proposed solution and there's absolutely no point in beating that dead horse any further. I'ts goo. What still isn't solved is the issue OP wanted to point out. (the reward system feeling lackluster as explained in the beginning) I agree with this sentiment, but don't think the solution he proposed is feasible nor wanted. So I am sure the only things left worth discussing here now is whether or not you agree with his sentiment about the reward system and if there might be different ideas for a solution to the problem and discuss those.
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