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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Unlikely. However there is the possibility that they could bring them back and further elaborate on the orgins of the magic that created them in the first place. There is an item known as the chalice of corruption that was created by jeijou shadow whispered that turned people into afflicted that drank from it, he apparently was instructed on how to make it by some mysterious voice. So it would seem as though the affliction can be recreated without Shiro, and that Shiro was merely using this magic but isn't the "source". I could definitely see them "elaborating" on the orgin of the affliction and actually linking it to the deep sea dragon if they wanted to. It wouldn't be too far fetched to imagine that Shiro or even Abaddon behind the scenes was utilizing magic from the deep sea dragon either intentionally or unintentionally. It would also give them ways to tie in why the jade sea is soaking up dragon magic. Perhaps the jade wind was not caused purley from Dwayna's magic but a combination of the godly magic and dragon magic. This is of course all baseless speculation, but the possibility of afflicted in EoD is not completely off the table.
  2. I think its pretty obvious that the jade is absorbing magic from the dragons, it wasn't always like this, this is a more recent thing, which explains why its now a very saturated green color rather than a more teal color like in gw1, its literally saturated in dragon magic The real question is, is the dragon magic from the dragons we killed, or is it specifically the doing of the deep sea dragon At this point im confident in making the assumption that the jade maw creatures are directly connected to the deep sea dragon as well as the other tentacle windrider like creatures, they fit the bill of "eldritch tentacle horrors" that are supposed to be from the deep sea dragon
  3. Well if they would need to hide imperial entities entirely because of spoilers that kinda makes the idea of them being hostile the most likely reason I would highly doubt every single imperial guard would have ambient dialogue filled with spoilers so removing them completely from the maps they have shown would seem unnecessary, they could just disable the spoiler ones and leave the rest
  4. Well so far we have only seen us in locations that are away from the city, with Echovald already being explained as filled with people trying to get away from the city for numerous reasons and shing jae being an island away from the mainland that seems to have a very traditional "old school" kind of vibe thats more laid back with tengu being welcome and them living alongside spirits and there so far doesn't seem to be a large presence of jade tech. Notice there has been a very notable lack of any imperial guards/soldiers shown in any of the live streams, we have only been shown civilians and independent factions, we haven't seen a single actual Canthan Empire affiliated NPCs which is kind of suspicious because you would think they would be one of the first entities we encounter. It seems to me that the direction they might be going with it is that the actual people of cantha whether that be civilians or other groups outside of the official government might be welcoming or at the very least not immediately hostile to the commander but that the actual ruling authority are potentially less welcoming. Like the actual citizens are just kinda like "woah, cool foreigners, and its that dragon slayer guy, how exciting" whereas the authorities might see us as a threat and have orders to capture/kill us.
  5. With the current state of the game i would say warrior is probably the worst class in the game to pick up as a new player for spvp specifically Its a very simple class on the surface but its simplicity is part of the reason why it requires a ton of mechanical skill and game knowledge to do well with consistently, it is very easy to avoid a lot of your attacks and punish any mistakes you make, it requires you to know what every class can do in order to set yourself up to both land attacks and avoid your opponents attacks, if you just go in spamming your buttons like u can on a lot of other classes you will get absolutely destroyed by any half decent player.
  6. I honestly do think this is the direction they are going with the story just from reading between the lines of what we have and haven't been shown so far I remember during the shing jae stream that little girl asked us about us supposedly being able to kill people just by looking at them, indicating that the commander is known in cantha but as kind of a boogieman-like almost mythical figure I could see the Canthan government viewing the commander as an evil threat to their empire there to conquer them before we can actually introduce ourselves properly
  7. Why does everyone seem to assume that just because we as the commander are going to cantha that they are welcoming our presence with open arms? We dont yet even know how or why we go to cantha in the first place, for all we know we might be illegal aliens in Cantha and that could play a major part in the story of EoD The kaineng map could very well be us interacting with people in the city in secret while being hostile with the local authorities and the entire map is basically us dodging the empire as a fugitive or we possibly dont even enter kaineng until much later in the narrative potentially even being the final map we go to canonically BECAUSE we aren't welcome
  8. Yeah, one thing ive noticed in this community is a lot of people have their own head cannon of what they think (want) will happen, and if anything contradicts the fanfiction in their head they automatically resort to calling it bad and even going as far as to accuse the devs of getting the lore "wrong".
  9. They let it slip in the Echovald stream that the ministry of purity fell at some point and is presumably no longer around, they were the main driving force behind the attempted genocide of the tengu so with them no longer being in power it makes perfect sense that some tengu would begin living alongside canthan humans again Its not like every citizen of cantha was racist or xenophobic, it was a political force behind those policies, very reminiscent of the nazis and jews during WW2, there is probably a very sizable population of people in Cantha that didn't see the tengu as enemies at all but were merely bystanders in the political affairs of the empire they live in, very much like german citizens during ww2 that were forced to comply with anti-jewish policies by law or be subject to punishment themselves despite them sometimes being very close friends with jewish people because they lived together peacefully for years prior. Any tengu that were extremely distrustful and weary of humans when the ministry of purity attempted to wipe them out were very likely the ones that left and created the dominion of winds, which is obvious because we hear from the tengu we meet in IBS that anti-human rhetoric is common in the dominion with them having "boogeyman-esque" conceptions of humans and other races in general. The large tengu population in the Echovald forest would be the tengu that did not want to go with the others in the dominion, likely still feeling Cantha is their home. They probably don't hold any ill will towards humans/ canthans specifically but rather distrust the government that rules them.
  10. Well you obviously are very bad at comprehending information if you claim to have watched all the live streams and multiple videos about the expansion and still believe there will be any restrictions on mounts at all, and i didn't "count" the pois, you can literally see the map poi count pop up on the livestreams when they discover a location and your comment on the size of cantha relative to elona just gives another example of how bad at parsing information you are when you consider that a vast majority of the continent of elona isnt even playable space in gw2 even with the massive maps in it you really aren't proving your takes to be worth much of anything
  11. Literally everything you said in this post was cringe inducing nonsense, what the hell are you even going on about with mounts being disabled. they have said the exact opposite multiple times, and where the hell are you even getting your information about the maps? 4 "small" maps? They have only shown us 2 of them, and of the 2 they showed they only previewed a small fraction of the map. The Echovald forest map had like 45 points of interest which would make it as big or bigger than most path of fire maps which are the biggest maps they've made. And were you even around for the previous 2 expansions? They literally showed only 1/3rd of the first maps of each expansion with barely any events, this is the most they have ever showed before an expansion by a longshot
  12. Obviously we as the players and an audience to the story lose in this situation, what they did to the second half of IBS was a tragedy from a player point of view. But the reality is the only way games of the quality of GW2 get created is through the funding of big companies like NCSoft which have to answer to shareholders. Given the likely situation that if the 3rd expansion doesn't do well then we probably wont get a 4th and NCSoft wasn't going to give anet the 1-2 more years it probably would have taken to finish IBS as living world style content, I much prefer the route they took than the potential alternative. If they tried to pivot the second half of the IBS as the focus of an entire expansion i don't think it would do nearly as well as EoD potentially can, sure it would be better in the short term but would you really want them to try and stretch out a living world season into an entire expansion and then potentially have the follow up cantha part of gw2 story be stuck as IBS style living world content in little pieces at a time which is what would likely happen if the expansion flopped, which it probably would considering they would be trying to make an expansion out of half a ongoing plot rather than a fresh setting and starting point At this point the damage is done, we'll find out if it was worth it after Eod launches
  13. OR.....The way more likely explanation : anet wasn't planning on making an expansion after PoF and they started the story of IBS which was going to last probably another year or two longer than it did, then midway through IBS the plans changed and NCSoft said they needed to make an expansion. They were already midway through the jormag vs primordus plot they had planned out, the other half of the IBS story wasn't going to have enough meat to warrant an entire expansion and they knew that the next phase of the story after jormag and primordus were dead was going to take us to Cantha, which has probably been the plan for years, so instead of making an expansion with only half the remaining plot of IBS as the narrative focus with likely not a whole lot of ideas for how to fit new expansion level masteries and content into it, which would have made for a very lackluster expansion, they instead decided the best option given the circumstances was to simply gut the second half of the IBS and rush the narrative forward so that the 3rd expansion could then have an actual expansion worthy setting and a good fresh starting point to work with in Cantha They dont just create expansion ideas on the spot, the entire narrative and plot of gw2 has been planned out for years, they have flexibility when it comes to the nitty gritty details and supporting characters and minor plots, but as far as the major story beats such as, the order we fight each individual elder dragon or which regions of the world we are going to while doing so are very likely set in stone with very little wiggle room because changing those things would compromise the cohesiveness of the long term narrative they have planned
  14. This literally makes zero sense They cant just "pause" the IBS story and then do cantha and then pick back up with IBS You do realize the entire plot of this franchise has been planned out far ahead for years right? The story in cantha likely wouldn't make any sense if jormag and primordus are still alive They rushed IBS out way faster than it should have been because they wanted to make an expansion, the last half of IBS wasn't enough content to warrant an entire expansion and they knew cantha was the next stop after the IBS, so they opted to gut IBS in order to fast forward the story
  15. Funny how if you read the comments you would think most people dont like it, yet when you look at actual poll results the exact opposite is true Pessimistic vocal minority doing what they do best, being impossible to please and making sure everyone else knows it
  16. "Omg anet, not everything is a carbon copy from gw1 frozen in time as if nothing ever happened here, totally ruined, how dare you make the forest not be 100% gray and stone even though we literally unpetrified it at the end of gw1, i was expecting it to have the same exact gothic people in it 260 years later with zero deviation even though lore thats over a decade old now already established that wasn't going to be the case, how dare anet make a region develop and evolve in a way thats consistent with already long established lore"
  17. Please enlighten us as to how they "completely destroyed' everything about gw1 Echovald I want a thorough breakdown of what you think is missing from the gw2 version other than the trees not being made of stone anymore, which we already knew was the case before gw2 even launched. You say smacking cathedral ruins on the map doesn't make it Echovald but i would use that same train of logic to refute you in saying just putting some roots and mushrooms on a map doesn't make it maguuma
  18. I really wish people would shut up already about the saturation. From what ive seen it just looks like a case of the graphic settings they use to make these videos. For example during the sneak peeks for the elite specs the graphics and effects looked very different from how they actually looked in game when we got to play them
  19. I dont think its fair to say that they just "dropped" the whole plot of the magic becoming unstable in both tyria or The All, its not like the commander and company explicitly did what we did because we thought it was the best idea and wouldn't be a problem, we kinda were forced to do "something" because once jormag and primordus were both becoming increasingly more powerful and active it became clear that unless we stopped them immediately that both of them would destroy tyria regardless. The commander and company were basically forced to wing it and come up with the best plan they could on the spot that seemed to have the best chance of solving the immediate threat of jormag and primordus. I dont think anyone involved was confident it was going to work out, which is evident in the dragonstorm where Taimi is surprised that the plan is actually working and Aurene is clearly being overwhelmed by the magic she is absorbing. We were in a situation where we didn't have time to come up with a better plan with less risk, either jormag/primordus would destroy tyria or we would "possibly" destroy tyria if our plan didn't work, we choose the option with at least a chance of saving tyria and luckily for us it actually worked. Its also fair to note that its still possible Aurene cant handle all the magic herself, its clearly stated that a lot of the magic went elsewhere, so it is entirely possible that had the magic not been siphoned away from Aurene that the plan would not have been successful Edit: random unsubstantiated speculation, but ive thought about the possibility that the reason the world hasn't been getting increasingly unstable after kralkatorriks death is because all the dragons that have died since mordremoth have all had their magic immediately siphoned by something which prevented it from wildly dispersing across tyria. When Balthazar died his magic was immediately taken by kralkatorrik and Aurene. When kralkatorrik died the magic was immediately taken by Aurene, when Primordus and Jormag died their magic was immediately taken by Aurene and whatever it was that took the rest (most likely DSD or Canthan tech), so the amount of ambient magic in tyria theoretically hasn't increased significantly since mordremoths death. Also as a side note, the number of elder dragons alive at any given time has been an even number after Mordremoths death which may or may not have an effect on the balance of The All
  20. I could imagine the topic of "E" and other mysteries/plot points such as queen jennah in general and our oath with the shinning blade being explored in post EoD content whenever cantha formally makes contact with kryta again Just spitballing some ideas: divinitys reach and kryta in general has so far been the "last bastion of humanity" in gw2 (excluding elona now out from under jokos rule very recently) and with the reintroduction of cantha as a presumably very powerful human nation that rivals if not outright surpasses krytas power and potential influence it could lead to some political turmoil if the leadership of these nations dont see eye to eye. If the commander returns to tyria on good terms with the canthan empire but the canthan empire and kryta come to some kind of conflict with each other it would put us as a person under oath with the shinning blade ,which is bound to protect krytan interests, in a very compromising position which i could definitely see as being a situation where "E" would see fit to personally confront us
  21. This is blatantly false though Kralkatorrik literally tells aurene in the last episode of season 4 that she is different and the first of her kind, he specifically says how her magics do not torment her and are in harmony within her unlike himself
  22. That we know of Its kinda unrealistic to believe that they had tabs on EVERY single afflicted in a place as large as cantha to be able to definitively say that every single one was killed
  23. Im willing to bet that new kaineng is gonna be a high tech city built upon the old slums One thing im predicting is for there to possibly be some "sealed off" parts of the old slums and sewer syatems of gw1 kaineng that will actually have afflicted still living in them all this time that we at some point interact with. I could imagine a "revitalization" effort having taken place at some point where they basically abandon the old city in parts that are really bad (perfect place for unculled afflicted to be hiding out in) and build on top of it and just forget about the ruins of the old city.
  24. This is one of those things where i feel like there is going to be a follow up on this plot point in the future but its probably not going to be until well after EoD. These episodes currently as they are just seem like a disjointed plot with no purpose, but i think they will be something that ages well post EoD when we start exploring plots outside of the elder dragons. Just a few things to note: Livia is revealed to us as a character, with the scepter of orr in her possession and is now doing "something" after the events of s3, this allows her being met again in a future story to be more natural and feel cohesive. We are now bound by an oath to the shining blade to protect kryta and their interests, this could potentially play out in a way were we are hunted down by the shinning blade for percieved betrayal because of some future plot point or perhaps our interest as the commander will conflict with the interests with the shinning blade which can lead to spicy drama. And this also allows the narrative to have the commander obligated to assist in some krytan matter that would not be something we as a potential outsider would be informed of or have a direct involvement in, which could lead into a grander plot as we discover more by helping the shinning blade. (Like secret mursaat stuff or isles of janthir related plots) Its easy to be pessimistic with this kind of mindset because anet currently doesn't have the best track record of resolving loose story threads, but i do believe these things have a purpose in the grand scheme of gw2s story
  25. Well obviously they probably aren't working on the actual construction of the content yet as in building the maps and all that past the very basic groundwork But i have no doubt they already have whatever the post EoD content is planned out pretty far, they likely have the story and locations all decided on, but i would imagine that they aren't yet in the stage where it is in any viewable let alone playable state. The team is probably all hands on deck polishing the EoD maps making sure they deliver on quality and quantity of content while a small handful of people are doing basic prep work on the follow up content like writing basic scripts and outlining the meta structures, rewards, and all that stuff. As soon as EoD launches im sure the devs will then switch over to prioritizing the next release while possibly diverting a handful of devs to work on side projects and QOL updates. Only anet truly knows though
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