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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Im predicting that after EoD the next place we will go in whatever is essentially lws6 is the dominion of winds They have made a bunch of new tengu assets for EoD and i would predict that after whatever happens in the expansion that the tengu would finally decide to leave the walls of the dominion with there no longer being elder dragons to worry about and contact with cantha being opened up again. As for what the actual plot will be, i have no idea, its very dependent on what happens during the EoD campaign. There is the possibility that maybe the commnder and company arrive in cantha mostly independently meaning that the events of EoD aren't actually a formal reunion of cantha and the rest of tyria, and after the EoD campaign is when the canthan empire decide to "introduce" themselves to the rest of the world, and this may or may not be a peaceful reunion and could potentially lead to an actual "world war" which is where the dominion tengu could come into play. Maybe while we are busy in cantha with the EoD campaign other political turmoil is happening in tyria that we come back to with the presence of the canthan empire which then complicates things further. Come to think of it, what have the consortium been up to all this time? Idk, so many possibilities, im excited to see what they do regardless
  2. They need to rework the rez/rally balance There becomes a point where rallying from downstate actually becomes a form of sustain in team fights. There are so many cheesy ways now to instantly rez a downstate player and regardless of their stats it will always bring them back up to 50% health. And actually cleaving down a player with direct damage is almost impossible if somone is attempting to rez them. You shouldn't be able to out heal the dps of a player while in downstate, it should be a fast % per second heal, but the actual health should be a lower number so that you cant just facetank a berserker build cleaving your dead body with just one person rezing you This can create a situation where you can have a really tanky bunker healing scourge that takes multiple people focusing to down, but then a teammate like another necro or ranger just instantly rallys them from downstate and suddenly that super tanky scourge is back at 50% hp and pumping barriers again, they basically went from being essentially dead to getting an instant 15k heal, and then by the time you get them back down again the process repeats itself Make downstate players take more damage, nerf the ability to rez teamates so quickly, and make rally only return you back at like 10-30% hp in pvp.
  3. One thing to note about the blue krait orb is that it is never explicitly stated to ward against elder dragon corruption specifically, but rather that anything in its presence could not be raised from the dead and turned into risen, which in turn made it a ward against zhaitans corruption specifically There is a possibility that the actual properties of the krait orb have nothing to do with dragon magic or corruption but rather that it has some kind of effect on souls/spirits in its presence which indirectly prevented zhaitan from using the dead bodies that are near the orb
  4. I was more thinking of the possibility that maybe after the EoD story if perhaps they don't have dragons around to fuel this dragon jade tech there may be some seeking to continue using this technology they have become dependent on and with there seeming to be an abundance of spirits/ghosts in cantha that they would then turn to using them to sustain the dragon jade tech
  5. I dont have any solid concrete evidence for this theory, just some fun speculation The main premise is that dragonjade tech is extremely similar if not identical in purpose/function to bloodstone and what the canthans have discovered, or rather i should say rediscovered, is the same technology/magic behind the ancient bloodstones They are both stone/crystals that can store and release magic and be used in components of magitech as a powersource. I can envision this connection being explored in cantha when it comes to exactly how the dragonjade is "fueled". We dont really have a ton of info yet on how exactly it works, which makes this speculation pretty flimsy but im assuming that the jade either contains the magic from the jade wind itself or the jade is being used to absorb the ambient dragon magic that has been being released when the elder dragons are dieing. Now the bloodstones themselves were filled with all kinds of magic from unknown sources, but one source of magic we do know that was contained in the bloodstones was essentially the "souls" of many sacrificed upon the bloodstone. Im speculating that the bloodstone could essentially store/siphon any kind of magic you put into it, but that the mursaat and white mantle were using the magic of living being's spirit or soul to fill the bloodstone which has a lot to do with the maddening/tormenting nature of bloodstone overexposure as we have experienced, because essentially the bloodstone was "tainted" by this "bad" ill gotten magic. On the shing jea teaser stream they talked about how the "new" form of ritualism was about concent and the mutual cooperation of spirits and that the old way was basically subjugating the spirits. They showed that there were some more "opportunistic" towards the spirits that sought to use the old methods to abuse the spirits and use them for their own means. What if there is a plotpoint in cantha about these "opportunistic" types rejecting the traditions of living in harmony with the spirits of the dead and instead seek to use them as fuel to power their new dragon jade tech? Basically a subplot of using dragon jade in a very similar way to how the mursaat and white mantle used bloodstone, using spirits as an alternate powersource. Thoughts?
  6. Interesting side note on the topic of "torment", dragons, and magic. I was watching some gw factions gameplay and i thought it was kind of interesting that the celestial dragon tahmu is supposed to represent atrocity, pain, and anquish. Most likely purely coincidental and doesn't have any meaning past the old canthan story and symbolism but its kinda strange that its specifically a dragon that is used to represent agony which could be synonymous with torment. I could see anet taking this little nugget of lore and possibly "expanding" on it to make it have a greater significance.
  7. Tldr: OP wanted more bag space and didn't do research into how to acquire more bag space in the most cost effective way, they perused achievements that award a recipe to craft cheap 32 slot bags, which are the largest bags in the game. OP then discovered that you could purchase additional bag slots for a character in the gem store (max 5) which would give the OP more inventory slots for the amount of gold spent than if they simply upgraded their current bags into 32 slot bags OP then got overly emotional because they spent more gold than they needed in order to simply increase their inventory space and is accusing anet of "scamming" players with this achievement because they blindly perused this luxury achievement without seeing if there was a more cost effective option available first. Its essentially the equivalent of buying the single biggest available harddrive on the market for your PC at a premium price because you needed more space only to find out afterwards you could have just bought another cheap 1 terabyte hard drive and connected it to one of the extra slots in your PC. After discovering this you then claim the store you bought the harddrive from scammed you rather than acknowledging that you simply made a personal mistake purchasing something you didn't need for your specific needs
  8. Theres just too many factors working in tandem that makes matchmaking terrible skill level of players on your team Skill level of players on enemy team Team composition Enemy team composition People swapping/ stacking builds before match Maps with vastly different objectives/mechanics that favor certain playstyles Bots with no game sense sprinkled into both teams randomly Afk/dcs Game throwing alt accounts Ect.... All this while not being able to play in premade groups which means you are always at the mercy of these RNG factors. Solo queueing is a diceroll almost every time on NA regardless of the time of day You can go on 10+ game winning streaks one day and then the next day get a 10+ game losing streak and then climb right back the following day with no real difference in your level of play. I've literally had a time where i had a string of terrible luck in matchmaking where i dropped from gold 3 to silver but then climbed back up to plat over the course of a few days during the same season, it wasn't because i was playing any better or worse during those games, it was just pure matchmaking RNG shenanigans creating a perfect storm of kitten one game after the next
  9. You're completely missing the entire point This topic is about how bad the quality of matches is for the majority of players (on NA) Sure a high plat player has no problem dealing with these noob stomper builds, but a high plat player isn't experiencing this bad matchmaking much in the first place that those builds are contributing to. Like i said, some of these noob stomper builds can be played BY noobs and be used to beat players that are better players than them purely by the nature of how powerful these builds are against other builds while requiring a fraction of the mechanical skill or game knowledge to play effectively, they might not be top tier players they are beating, but they are better. This creates a situation where until you can break out of the ELO hell of silver and gold you will constantly experience matches with extremely varied levels of skill between the players which makes for common one sided matches with no rhyme or reason. In NA legend rank is like 1 or 2 people despite it being an entire bracket as large as the previous tiers while bronze rank is pretty much exclusively people with rank decay and people that play very few games. This condensing of the brackets is not how it should be, people are not accurately being spread into their respective brackets, they are instead all being crammed together. Having builds that can be piloted by a player of bronze skill level that can consistently win against players much higher skilled then them, but maybe aren't quite top tier players is unhealthy for the competitive integrity of the game and is why matchmaking is so trash It doesn't matter if these builds aren't problematic at the highest level of play, its a problem for every other level of play which is inhibiting players from even getting to the point where they can play at the highest level because the experience of getting there is incredibly frustrating and often times not worth the time/effort in most players eyes More often than not an inexperienced player isn't going to "git gud" by playing against these builds, rather they will likely play one of these builds themselves and facetank everything on a flamethrower scrapper or MM necro with their dodge roll unbound and throw games from time to time because they dont understand things like rotations or playing the map objectives but their build will keep them comfortably in gold just zerging mid every game just by the random nature of the matchmaking, or they stop playing pvp altogether.
  10. One thing that would help is gutting all the "noob friendly" builds in the game These "noob friendly" builds are actually ironically UNFRIENDLY to noobs overall. The kind of builds im talking about are things like minion master necros, flamethrower scrapper, burn guardian, ect... These builds can be played by a low silver level player and literal bots and quite consistently beat much higher skilled players just by virtue of how hard these builds counter others with very little effort or mechanical skill needed. You can argue that these builds are good for noobs because it gives them something to play thats competitive while not being as skill intensive as other meta options but in reality all this does is create a large quantity of "noob killers" in the queue. These builds sometimes require a player to be MUCH more mechanically skilled and have the game sense and knowledge of an experienced player to be able to beat if you aren't running a direct counter build. So this creates an environment where really bad players both game sense and mechanics wise can get themselves into higher ranks by playing these builds but at the same time decent/mediocre players playing other roles/builds get beat by lesser players. Until you get to the top of the ladder you will be in an ELO hell that is a mash up of bad players, bots, and decent players all randomly distributed between both teams, a complete diceroll is you solo queue Nerf the low effort high reward builds, which in turn nerfs bots and makes noobs learn to play correctly.
  11. They really should have spread the classes in this beta out to other betas. Currently trying to get any meaningful testing from a spvp perspective on these new specs is almost impossible They released TWO pet focused specs and a spec thats all around supporting a team member all during the same beta, this means most games have 7+ pets running around and a support that probably synergies WAY better with other specs because supporting a class thats already kinda focused on supporting an AI doesn't get the most value out of the specters kit imo You cant tell whos pets are whos and wtf is going on, its pure chaos. This specific combination of specs only being available to test at the same time is making it really difficult to actually do that. Is it just me?
  12. This game really needs to allow full 5 man queues again. You cant reliably solo queue climb anymore with how the matchmaking is on NA these days which makes games for anyone thats not at the tippy top just a mashup of bad and good players distributed randomly, because the good players who dont care enough about rank to do cheesy off hour duo queing just resign themselves to high gold/low plat playing normaly and the really bad players get carried out of the trenches by the RNG of matchmaking automatically putting them in mid silver/low gold after a number of games even if they should be bronze cuz the bots will unironically carry them. So anyone not actively trying to carry games with the purpose of ranking up just sits in a giant ELO hell of frequent one sided matches You are 1/5 of a team, you cant always solo carry. trying to matchmake 10 people for a match when you are allowed to switch classes before the match and with bots thrown in the mix is just ridiculously futile You are forced to play "carry" roles to have any chance of reliably climbing which means certain roles are very unrewarding to play because your team can't be relied on to do their part while you do yours. And then you get matches where pretty much the entire lobby is playing "carry" builds so you end up with double necro double guardian vs double necro double guardian matches, over and over and over..... If you try to play any role that isn't "teamfight carry" you are literally rolling the dice on whether your team is gonna have their kitten together for you do do your job properly The tryhards will stack 5 mans and reliably climb rank and get matched with each other in legend/high plat, the casuals will eventually find where they belong and the brackets will actually mean something. In NA legend rank is usually like 1 or 2 people, while bronze rank is pretty much exclusively people with rank decay The top and bottom brackets shouldn't be barren while everyone is cramped into the same range, there is no spread. If you dont play on a full team you shouldn't expect to be legend rank, if you want to climb, you put in the effort and play a role on a team of similar skilled players. No need for a separate solo/team queue, you will get the rank equivalent to how much effort you put in into getting it, if you only solo queue, well then just accept your gonna be stuck at high gold/low plat unless you team up, its that simple
  13. Bro, it literally says it gives barrier in the trailer Why would they reuse the yellow barrier animation for a skill specific to this new spec thats all purple themed? You're just being a contrarian for no good reason
  14. Ive noticed that the trailer doesn't show the spector using any stealth abilities. With the comment in the beginning about thieves hiding in the shadows but spectors wielding the shadows it gives me the impression that maybe this spec doesn't get access to stealth but rather any stealth application fills up a new shadow resource that fuels the shadow shroud
  15. Interesting. With giving theif barrier it might allow this build to be kind of a tanky bruiser mage relying more so on barriers and blinds to mitigate incoming damage rather than evasion and stealth
  16. For the sake of random speculation i just had an idea of how a spec centered around robo arm augmentation and a pet mechanic can cohesively work together both thematically and mechanically It could be kind of a different spin on the soulbeast mechanic where you have a little jade tech robot as a pet that could replace your toolbelt skills and then you have the option to merge with the robot and it would attach to your arms which would then replace your 1-5 skills
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