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Everything posted by WhoWantsAHug.3186

  1. Yea, remove distortion from virt and include Bladeturn Requiem in Auspicious Anguish, so virt has more access to condi clear and inspi isn't baseline requirement in PvP.
  2. That and more thieves are running Crit Strikes over Shadow Arts now, cause SA is low impact.
  3. The metas the best it's been in like 4 years and people still complain. The internet is for negativity, I guess
  4. Condi holo sucks vs condi reaper. That's just how it is. Especially if he's running offhand dagger and Suffer, especially suffer. Condi reapers will just transfer all your burns back to you. Not much you can do but avoid it in 1v1s. Take antitoxin if you're having trouble, but don't try to fight. If you do have to fight it, CC chain it as much as possible. I'd also recommend learning rifle tools holo with rifle turret. It's MUCH better vs condi reaper as you have way too much mobility, CC, and condi clear for them to handle Build. You can take Blast shield and flashbang if you want in explosives. These give you better 1v1s and 2v2s, but it's less dmg output in teamfights
  5. Well here's the thing, toolkit has a block for when you're in melee range AND your target will have 9 stacks of confusion. You easily out trade anything in melee with the confusion. And the idea is to displace your target into bad positioning. Acid bomb you have to walk up. It's changing your targets position vs your own so it's quite different scenarios.
  6. Yea well Untamed is mostly ranged dmg, so it makes sense. It also has more resustain, defensive CDs, and condi cleanse. Untamed(power) is all about getting max value from your pet while you kite around, which is easier to pull off than chrono. Chrono needs melee range for its burst and layers a bunch of insta casts and fast casts via quickness in a short window, all while being glassy as kitten. You're right, chrono is def harder to play mechanically. Both are up there though. Untamed is more about finesse.
  7. Nails will go off in time from Magnet pull to get the immob. It's just much better in teamfights with your teammates around to follow up as well. Maybe "almost always" is a bit of an exaggeration, roughly 2/3 of the time it's better IMO. Pinpoint might be more dmg, but you have more than enough burning to have Thermal Vision up a large percentage of the time. I'm gonna playtest Pinpoint when I get around to it. EG 4 is kinda trash for dmg. You don't want to be getting into melee range most of the time(unless prybar is available), so it's best to use it for mobility IMO or Blast cleanse via Super Elixer in a teamfight. People tend to focus core engi pretty hard at higher ratings. You gotta play like a rat.
  8. Play this build. Its about as good as core engi can get, IMO. Ive played this in g3 to p1 games. Not sure how it works after the Antitoxin nerfs though. To find success with this, you need to camp no ports and be preemptive with your blocks. Try focusing on team support with heals and cleanse from elixir gun 3 & 5. One thing to note is core engi is a heavy utility DPS, so focus on your utility! Peel your teammates as frequently as possible. Your ultimate will be up frequently. Use it in big tramfights when your allies are low and Blast finisher the water field as many times as possible. Drop your med kits on CD(f5). Hard focus things like thief, power mesmer, and soulbeast. Never play this build vs tempest. This build could work with healing turret, but I haven't tested. Relic of Isgarren is the dps option over antitoxin. Relic of Vass SUCKS. Don't play One last thing. Tool kit 5 -> 2 -> 3 combo is almost always better than just 5 -> 3.
  9. Nah, make it always grant resolution, so it's actually useful in PvP.
  10. Offhand dagger sucks in PvP. Best to go shield or offhand sword with mainhand dagger. Pair either choice with greatsword on spellbreaker. Mesmer plays like a high stealth/mobility assassin, as does soulbeast. I prefer longbow on SLB, but greatsword + mainhand sword is really good. You won't have daggers, but it's basically the same melee playstyle.
  11. Specter and deadeye are kittening good in PvP. Daredevil(power) can still be effective, but the high dmg meta makes teamfighting on it difficult. Soulbeast OWP got nerfed, so you dont get kittened by them as easily now, which is a huge plus. Still strong as a +1, but can't carry like DE and Spec. Condi daredevil seems effective. Power specter is solid if you're good Thief is honestly in a good spot ATM for ranked play.
  12. Heal scrapper kittening sucks in PvP too. Needs heavy buffs targeting core AND scrapper
  13. Shortbow better be kittening good. That's all I got to say
  14. Not really. The buffs value plays to different comps or different roles. Shield buff is way better on a split pusher for example. The tank stats on shield definitely aren't useless. You should mostly just go for the buff that's closest to you.
  15. I haven't played it yet, but I'd have to preemptively agree with this. SLB will still be viable in ranked. They didnt touch sword 2 or Striders Strength and Siamoth has always been a strong option for SLB. If Boar is no longer viable, then we can just use Siamoth. 20 sec ICD on smokescale is fine. SLB was dmg numbers OP, not a mechanic OP situation. As a long time SLB player, I approve of these nerfs. Now I can actually play it and not feel guilty. Highly recommend the Sw/Wh + LB build with Quickdraw over vicious quarry. Our 1 shot potential is weaker with OWP now, so the sustained dmg that Quickdraw provides is more valuable IMO.
  16. Seems kinda bad in PvP. You don't want to be running around taking damage the whole fight on support. Makes it a lot easier to target swap the support.
  17. It's not THAT good. Vs a non support team, you can def generate value. However, when you are 5v5 vs a core guard, the power difference is clear. It's playable, but suboptimal vs an optimal support. Lyhr makes you get wrecked if you're getting focused and the enemy team is also throwing out AoEs. You take too much dmg in big teamfights with it. Sometimes it feels strong, but it's a liability in many situations and I'd call it a noob trap relic. I'd honestly just go antitoxin to make yourself immune to condis, which gives you more leeway with Glyph of Stars. IMO the most viable off meta support is heal shout ZERKER. It's tanky, has extremely high healing throughput, and cucks thieves in teamfights, particularly if your team is good and capitalizes on your reveal. Strongest support vs deadeye with good teammates.
  18. Supports are actually more viable in a burst meta, since glassy specs are typically awful at resustaining themselves. Since things die quickly, insta rez utilities are that much better. Tanky bruiser metas are where supports are useless
  19. Embarrising yourself is cool 1. It's called sarcasm 2. Zerker is common video game slang. No one kittening says serk. 3. Berserker American pronunciation Sounds like bur·zur·kr
  20. Don't get hit by elite, don't get hit by shroud skills, take condi cleanse, take heavy CC, pewpew from ranged.
  21. The fact that you use 'Serk' instead of Zerker makes this entire post discreditable.
  22. Not true at all. Some specs utilize Antitoxin so well that they are borderline immune to condis. Antitoxin is much more unhealthy for the game than rabid.
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