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Everything posted by covahlam.6391

  1. Outside of the occasional one-off build, are there really any bunkers in the current game? Arguably, pre-nerf scourge was in this category, though it was also a support. The removal of all of the super tanky/sustainy amulets combined with other changes to damage and sustain have more or less eliminated true bunkers. To be clear by bunker, I'm thinking of things like HoT chrono bunker, various druid builds, and even the old sentinel banner warrior. Core support guard was also way more of a bunker in the past than it is now.
  2. One tier higher as in A tier or as in C? I'm really curious to hear your reasoning if the former.
  3. These are really excellent points regarding the level of sustain necessary to be competitive, but I will say the proposed changes to natural mending would make it viable for non-strength builds. Traited natural mending would heal for ~10% more than untraited mending, factoring in cast times. That plus the attacker's insight procs would mean it's a pretty good heal. While we're at it, though, the name could be changed to 'natural repose' or similar since having 'natural mending' and 'mending' is dumb. Some other thoughts: - Magebane tether should grant two stacks of might again - I would drop either the prot or the barrier from imminent threat in order to reduce the base cooldown to 35s (28s traited) or even 30s (24s traited). In general warrior has a problem with high cooldowns and a lower cooldown imminent threat could be a BC alternative on builds running defense - taunts should proc dispelling force - featherfoot grace needs to keep the superspeed. The current skill would be solid with a 35s (28s traited) cooldown - this might be a stretch but swap the bonuses on sun and moon style so that mainhand dagger crits heal - not spellbreaker specific but at a minimum, it needs the changes proposed in this thread plus SiO's cooldown reduced to 50s, burst traits to trigger on use rather than hit, and maybe even a 20% buff to MMR
  4. Saturday afternoon games are some of the absolute worst. In addition to bots you get the once-a-week casuals queuing, too. Avoid playing then if you can.
  5. Ok, I think it can be argued that traps should despawn on death, but also, traps don't track your movements.
  6. Agree with all of this but will add that the mech persists too long after the mechanist dies. It's BS to take 4k+ damage from the mech's ranged attacks after I've killed my opponent.
  7. Played the untamed in pvp last night. It has potential and and some fun elements, but it def needs some work, too. I don't think the spec is the total trainwreck some are making it out to be. 1. TBH I barely ever had my pet in unleashed mode. The unleashed pet skills are fairly weak, and the global cooldown for these is really bad IMO. 2. I'm fine with the tradeoff mechanic for this spec, but the +/- damage/defense modifiers simply cannot be mirrored for the ranger vs pet because the pet will never and should never be 50% of the equation. Preferably, the negative damage modifier for the 'leashed' ranger should be reduced (perhaps at the cost of the defense bonus) rather than increasing the unleashed pet's damage). So for the unleashed pet, the values could be like +15% outgoing pet damage, +10% incoming pet damage, and -5% ranger damage while keeping the unleashed ranger state as is. 3. I played around with a few different builds. The most fun was playing basically like a medi guard with BM 3,3,2 + WS 1,1,2 + UnT 2,2,3, berserker amulet, s/d+hammer, wolf+smokescale, and TU + UT + LR + QZ + FF. I don't think this is a super good build but it was def fun. I was using s/d instead of gs since dagger provides the tiniest bit of ranged pressure, which gs totally lacks. In general I think gs + a/d would be better. 4. Unleashed hammer is under-tuned by ~10% in pvp. Leashed hammer feels much worse, but a huge part of that is the damage debuff. It also needs a leap (even 300 units would be fine) and a cc skill moved to unleashed mode. 5. Unnatural traversal is fun, but it should break stuns and also port the pet to your target. 6. I totally agree with the poster up-thread who suggested that F1 should revert back to 'attack my target' and the mainstay damage skills should be wrapped into this functionality, leaving utility oriented skills on F2 and F3. So ideally smokescale for instance would have smoke cloud on F2 and takedown on F3. Then F1 could flip over to 'return to me'. I don't care how much work this would involve, make it happen. 7. Pet CC skills should trigger each of the top row of traits. 8. Vow of the untamed should apply to condition damage as well. 9. This is not really untamed-specific feedback, but unranked matchmaking is so kittening bad that it can be hard to tell what actually works optimally. 10. I forgot to add that ferocious symbiosis could be buffed to +4% damage and +7% movement speed, maxing out at +20% damage and +35% movement speed. Hammer feels so much better with this trait equipped, but the trait needs just a tad more to really pop. I think adding +5% damage here and the +10% to unleashed hammer I mentioned above would put hammer damage at a decent level.
  8. Hi, I DC'd during an unranked match on a beta character and was not allowed back into the match. I received a "game cannot connect to the server at this time" error. Closing and reopening GW2 did not resolve the issue.
  9. Yep, both could use some updating in order to not be so clunky. Bulls also has that nasty problem where the knockdown will land but your character ends up way out of melee range, so any follow up attacks miss your target.
  10. I would rather they address the large scale pet survivability issue outside of the untamed traitline so that it can apply to all rangers. I'm also in favor of changing natural fortitude to natural armor (+240 toughness). There are a bunch of +vitality amulets and +10% health runes in spvp but many fewer ways to increase toughness.
  11. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but the solution really is as simple as giving pets invuln whenever they're within 600 units of 6+ allied players, with like a 10s duration and 10s refresh. Should've been done long ago.
  12. Watching the stream, I felt a bit jealous of the mech's ranged abilities and utility, but I really appreciate the variety offered by ranger pets. A select few pets are much better than others, but even within that subset, there are different stats/abilities available. For instance it's nice to take one squishier, hyper-offensive pet and one that's a bit tankier like the jacaranda. The mechanist has much less flexibility.
  13. Pet swap looked to be enabled. I'm assuming the tradeoff is the offense/defense trait toggled by the unleash ability. That is, the untamed always takes more and does more damage or takes less and does less damage. Kinda like a berserker/inverse berserker mechanic.
  14. Honestly, it would probably be fine to keep the current passive + active and add option 1 to the passive effect. Could start with something like 50 hp/point of adrenaline spent. IIRC, the baseline passive effect in competitive modes is a mere 230 h/s. Compare this to traited mending, which can theoretically occur every 17s. Say one spends 60 adrenaline in this window (actually kind of a lot). Healing signet would provide 230x17 + 50*60, for a total of 6,910 versus mending's 6,520 + removing 5 conditions. Yes, mending has a significant cast time, but burst skills can be interrupted, too. I like this idea 😀
  15. This is the press kit info anet provided to sites like massively op.
  16. Oh yeah, you're probably right that 5 is the skill shown at the 24 second mark. Also, after rewatching I'm curious what the hammer spin does. The ranger uses it twice during the video, but it doesn't look like it actually hits anything.
  17. Fortunately ranger weapons are usually a bit more well rounded, except for maybe MH dagger which is all offense. One of the great flaws of the warrior class is the hyper specialization of most weapons. The specific daze callout is interesting. I could see the hammer skills looking something like: 1 - auto attack 2 - big damage skill 3 - some sort of leap, maybe with an evade 4 - maybe a daze? 5 - aoe knockdown I realize the above looks a lot like greatsword, but it fits with the pattern of other two-handed ranger weapons. Unfortunately, the preview mostly featured auto attacks. Edit: updated to reflect the aoe knockdown from the video.
  18. Looks cool, seems like they opted for the single super strong pet option on for the mechanic. If so, we have to hope for some really strong new pets so that we're not all running smokescale 100% of the time.
  19. I was trolling tbh. That being said, I really can picture the charr facing away from the viewer's perspective. The claw on the unarmed fist could be curving inward as the left arm is cocked back like he is going to throw a punch or something. The thing is, though, the class collage would break if the engineer faces away, so that alone is probably enough to reason to believe you are right.
  20. Look at the horns, neck, knees, and feet... they indicate that we're looking at the charr's back, so the mace is in his right hand.
  21. Solo/duo and a second queue for 2v2 or 3v3. I don't care for the deathmatch format, personally, but it seems like a lot of people do. At the very least, there should be a deathmatch checkbox for unranked, perhaps rotating through 2v2, 3v3, and maybe even 5v5. My second choice would be to go back to the solo/team split. I don't think the player base is big enough to support this and ranked death match queues simultaneously, but deathmatch could still be added to unranked under this option.
  22. The interaction with F2 and weaponswap HAS to be changed. So what I'm talking about is that weaponswap goes on cooldown after leaving dragon trigger. For example I swap to my gunsaber, activate F2 4 seconds later, and then am locked into another 5s weaponswap cooldown after leaving dragon trigger. It's bad enough to have to swap to the gunsaber to activate F2 in the first place (this should be changed, too), but it's absolutely dumb to re-trigger the swap cooldown after executing say, dragon slash.
  23. I voted C/C/B but reality is closer to B-/C/B+ for spvp. For reference I'm thinking S tier builds are things like p-herald, pre-nerf scourge, and nades holo while A tier includes other necro builds, DD, renegade, fire weaver, etc. Spellbreaker feels at least a half-step below the latter.
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