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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Well, technically necro-ing a thread is against the CoC. Duplicate threads often serve no purpose other than to echo each other making the same points when they could easily be made within the same thread. I'm all for discussion on practically any topic relevant to GW2 as long as posts actually add something to the discussion. "Me too" posts and duplicate threads don't. /shrug
  2. Yeah, we don't really need a poll on this topic that has been addressed in several threads already with the same request. Search function works!
  3. Technically, no, they're not the same thing however I would argue that the main driver behind people obtaining legendary gear is for the skin.
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/94794-outfit-shoulders/?do=findComment&comment=94793 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/29491-outfit-shoulder-toggle-please/?do=findComment&comment=29490 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/27195-can-we-have-an-honest-conversation-about-outfits/?do=findComment&comment=454545 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/55190-outfit-improvements/?do=findComment&comment=879263 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/299-hide-shoulders-on-outfits-option/?do=findComment&comment=463057
  5. Should each and every espec have top viability in each and every mode?
  6. So convenient that legendary gear is not required to play the game and complete content. It's optional.
  7. OP should change thread title to " Cost Prohibitive to Me"
  8. This is what the Devs don't want, which is why the flying mounts were designed in the manner that they were. They don't want players to be able to avoid all content on a map (although it could be argued that it is possible to do so with griffon/skyscale/beetle)
  9. You think that reddit posters would be more inclined to agree to the OP? Based on what?
  10. Yet another "I want the rewards without putting in the effort" thread. 🙄
  11. I've started ignoring the notifications for this reason.
  12. In that case, I would expect the laughing emoji to be used as a downvote.
  13. If one disagrees, and doesn't provide a post detailing why, then an emoji really isn't necessary in the first place as far as I'm concerned.
  14. So, let's spend valuable developer time in catering to each and every preference for cycling through mounts as opposed to players using the tools already provided (hot keys) and adapting their play style.
  15. Emphasis in quoted text is mine. So who decides what is fair and reasonable?
  16. There is a very useful QoL improvement thread already stickied just for these requests https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  17. I think it is more that some players think that other players are "cheating" or getting things for virtually free without working for them. Somehow, it is "unfair". I don't see that logic.
  18. Some people just want everything to be free in a game that is free to play.
  19. Again, expansion content is not pay to win. It's an update to the game. Either you choose to update or not. The argument was about P2W items in the gem store, which there aren't any.
  20. That's kinda the point. Any cost will be considered "too high" by someone, whether is it $2 or $25. In a model without a subscription, the company has to make a profit. Yes $25 is probably close to the cost of an expansion, but they can't churn out an expansion every month. Heck, to think of it, $25 for an expansion is a steal. Regardless, skins aren't required to play the game or complete content, so that $25 is completely optional. Additionally, Anet has given players a method to purchase items without ever paying RL cash for them with the gold to gem conversion. So, I ask, what price do you feel is appropriate that will ensure that the company can continue to profit?
  21. You're paying for expansion content. That's not pay to win. Again, tell me how not having these stats can cause me to lose GW2. Or, how having them can cause you to win GW2?
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