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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Maybe Anet gets less salt posting to Twitter than here.
  2. What actually do you win, though? How can you spend gold to beat me in GW2? How do I lose GW2 by not spending gold?
  3. None taken. 🙂 It's all good. I guess that Anet is making enough money for their investors with the current model and maybe they have marketing data from wherever that suggests changing to a different model would be less profitable. /shrug
  4. Sorry, I disagree. Players that remain playing the game have a greater chance of spending money for gem store items which will bring in revenue over the player who has left with no guarantee of their return. Anet shouldn't make projections based on players that might return at some point in the future. ANet might also have better metrics on which accounts do continue playing for years at a time and which ones are idle. It may be that there are more active players over the years than you think. However, that's something that neither of us will know. 😉
  5. No, it is designed for players to continue playing, not leave for a period of time and return. Anet gains no revenue when players take time away from the game.
  6. 25 bucks is too much for a skin that is account bound and can be used with no restrictions in a game with no sub fees. Got it.
  7. This assumes that a problem exists. Seems like Anet doesn't believe there to be one. Which is the only opinion that really matters, to be fair.
  8. I would be very surprised if this function was available on these forums.
  9. Well, companies can compose tweets and schedule them to be posted at a later time/date. Can't do that on the forum. Not an excuse, but just one possible reason.
  10. What financial incentive is there for Anet to spend resources to do that?
  11. I'm fairly certain that the devs didn't create GW2 with this type of mining in mind. I would venture to say that they would prefer players to actually engage in the environment as opposed to parking alts for mat farming. Still, to swap tools through shared inventory slots wouldn't really take a lot of time out of your day. It would only add a couple more seconds.
  12. Yeah, and no one uses the search function either which, in this case, would have yielded the numerous threads on the topic that already exist with the same complaints.
  13. No, that wasn't my point. Point being why should everything be account bound? The OP request seems a bit silly to me when it is easy enough to move these tools using shared inventory slots, as described by at least one poster in this thread.
  14. Why not take this idea a step further. Why not make completing content account wide, too? That way, I need only use one character but all of the map unlocks, story unlocks, crafting and so on is automatically opened for all characters on my account.
  15. There is a thread conveniently stickied at the top of the forum for requests like there: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  16. There's an official reddit account? I didn't think anything was official on reddit. For anyone.
  17. @Tyncale.1629 stop making sensible suggestions! 😆 That's not how these forums work.
  18. Yes, core Tyria. And there is an achievement, but no title. I want a title. 🙂
  19. Well, Aurora isn't required to play the game or complete content, so you really don't need it. You might consider doing other things in the game that bring enjoyment.
  20. I still want a title for Giant Slayer, especially since I did it the hard way. 😞
  21. Fractals and Strikes have replaced dungeons. I'm not sure what is hoped to be accomplished here.
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